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Posts posted by scammed

  1. 43 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

    Interesting fact about " the science" is the "scientists" have no answers for many things.


    “Listen to the science,” urged the young climate activist Greta Thunberg in the middle of the COVID crisis.
    Science, however, is not a neat set of infallible statements but an ongoing search for the truth.


    “The Science” has been all over the place in this crisis: how the virus spreads and doesn’t spread, the role of children (do they transmit the virus to others or not?), whether Sweden’s approach is a good idea (in April the head of the Health Emergencies Program of the World Health Organization praised Sweden’s avoidance of a lockdown as a “model”!), why some countries do so much better than others (the hysterics have ghoulishly rubbed their hands together in anticipation of a Japanese outbreak that never occurred), whether lockdowns even work (the numbers show pretty much no correlation between timing and severity of lockdowns on the one hand and the health outcomes on the other), and on and on.



    greta has divine powers, she can see co2 molecules and rna without electron microscope,

    who are we mere mortals to scrutinize her divine visions ?

    and who knows, maybe these divine powers that she revealed to possess is just the tip of the iceberg ? next she will finally define what time really is,

    she already indicated the gift of foresight, she can look into the future

    and conclude we are heading straight for gods punishment,

    yet, you come to her asking for weather forecast, how dare you ?

  2. On 7/24/2020 at 11:35 AM, ben2talk said:

    Amazing, the pickup was already reversing, the woman just steps out in the road without looking - and after getting hit, she grabs her child and runs in to the middle of the road with her back to any oncoming traffic.


    Crazy country.

    she got overrun when she was standing on the sidewalk, there was no refuge to be had

    thai roads.jpg

  3. 7 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    Sorry to hear you seem to be in such a bad condition. I've had a back injury which was excruciatingly painfull. I couldn't move even a centimeter on the bed. No turning around. But getting a drivers license was the last thing I thought about during those times.


    i cant walk far, so im desperately dependent on having a valid license,

    now i have to renew it and i dont know how i can stand waiting in dlt the entire day.

    to top it off its not just the pain that day, but the pain will tear through my body for months after the incident, and every time i go over the limit, its an irreversible

    permanent downgrade

  4. On 7/23/2020 at 2:24 PM, JimGant said:

    Because there may be a tourist influx to Thailand due to it's superior handling of the covid19 problem.

    as it happens, there is zero tourist influx  to thailand due to thailands shutdown and lockdown,

    bravo thailand

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    You don't know my reaction times so claiming either way on an online forum is simply ridicolous.


    Someone not seeing you does not equal you not seeing them. Sorry but I feel this argument is not going anywhere productive.


    Unfortunately the guy died, RIP. Too many end up like that and that's a sad fact.

    you think an oncoming trafficant cant cut your line with such timing that a crash is inevitable,

    you are wrong about that, and it dont matter if the trafficant do it on purpose or not


  6. 54 minutes ago, eisfeld said:

    I think it can very well matter in nearly all cases. Your reaction and reaction times can make the difference between life and death, literally. Also the way you ride can prevent you from getting into situations that are too full of uncontrolled risk. Say overtaking in a blind corner. Approachung a u-turn fast and close where you can't see the oncoming traffic because a truck blocks your view etc. But as I said, there are no guarantees.

    i dont think you have a better reaction time then me, literally,

    and im talking about driving slow following the flow in my line,

    all the delusions means nothing at all if someone cuts you off just like that,

    because they couldnt see your bike behind the car in front of you

    and didnt wait to see if it was clear

  7. starting point must be deciding if you want 2 door for longer bed 

    or 4 door for more passenger comfort, some of the 2 door with long bed cant even slide back

    and so are out if you are tall.

    expanding on this there is a warped fashion these days to make the back support

    curved as if you were suffering hump back or are really really short,

    price is not a good indication on comfort, the most uncomfortable i ever had to ride in 

    was a $1 million mercedes sport car, you really ought to test sit in them before they can be

    an option

  8. On 7/25/2020 at 6:34 PM, eisfeld said:

    A good rider is aware of his surroundings and knows what unknowns there are and takes those into his calculations and behaviour. That being said, there are no guarantees, you can just influence some factors in the equation but there is always randomness that'll work against you.


    It's a fine line between enabling joy and stiffling paranoia.

    sometimes, it matter not in the slightest how good you are when you are cut off just like that on a whim

  9. my solution for the past 15 years is a decent laptop (20k) with external

    monitor/mouse/keyboard/speaker system,

    it works just as well for as long as you dont play the most demanding games,

    and has all the ergonomics of a stationary setup, but is more flexible

    for a trip/move, and makes all the difference if you have to take it to the shop too,

    with the accompanying shoulder bag vs trying to carry a desktop while driving with one hand.

    just see to it it has hdmi & plenty of usb ports

  10. 2 hours ago, eisfeld said:

    It always amazes me how lazy people are. 18k THB and a whole day trip hahaha, I guess well deserved ????


    Guys you are in a one of the cheapest and easiest countries to get a driving license... it costs a few hundred baht and the tests are very simple. Spending a few hours at the DLT? Oh noes.


    As to the question about loaner bike: here in Phuket you can rent one from the DLT for the test. I think it cost 100 baht or some such.

    it has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with pain,

    i get anxiety of the sheer thought of leaving bed for more then an hour.

    chances are your injuries will catch up with you,

    and then you too, will fully understand that at the end of the day,

    the only thing that really count in life is pain

    • Haha 1
  11. i used an agent, but he drove to some dlt half way to bkk,

    it costed 18k and took the entire day because of the trip,

    it was faster once finally we arrived though.

    if i had known it was that far away and was going to take just as long,

    i would have saved myself the money and went to dlt pattaya myself.

    you can not ever stay home because they need a on place photo and do the eye & reaction test.

    its easy to hire a bike from someone, i think the dlt has bikes for rent too,

    i payed someone a few hundred to borrow a car to do the car test many years ago

    right next to the test track.

    the fact is it is not much of a deal to not have a license,

    i would probably take my chances and drive to dlt without license,

    if i knew i was going to have it on the trip back,

    the pain for me is the eternal time no matter how much i pay,

    and there is no way around it unfortunately

  12. On 7/24/2020 at 6:10 PM, graham67 said:

    Sorry to disappoint you quiet man

    I'm English living in holland and when possible thailand

    he was spot on on the comment that you are not missing out,

    lest you are freezing over there, this is a dead place now

  13. On 8/13/2019 at 9:23 PM, Leaver said:

    Seriously guys, is there no concern for the establishments you frequent?


    I know I have seen a few of my favorite places really struggling, to the point I would not be surprised to see their doors closed soon.


    A few of these are well established and nice places, that did have regular, and repeat clientele.


    Good food.  Pleasant staff.  Nice environment. Cold beer.  All the sport on.  I will miss them, if / when they close. 

    honestly no, i dont stick around if the view or cost of beer becomes noncompetitive,

    another place will sail up as my temporary favorite

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