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Pattaya Spotter

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Everything posted by Pattaya Spotter

  1. Yep as already mentioned a Whip Scorpion ???? Maybe better called a false scorpion as it doesn't have a stinger.
  2. It's been raining heavily for hours now (late Wednesday morning) so I would expect renewed flooding in low lying areas of the island. There have been reports the island's reservoirs may overflow (or need controlled releases) and heaven knows where that water goes.
  3. This is really unusual...going on almost 2 weeks now. Nothing like the tropical downpours of 30 minutes and then sunny ???? I'm lucky to be on a high point so all the water runs downhill like water off a ducks back ????
  4. Wednesday morning...continued torrential rains over night and continuing through the morning in southern Phuket. No let up in sight.
  5. Pretty hard to get a pro-Trump verdict from a jury pool that votes 80 percent for the Democrat Party. https://www.bestplaces.net/voting/city/virginia/alexandria
  6. I guess men who batter someone and drive a Porsches are easier to find and apprehend than those who kill someone and drive Ferraris ????
  7. How is it done now...people just dump money into the machines without identifying which account to credit In the old days, someone could deposit an envelope with a deposit slip in it with the account to credit without identifying who made the drop.
  8. At least where I am, southern Phuket (Chalong/Rawai) again torrential rain this afternoon (Tuesday)...off and on since morning. Forecast I've seen shows at least 2-3 more days at least.
  9. Tuesday afternoon and renewed torrential rain in Chalong ????
  10. There are heavy rains every year during monsoon season but this year is unusual in its intensity and duration.
  11. Heavy intermittent showers Tuesday morning...will this rain ever stop!
  12. I would tend to agree...demonizing the party you will eventually have to sit down with to work out a peace settlement is not very useful.
  13. So here is the official diagnosis and repair cost estimate for my braking problem. 1. The power brake master cylinder needs to be replaced (#1 on diagram). They say this is the source of air in the brake lines. The entire unit needs to be replaced...it cannot be repaired or rebuilt with parts. 2. The brake fluid reservoir unit is replaced. Total cost 20,000 baht and 1-2 week wait for the parts. They recommend I leave the car while I decide whether to have the work done (I agree). Does thus sound reasonable ...obviously there is a problem but is replacement of the entire units, as opposed to repair, necessary? Some background ...about a year ago my air-con in the car wasn't working (no cooling) and this dealer dx'ed a new condenser unit was necessary at a cost of about 40k. I took it to a local car air-con shop and they diagnosed the same problem but repaired it for about 10k (and it's been fine since). I guess most dealers would rather just replace entire units than fix broken parts (easier and more profitable). Should I get a second opinion? This is a 9 year old car and the first major brake issue...maybe it's just worn out and replacement is the proper repair?
  14. Thanks that explains it. Sickening ????
  15. Good you left out the part about the ex-wife...she would have probably denied entry on the basis of being a serial monogamist ????????????
  16. I haven't been following the details of this case, other than the initial media reports, but one question I have is why wasn't there any effective resistance by adults at the day care center? Were they all killed with the first shots. I believe the gunman used his service firearm, which would have had a standard capacity magazine(7-9 rounds). To kill 36 people, he would have had to reload many times (at least 2-4x) when he was effectively disarmed. Throw desks, chairs, phones, whatever!
  17. Thank you for the detailed reply. I will definitely use the suggestions to test the system. Thanks for all the replies...seems to be a few possibilities. It's time for an oil change so I will take it to the dealer and add the brake check to the check list.
  18. Rear drums I believe...and I generally don't use the parking brake when parking. Recently I did move to a new place on an inclined street and have started to use it and this issue arose within a couple weeks????
  19. I'm not too mechanically inclined and have received good care care advice here before...really just wanted to know if it was a minor or major problem so when I do take it in for a fix I'm not sold some expensive unnecessary procedure. My driveway is on an incline and the first time I noticed it I actually did have to slam on the parking brake or I would have rolled out into the street ????
  20. A stain on the Thai body politic ever since I first moved to Thailand over 20 years ago.
  21. Recently it's been that I've noticed my brakes don't seem to engage, or do so only lightly, when I first start up my car. I have to pump the brake pedal a couple times before I get any real braking action. It seems like I have to "prime" the system to get it to work. It then works fine until the next time I start up the car. I've had a look a the brake fluid reservoir and it's full. What else could be causing this problem?
  22. I don't think the US Treasury accepts durian and pineapple as payment.
  23. I would venture to guess that most people consider Singapore a very civilized country...and certainly much safer (civilized?) than all your supposed "civilized" Western and other countries that have banned capital punishment. Drug trafficking is a singularly pernicious crime, with widespread societal harms, which the wise leaders of Singapore recognize, and a strong deterrent is needed.
  24. You'd rather wait 30 minutes to an hour with the plebs to pass immigration rather than answer a fee simple questions...seems rather odd. And maybe thus is something new, I've used the Fast Track lanes many times and never been asked any questions. I'll test it again in November when I return from the State's in SQ Biz.
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