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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. The more you restrict something, often the more people want to do it. Especially with things like alcohol. They walk around, see people having fun, drinking, laughing, going to bars but nope, you're not allowed to have that fun says the big hand of the govern... coup.... whatever's in charge at that time.

    Not unlike the Catholic schoolgirl who is never taught anything about sex, by the time she leaves that school she becomes a raving party animal in college.

    The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

  2. .........P.S.: Does anyone know the exact number of sergeants (of all levels) in the army, and the numer of Lt. Col. + Col. + Maj. Gen. + Gen. + Lt. Gen. (including the ones in 'unactive posts'), I wonder what Thailand has the most of (no, in fact I don't)...

    Not sure about numbers, but I have observed this:

    Most seem to be a Private E-Nothing as they wear no rank.

    From there, I've seen a precious few wearing what would be Staff Sgt. rank (E-6).

    Next I've seen a few, VERY few Captains & Majors.

    Then I've seen an over abundance of Lt. Colonels, and only a handful of full colonels & only met a couple generals in person.

    It seems that half the force are either Lt. Colonels or buck privates.

  3. Once upon a time I used to measure stupidity in 2 or 3 degrees of stupid. Stupid, really stupid and totally stupid. Now I live in Thailand I measure stupidity in minutes and degrees!

    I think that should be leaps & bounds as opposed to minutes & degrees.

    I have worked with the Thai Army, Air Force & Marines. If the Navy is anything like them...LOOK OUT!

    Their ground equipment is pathetic. "No money for this year budget" is something I've heard for nigh on 2 decades.

    Pathetic tools, no records of maintenance, no scheduled maintenance, nobody can read the Tech manuals (try explaining a "Usable On Code" clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif to them).

    I would feel safer jumping off the Empire State building with King Kong chasing me, into a nest of venomous snakes than I would getting on a Thai submarine.

    I was asked to inspect a couple dozen Army trucks slated to be sent to Sudan as part of a UN mission in 2010. They were 20 years old and leaking from everywhere a 20 year old truck will leak.

    The brake calipers were the worst. The master cylinders looked like they had peanut butter in them & they were pissing brake fluid out the calipers.

    I wrote up a huge long report and 100% RED-FLAGGED about a third of them as being UNSAFE. On some of them the steering linkage was about to fall apart.

    What did they do? Painted them UN white, put new tires & upholstery on/in them & shipped them to Sudan. Nothing else.

    I know my report made it to the one-star general officer level, as I sat in his office as it was reviewed.

    I have to say the RTMC in Sattahip are some good guys though, always a pleasure to work with them, as they have a really good Warrant Officer that takes maintenance seriously.

    We did a "Test Drive" of a "new" power plant/engine a couple years ago. Korat-Loei-Mai Sai-Kanchanaburi-Korat. It took a week.

    We had not gone 5 miles & they ran out of fuel....It had a brand new fuel Gage & fuel tank sending unit and we had removed & thoroughly cleaned the fuel tank, plus it had a brand new fuel filter. They just forgot to put fuel in it....Couldn't figure out who was going to pay for it I guess.

    • Like 1
  4. Jesus.

    I was not aware of this particular hazard.

    A couple of years ago I got stung by one of these nasty hornets in my garden. I was unaware that they had made a nest in a large ball bush and I caught the end of a ladder that ai was carrying on the bush and a couple of them came after me. the sting was incredibly painful and lasted for a few days. I thought that I had got over it, but about 5 days later my ankle was virtually paralysed and this lasted for about 7 weeks. The doctor that I saw said that the venom somehow remains in your system and that it is reputed that if you get stung more than 3 times in you life by these nasty hornets then it can kill you, particularly if you have a weak immune system, so the young and old are very vulnerable. A few weeks after I got stung I remember reading about two local Thai's who were attempting to 'smoking out' a hornets nest in a tree (they were after the grubs) and they dislodged the nest and the hornets attacked them. One of the men died within 15 minutes and the other was in intensive care for a very long time and took some 9 months to recover.

    We VERY VERY careful of these hornets they are lethal, as is proved by the very sad death of the mother elephant. Just imagine, that there sting can penetrate the hide of an elephant, so our skin is easy peasy for them.

    I don't like killing things unnecessarily, but I had no compunction in setting fire to this particular nest, which I did after sunset when all the hornets had returned.

    This isn't very scientific, but it absolutely works for me as an instant first-aid method for bee & wasp stings.

    Get a cigarette or cigar immediately and chew it into a poultice and put it on the sting. It draws the venom out and the pain stops almost immediately.

    Only effective if done in the first few minutes after a sting though & I've never tried it on these big Asian buggers.

    My old uncle used to chew tobacco & slapped some wet tobacco on a sting I got once when I was a kid and I've been a believer in it ever since.

  5. My 28yo son is half Thai/Australian, he has never looked anything like his Mum, except maybe he gets a hell of a suntan. In Oz people don't believe him when he points his Mum out. A few years ago at a local Thai Wat in Sydney I saw a Thai/farung boy who was pure blonde. I could not believe it. Just the way the genes tumble I guess.

    First farange Thai cross can be only black haired. To be blonde Thai parent must have farange genes.

    My daughter is half Thai. I'm 100% Caucasian with brown hair (grayer by the day) and she had curly blonde hair her first 4 years. It's turning brown though.

    She does get a hell of a suntan.

    Anyhow that lady (the Briton) is supposed to be 100% Thai. She doesn't look even 10% Thai to me.

  6. The procedure was free at the amphur office.

    Wife suggested I tip the lady so I gave her 300 baht.

    SINCE then...I'd be better off with 7 short time girlfriends 7 days a week, financially.

    While the above is true, I wouldn't trade her for anything. Been married 13 years. (14 years with her overall), I got LUCKY!

    She's 40, almost 41 & still looks like she's 27 and still treats me like gold (as that's what I am - in more ways than one) to her.

    I'm Goldfinger, Goldmember, The Man With the Golden Gun, The Golden Goose etc... & a nice guy to her as well.

    • Like 2
  7. Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

    Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.


    NOT condoning any stupid drunk, but, Imagine, if you will.

    I just paid XXX $$$$ to get chauffeured across the globe with 9,997 regulations.

    Took me 3 hours to get to the airport.

    3 hours to get sat down, followed by a 3 hour flight, followed by a 14 hour flight, followed by a 6 hour flight (Orlando-Chicago-Tokyo-BKK).

    I normally get sauced & there is nothing better than sleeping for 12 hours straight when possible during said nightmare of a journey, where 8:00 AM turns into 8:00 PM (12 hour time difference from Thailand to EST).

    Then again, I'm a mellow guy, not some maniac.

  8. I think should able to speak English, Chinese and Russia will be advantage for tourist to ask direction or communicate when in need.

    Makes sense, but I doubt they'll do it........Not that they CAN"T do it, I just doubt they'll ever put out the effort.

    I respect their language & speak it somewhat basically (the tones I will never get).

    Imagine conscripted police as they suggested recently. It's like sticking a Kansas farm boy in the ghettos of Miami.

    At least the pathetic Boys in Brown won't be running a temperature of 110 F in those solar panel, STUPID leotard brown uniforms.

  9. Un-FREAKING-Believable!!!!!!!!

    They FINALLY came out with a police uniform that looks like it might, just, MAYBE, be a bit more comfortable than that ridiculous brown uniform!

    I know I'd probably sit around like a slug in the shade all day if I had to wear a solar panel uniform all day in Pattaya heat.

    This new uniform could be a HUGE plus!!!!!!! The Boys in Orange & White (BOW) cannot help but be better than the BIB.

    Certainly can't be any worse.

    • Like 1
  10. Seriously.....What is up with all these flying people in Thailand?......

    They go splat apparently.

    Really, that bridge has become a magnet for folks without a parachute some reason.

    There really does seem to be an attraction for jumpers in Pattaya.

    Usually they do a Peter-Pan out of a condo.

    I lived in Pattaya 7 years & it never crossed my mind.

    Chocking the s&%t out of some drivers often crosses my mind, but I just go chill out when that happens.....Soi's 6 & LK Metro are great places to do that, as is the Tahitian Queen. I'm usually home before dark, as I'm scared to drive at night sober, much less after quaffing 3 or 4 beers.....I have abandoned my truck & took a taxi more than once.

    I give my keys away to somebody when I hit beer #4.


    Compare jumper reports to Chiang Mai, Phuket, London. Madrid, New York, or Dubai.

    Strange that Pattaya has so many reported incidents of jumpers.

  11. This will just lead to people breeding rats to sell lol. This is as useful as our plan to pay the villagers for tips on roadside bombs. So then they started making them and then reporting them to us for payment lol.

    I just heard about something similar happening in the USA about PS4's.

    Some company offered a "beat their price coupon" on them.

    A plethora of people set up Amazon pages with a lower price & damned near made them go broke.

    I forget the company names involved.


    A bounty on worthless soi-dogs.....I shall say no more on that subject, aside from the fact that I love my dog.

    I just don't love everybody else's dog, and and I wish every dog had a loving owner.

    Some don't though, an if euthanasia is the Final Solution, well...

    Really, think about it.......a country SWARMING with stray dogs that too damned lazy to catch rats???

    Who am I to argue with Ali G about euthanasia?

  12. The video sells the dream.

    Unfortunately reality can be somewhat different.

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Tapatalk

    I could not agree with you more.

    I could not sell a life jacket to a drowning man in person, yet I can sell 10 out of 100 to a targeted audience via video.

    Sell the dream.

    Worry about reality later.

    I don't sell BS. I write copy & my most recent effort is converting at 9.5% to a targeted audience.

    Difference is, my copy. in my niche (nothing to do with Thailand), uses "how to avoid" as the primary BENEFIT, which is what my sales is/are all about.

    What's in it for me? AVOIDING PAIN in my niche is top of the list.


    The actor's magical experience focuses on a perfect experience.

    Here's a commercial for them to consider...focusing on benefits & reality...the reality part is cool.

    0700 wake up.

    0705 shag gal from goo-goo's gogo bar twice.

    0730 give her the boot.

    0800 luxury limo takes you to the golf course for 0830 tee time

    0930 bar cart serves you & your Mate a couple ice cold Grolsch

    1400 hours, 6 Grolsch & a score of 155 on the course, you take the limo back to the Dusit Thani in N. Pattaya (can you tell I've been there & done that by now?)

    Large lunch, followed by a dip in the pool to clear the cobwebs, followed by a Singha or two.

    Back to the room, take a nap.

    1830 your buddy is bugging the tar out of you to go back out & eat again, followed by a complete trawl of the strip from Soi 2 to Walking Street, where you meet yet another goo-goo girl and.....it's a vicious cycle.

    Far closer to reality in the tourist areas though, whether one flops at the Dusit or some cheap Charlie hotel.

    My very first Pattaya hotel room was in the Montien Beach Resort. Ahhh.. FOND memories indeed.

    • Like 1
  13. When he said he had no money in the video, it was ok, because a seasoned bargirl would know he had to wait a few days and he would be able to get money wired. Hooker with a heart of gold indeed.

    I have a soft spot for those.

    Sorry. I stand corrected. I couldn't watch it that far as I wanted to puke 30 seconds into it.

    The clown said he had no money??????

    THAT MY FRIEND makes this entire bit of propaganda 1,000% BS.

    Why do I waist my time saying nice things when???

    Nevermind. It's TAT BS 110%.

  14. Obvious it was staged from the quality of the production ??????????

    And the over smulshiness of the whole sentiment

    Thats how advertising works, and millions of gullible suckers fall for it!

    I totally agree with you.

    It does not portray the "other" side, such as:

    • What a ladyboy is & how to spot them (for the vast majority of males that are heterosexual)...Hey I figured it out by buying one a drink on Boracay once in 1999.
    • Pickpocket ladyboys on baht buses
    • Taxi scams
    • Tuktuk scams
    • Motorcyclists driving like maniacs
    • ZERO parking most any and everywhere you go
    • Police collecting tea money for imaginary offenses
    • How any physical altercation (always STUPID) will wind up w/ 8 Thai guys ganging up on said farang "fighter"
    • Why one needs to constantly look right, left, up, down, behind you and keep an eye on the uneven pavement all at once when crossing the road or just walking on the sidewalk/footpath
    • Bag snatchers when you look like you have something worth stealing
    • Shall I go on?

    It's not a 100% BS video. It's just not the entire story us grizzled veterans of Thailand know.

    It's just a convoluted way of presenting the truth in the light they want to portray their portion of the story in.

    Honestly, is the smartest thing I've ever seen TAT come up with, which ain't saying much.

  15. I saw the stupid body paint, stupid unkempt hair, no razor in forever....OBVIOUSLY staged & I wanted to barf, BUT...

    Not to say Thai folks aren't friendly to idiots like this guy "acts" to be. Thinking back, aside from the hair, lack of razor & body paint... I was once helped by friendly locals when I was in a helpless state.


    I passed out drunk as a skunk on the beach on Koh Larn around 2001 at night & was helped.....woke up covered in sand somewhere "else" above the high tide line = somebody drug my stupid ass up above the high tide line

    I made some great Thai beach-bed vendor friends out there as well over the years, but this video is, well.......staged but yet TRUE? In my experience it is.

    For sure if you go to Koh Larn, look for the older house in the middle of Haad Samae Beach & ask where Mr. Song is, or if its "his" section of the beach.

    Song speak excellent English and is as honest as they get. SUPER nice guy.

    He inherited that section of the beach from his uncle (Mr. Paam) who has since passed on.

    Mr. Paam got shut down in 2006 or so....BIB mafia wanted tea money he didn't have.

    The place was ZERO developed back then, and was PERFECT aside from the soi dogs. Along came the government, for better or worse.

    Anyhow, they wouldn't allow Mr. Paam to rent beach chairs or umbrellas or sell beer or food.

    The whole beach was alive yet he was shut down.

    I walked by & his wife started yelling my name, so I went over to say hello. They were DESTITUTE. Mrs. Paam had (of course) a 1 year old grandson they were struggling to feed. They DID NOT beg! Did not ask me for anything. Just explained in their broken English & my broken Thai what was going on.

    I had about 9,500 baht with me & gave them 8,000 baht. I gave it to Mrs. Paam (who has also passed on) so Mr. Paam wouldn't drink it all. Nice guy but he was in a state of severe depression with no light at the end of the tunnel & smelled like a distillery that day.

    Not saying my 8,000 baht solved all their problems, but Mrs. Paam told my wife she had no idea how she was going to buy milk for the kid when I stumbled in with 8,000 baht.

    I would normally drop 1,000 baht or so on food & drinks at Mr. Paam's beach.

    The next 10 or 12 times I visited & tried to pay my check-bin, Mr. Paam would say "Check-bin? You no hab check-bin here". = He paid me back when I had no expectation of ever being paid back.

    I'm from the USA & aside from admiring soccer players ability to run for 4 hours non-stop, don't particularly watch soccer or American football for that matter, but I spent the night at his house & watch Thailand VS. Germany one night. It was quite the crowd & I was made most welcome & this was ages before my act of charity.

    I took Mr. Paam home & he had dinner & stayed at my house in Banglamung once.

    Don't get me started on how nice the locals are in Isaan. They're always super cool.

    Much like the bulk of anti-[insert your country name here] is directed at governments, most American, Brits, Autralians, Kiwi's Spanish, Brazilians, Thai's (even Russians) are nice folks once you get to know them.

    Having said all that, I know where the dregs of society live in Orlando & Chicago & Jacksonville & Los Angeles, and Pattaya and Panama City, Panama, Buenos Aires and Bangkok.

    I still have ZERO sympathy for corrupt cops & incompetent government policy (USA included - at the top of my list).

    Errrr. the "Mai pen Rai" attitude is BS as well when it come to doing something correctly (construction for example) drives me nuts.

    Back on topic though, your average Thai citizen is just a nice person at heart, much like 99% of population Earth.

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  16. This was back in early 2010 & I moved back to Thailand (Pattaya) & they had 3BB signs up every 10 feet it seemed like with a 4 digit number to call.

    I called and called and called. No answer.

    Finally got TOT & had to bribe them 200 baht so I wouldn't have to wait 2 weeks to get connected. Sheesh!

  17. One year multiple entry - also allows me to open a Thai bank account. Advertised ont this site. Actaul price is $499 plus $200 so actaully $699. I would like an answer to the question regardless...I have not purchased it yet I guess I have muddied the water as everyone is focusing on the expensive fee when really all I needed to know is whether they do a criminal background check for a one year Visa..that should have been the extent of the question..thanks for the feedback all the ame guys.

    Don't worry about it. I have a few misdemeanors & they never asked.

    I suppose one could have a felony record & it wouldn't matter, as they never asked.

    Even if they did ask your run-ins with the law happened almost 15 years ago.

  18. 200 baht ... What a joke !

    Should fine these nasty street walkers 2,000 baht for first offense and 10,000 baht for second. That will solve the beach road problem. However they will just move their hunting grounds. I guess it is just hopeless for Pattaya and the entire country

    It's the world's oldest profession.

    It's been "illegal" forever

    It's a victim-less "crime" (some will argue about forced prostitution), but selling poon-tang has been around since the invention of currency.

    Documenting the working girls to make finding the criminals that drug & rob (these are NOT victim-less crimes), sounds like all they can do.

    If they TOTALLY ERADICATED every single Thai girl and lady boy from ever venturing out alone on Beach Road they'd all move to 2nd Road.

    Again, I'm no fan of the BBIB, but looks like documenting them is better than turning Pattaya into some Sharia State & putting all women in Burkas.

    Errr, which doesn't work either.

    I was in the Crowne Plaza in Abu Dhabi one night, partying on Jack Daniels with a couple friends in his suite & one of them had ordered hookers over the phone.

    3 Iranian girls showed up wearing abaya's (black dress covered head to toe) & not much else underneath once they got to the room.

    Fighting hookerdom anywhere is like passing a law telling the wind it can't blow (pun intended).

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