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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 24 minutes ago, soi3eddie said:

    With a external monitor, keyboard and mouse your laptop can be as good as any tower PC (unless you need ultimate power for gaming). I have used this setup for over 20 years now and it works perfect for me.  

    nearly the same here, estimating 15 years and its never going to change,

    its such a downgrade if either fail that i let the puter collect dust until i got the new spare

    • Thanks 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

     In the U.S., which failed to adopt any nationwide protective measures against CV, the annual death toll from the flu is typically 30,000 or so, heading up to 60,000 for really bad years.


    Thus far from CV, in just 6 months or so, there are 140,000+ dead in the U.S. and heading toward more than 220,000 according to projections. At least for the U.S., CV has been nothing comparable to a bad flu year.

    “Swine Flu”

    The  US Centre for Disease and Control Prevention  (CDC)  estimated that 150, 000 to 575,000 people died from (H1N1) pandemic virus infection in the first year of the outbreak.

    • 80% of the virus-related deaths were estimated to occur in those < 65 years of age.


    An analysis of countries and US states or major cities with at least 250 COVID-19 deaths as of 4th  April reports that individuals aged <65 accounts for less than 10% of all COVID-19 deaths.



    • Thanks 2
  3. 14 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Again, she is not on the 'sidewalk' as you call it.  

    again, she has one foot on the makeshift sidewalk,

    and the other foot on the line vehicles arent allowed onto,

    and the child is on the makeshift sidewalk altogether,

    she followed her protocol to the letter,

    while the driver otoh reversed on a one way street

    and then doubled down on reversing on the sidewalk too,

    for extra measure

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    yes, stationary in the road, not on the pavement. I find it very odd that many members on this post don't seem to understand that she was culpable. Of course the driver was inattentive and ignoring the rules (like that is unusual here), but if she had been more aware, as you must always be crossing any road, this would not have happened.  Actually of course, she wasn't crossing the road, she was standing stock still on it.  I still find that unbelievably stupid.   

    if you look closely, she was actually standing on the walk strip that traffic arent allowed onto 

    even if they travel in the allowed direction, she was apparently waiting for a gap

    in the allowed traffic from the right to cross the road,

    this is exactly what everyone would do

    thai roads.jpg

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The carelessness of the Mother (?) is also a significant factor in this accident - the child is the only one here without any fault.

    but you could also justifiably state that she focused on the most dangerous aspects here,

    she was focusing on the child that is inherently unpredictable, and she was focusing

    on the traffic flow that by all logic could only ever come from the right

  6. 3 minutes ago, pineapple01 said:

    Im from a different Generation. No Nanny State. I got hit by a Car twice because i was a dozey nit. Yer Mate drowned in a Rip, so was he by ignoring the warning signs. Now its blame every one but the  Adult Dick Head who stands on a Commercial Hi Way with an innocents life in their arms. How she gains any sympathy is beyond me. Unless Shes Mentally Retarded.

    she fully expected the traffic to adhere to the basic rules,

    one of which is to not drive in the opposite direction,

    the traffic becomes corrupt the second anyone break these basic premises,

    and then you have a situation where nothing is predictable in the slightest,

    complete anarchy.


    now you could say why, as someone that has lived here for 50 years would she ever take

    basic adherence of traffic law for granted? and that is a valid question,

    but fact is if he had adhere to traffic regulation she would have had zero reason to

    watch out for dangers coming from left

  7. 47 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

    But, I'll get vaccinated and won't willingly pass it on to others. This thread is about the selfishness of 1 in 6 Brits not willing to help mankind eliminate this disease. In Thailand it wont be an issue because Thais believe in doing the right thing for society. Foreigners who refuse without valid medical reason will be asked /told to leave IMO. So if you don't want a vaccination when available by a ticket home.

    elimination of a virus similar in severity as a flue isnt going to happen,

    live with it or die with it as per your immunity dictate

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    That data does not show herd immunity in any way, shape or form. Herd immunity occurs when a certain percentage of the population is no longer susceptible to infection. This is usually achieved by vaccination incidentally, not by natural means. The conjecture with CoVid-19 (which has not been proven) is that when a high enough percentage of the population has antibodies, herd immunity will have been reached. If that were true (and we don't know that it is) only data showing the percentage of the population with antibodies could demonstrate that.


    A graph of deaths does not show anything about antibody prevalence so cannot show whether herd immunity has been reached.

    we always had herd immunity, asians and europeans at least,

    but some individuals didnt make it

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

    Obviously your interpretation of the graph is wrong.

    U.S. reports more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a day for first time since early June


    The following day also had more than 1000 deaths.

    some states havnt gone through the steel bath yet, but NY & sweden has,

    worth researching is if there is any difference between white & black in USA,

    to see if 300 years worth of exposure equals that of 1000 years to build up immunity

    • Haha 1
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