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Pattaya Spotter

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Everything posted by Pattaya Spotter

  1. Haven't Governor Newsome, and his predecessor Jerry Brown, done nothing but drone on for years about California being in a historic drought due to "climate change." Which is it...epic drought due to climate change or deadly storms and flooding?
  2. No...the Chinese and Indians must try harder; almost all Western and advanced Asian countries are already "green."
  3. The elected branches of government...generally the legislative body.
  4. That's the point of my post...nothing all the woke virtue signaling liberals have done to ruin California's energy grid and transportation system over two decades has slowed "climate change" even a second. But they can drown in the winter and burn in the summer in their good feelings.
  5. I was incorrect and the proposed law requires only a simple majority to overturn a ruling, unless it's unanimous, then it can't be overturned. Which branch is supreme varies by custom and the founding documents in different countries. In the US, the federal courts are a creation of Congress, and thus inferior to it. Congress also sets the funding and the jurisdictional limits of the courts. I don't know who it is in Isreal.
  6. I was wrong, apparently the initial reporting I read did say a simple majority to overturn a Supreme Court decision but I just misread or misremembered it. (See first article below.) However, the latest proposals apparently states that if the court’s decision is unanimous, it cannot be over-ridden by Parliament. Which seems like a reasonable compromise. (See second article below.) The new justice minister, Mr. Levin, confirmed he would pursue his longstanding goal of limiting the Supreme Court’s ability to countermand laws made in Parliament...Mr. Levin has proposed legislation that would allow a simple majority of lawmakers to override the court’s decisions. In Israel, a Hard-Right Agenda Gains Steam https://nyti.ms/3QyFyFo Under the plan, a simple majority of lawmakers could override almost any revocation of parliamentary legislation by the Supreme Court, which can currently block laws on constitutional grounds. The court would only be able to prevent itself from being overruled by Parliament if all of its 15 judges unanimously agreed about the need to block a law. Netanyahu Surges Ahead With Judicial Overhaul, Prompting Fury in Israel https://nyti.ms/3W5rDb0
  7. His own admission...is that proof enough for you?
  8. Over 9M people in Isreal...apparently this disgruntled lot is a tiny minority.
  9. Strange all the state's woke climate policies, plethora of "green energy" initiatives, and war on the fossil fuel industry the past two decades hasn't ended "climate change." I guess they'll just have to try harder!
  10. So your definition of "inadvertent mishandling" includes keeping them in multiple insecure locations for years on end? Don't think even the late Jonnie Cochran could get a jury to buy that whopper.
  11. It's their fault for starting so late.
  12. My understanding is the proposed legislation requires a super majority to overturn a Supreme Court ruling...not just a simple one.
  13. The crime is not "willfully" keeping the documents...it's having them in the first place (even if he locked the garage door)!
  14. 900 million (minus 1 percent or so) will have natural immunity to future infections...rather late to the party after 3 years of national sturm und drang but finally following the Western world and letting Covid rip.
  15. Israel's is a parliamentary system where "separation of power" isn't such a thing; in most such systems parliament (i.e. the people) are supreme. And the proposal as I understand it is the court is free to make its decision, which could only be over ridden by a vote of the Knesset. Why should unelected judges be able to thwart the will of the people?
  16. You can't make this stuff up! On Thursday...Biden was asked...about the second set of classified documents found in his possession. "I'm gonna get a chance to speak on all of this...by the way my corvette's in a locked garage, okay? "But people know I take classified documents and classified materials seriously." https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-defends-storing-classified-documents-garage-locked-1773372
  17. Maybe it is the choice of flag...ANTIFA, BLM, Palestinian nationalist, or Cuban flags would probably be okay.
  18. The Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. administration alledges that classified documents were kept at MAL and that's all it is...an allegation; and in fact no criminal complaint has been filed formally making these allegations. Contrast this with Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and his administration admitting to criminal conduct in keeping classified government documents in two separate locations (but the garage door was locked). I will keep to the facts and refer to the "classified" MAL documents as "allegedly" found whereas the Biden residence and "unthink tank" classified documents were found.
  19. Not called "Tricky Joe" for nothing...he works hard to earn it every day. West Wing staffers, officials across the Biden administration and Democratic Party officials...expressed frustration to CBS News with how the White House has explained to the general public the discovery of documents with classified markings at President Biden's former office and his home in Delaware. Those who spoke to CBS News...believe the decision not to disclose the discovery of the documents sooner undercuts the president's precious vows of transparency and professional management of the government. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-documents-classified-white-house-response-democrats/
  20. The distinction is because President Trump disputes the allegations of classified documents being kept at his MAL residence and is challenging the Justice Department allegations of same; while Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., and his administration, has admitted the same.
  21. No evidence is necessary...it's his Justice Department and Attorney General and he sicked them on a political rival and likely 2024 presidential challenger.
  22. The statue is violated at a single one page document...so Trump and Biden face the same legal liability.
  23. You, or one of your compatriots, seem to be drawing a distinction between the number or volume of classified documents allegedly found at MAL and those found at the Biden residence and "unthink tank." My point is that the number is irrelevant...it can be a single one page document or boxes of documents and the statue is violated.
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