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Pattaya Spotter

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Everything posted by Pattaya Spotter

  1. I can recommend EK First Class between Thailand and Europe...at least on the A380 the suites are sweet and the bathroom/spa is the bomb. The entire floor First Class Lounge in Dubai is killer too.
  2. I bet if the driver and her friends were all under 35, they would have escaped unharmed.
  3. Maybe he should have stuck with Brighton ????
  4. Too much common sense for some travelers...they'd rather save the $10 fare difference and chance it.
  5. Agree...people pay peanuts and expect caviar.
  6. But then you'd have to pay 10 pounds more!
  7. His flight contract/booking is with Last Minute not Scoot; so Scoot has no dog in this fight.
  8. Cars with huge low-lying batteries should be ideal in a flood prone country like Thailand. And can Thailand's electrical grid even handle a large number of EVs ????
  9. Glad I've passed on all the Covid discounts on Bangkok condos the past 2 years.
  10. Filipinas often get off-loaded in Manila...and get hassled trying to enter Thailand - they can't catch a break ????????????
  11. American made formula for Chinese babies is a bad thing? ????
  12. Everything always came to a glorious end whenever I visited one of his soapy "massage" parlors.
  13. I usually buy whatever is on sale. Like I said, the food adulteration market generally targets large institutional users who purchase in bulk quantities like restaurants and food product manufacturers. It is generally too expensive for them to package and sell their products in small sized quantities in retail channels...like selling their fake olive oil in pretty green glass bottles. Most stores also have quality control checks in place because reports of selling fake or adulterated food would be a PR nightmare. I'm currently enjoying this bottle of Filippo Berlin EVOO that I purchased at Villa Market here in Phuket. Bertolli and Fragata are other brands I often on buy.
  14. Healthy food sometimes costs a bit more...but think how much you save on medical bills - strokes and heart attacks aren't cheap ????
  15. If you stick with the major Italian and Spanish brands sold in stores you're getting what it says on the label...the oil adulteration stuff occurs in the bulk oil market...the stuff sold to restaurants and other large users. It's not the 250 ml, 500ml, and 1 litre bottles.
  16. Exactly...only needed 3 days for a visa run; and some shopping and eating. I was just surprised the visa-free entry period was so long.
  17. Has the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine ever been imported to Thailand, and if so, where is it available?
  18. I seem to recall getting 90 day stamps when I traveled to Singapore with my American passport.
  19. James Comey and Christopher Wrey have already done so...just trying to clean-up their mess.
  20. When the GOP takes control of Congress in November they need to conduct and branch and root investigation of the Democrat Party partisans working at all levels of the FBI...and cut 50% of this rogue agency's budget. That way they will be forced to focus on real crimes and not political persecutions of real Americans.
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