Every country has bans on what speech they ban to keep society harmonious ...
American the country that has free speech written into their constitution bans the following free speech - incitement to imminent lawless action, true threats, obscenity, defamation... and many more sexual topics.
That's not free speech is it then?
They are deporting students for supporting Palestine. That's not free speech.
Thailand has many laws too on what they will not allow you to say.
Essentially what i am finding online is that there is element who clamour this argument for free speech in the UK and America, but what is translates to is, is that they want to be racist and they don't like it how they can't. Most of the free speech laws were not made by Starmer or the current government but years ago. They are designed to protect minorities from racist idiots who can target innocent people for no fault but of the colour of their skin.
You go to Germany and you can't say certain things around the Hollocaust. There are strong laws on anti semitism (rightly). Is that a ban on free speech ?
Why not just let live and love one another? Why you so hateful ?