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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I had 5 - 6 Thais (it varied) assigned to me on a project to rebuild some 20 year old Army trucks.

    I INSISTED that we get an air compressor, a 1/2 inch drive impact wrench, 3 air hoses and 2 each 3/8ths drive air ratchets.

    I was met with blank stares.

    Finally got all that after 3 weeks, and the workers would have a 3/8ths drive air ratchet laying at his feet, hooked to an air hose, but would use the manual ratchet instead, which he was constantly losing and looking for...

    They wanted to use a lug wrench for the tires instead of an impact wrench.

    It took me 7 months before they ever got anywhere near proficient (should have seen me trying to explain what a Torque wrench is & QUIT! It clicked! QUIT TURNING THAT BOLT!!!). I guess they just thought the click noise was due to the tool being junk.

    I had an English translator. He tried & tried, all to no avail.

    I tried to set up a factory-type environment.....They just did what they wanted to no matter what.

    They lost 100,000 THB worth of tools, could NOT keep any of them organized, built useless engine stands (I had shown them pictures of what they needed).

    The entire operation was conducted in a flooded junk yard, replete with vicious dogs, trucks JAMMED in together like you were parking at Foodland = no room to work on them.

    I had a hole for a latrine & had to brave the dogs with a large stick to get to it.

    I'm probably one of the top 10 or 20 experts in the world on these trucks (RTA owns 1,500 of them, RTMC about 100, RTAF about 30), but I'd rather flip burgers at McDonald's than work with Thais again.

  2. this whole taxi thing is BS. went to mariah carey show at impact arena. after show tried to get a taxi to mo chit bts. was told 600baht. where are the people who are supposed to moniter these theives. nothing will ever change with the taxis other then them getting worse, as no one cares, only the people who get graft. when there is a show like that some one should be there to moniter the taxis and there B.S. there were police and military all over, but no one paid attention to these theives(TAXI'S).

    I agree, in that they shouldn't "Regulate" taxi fares if they aren't going to regulate them.

    Still, you're looking at a bit of a haul from Muang Thong Thani Impact to Mo Chit BTS.

    Probably 350 or 400 THB by the meter.

    While I'm all for a $18.75 USD/ 12.5 Quid taxi ride (600 THB) as being a decent deal (would cost $50 -$60 USD in the USA) for that distance, they should make it an official rate if that's what they intend to charge.

    I hate it when they say one thing, then do another......Except certain venues on Patpong, Nana, etc... Where "illegal" activities flourish.


    Live with it I suppose, or go nuts trying to figure out the local "Logic".


    I seldom hear folk refer to Thailand as the "Land of Smiles" anymore. Now it's called "Thainess". It's fairly apt. Say one thing, do another.

    Just go with the flow. Taxi's are cheap as chips in Thailand as compared to the USA...I'm sure they ain't cheap in the UK nor Europe either.

    It's all relative, mostly to one's mind-set.

  3. Ronny & the Iron Lady made a great team back in their day.

    Years ago (like 40 - when I was a kid), a family friend went home drunk, as he was oft wont to do...

    His wife was known to get quite physical on such occasions, so he tossed his hat in the door first.

    She knew the trick though & waited for him, and knocked him out cold with a large wrench to the back of his head when he stuck his head thru the door.

    I was only about 8 years old at the time, but recall seeing the stitches on the back of his head clap2.gif

    Better than getting a part of one's anatomy fed to ducks though I suppose.

    • Like 1
  4. Here's a grand suggestion to help taxi drivers get a decent tip.

    It's like an OVEN outside & they (understandably) are in an AC cab all day. Passengers are NOT.

    Wear a jacket & keep the inside of the taxi around 25C instead of 32C when it's 33C outside???

    Put a sign in 5 languages saying the driver appreciates tips for keeping it comfortable inside as BKK is quite warm.

    The Skytrain is usually about 23C inside & feels like HEAVEN!

    I don't want to ride around in a 33C taxi back seat with the AC on low.


    For the most part BKK taxi's are decent enough though.

    I gave it a go (driving a taxi) once in Orlando about 30 years ago. I lasted all of one day. It's a tough job, though I've no sympathy for scammers.

    3000 THB to town from Swampy is a SCAM! Live & learn though.

    Should've seen my STUPID ass at a bar in Athens once. I had a $350 USD tab in about 45 minutes. Damned lady-drinks were $85 USD EACH!

  5. ChrisB87, in Asian culture many oldest sons live with their parents once married or their parents live with them & it's the oldest sons job to take care of them . No trickery just culture

    My Thai brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband) did/does this.

    Wifey is always telling me how her sister's Mother-in-law is driving her nuts!

    I forget who said it, but "Give me liberty or give me death" seems appropriate when it comes to living with in-laws.

  6. First checked in to the Dynasty Inn Soi Nana.

    I was TERRIFIED of the jumble of wires on the poles.

    Still am.

    Driving on the left (I'm American), & STUNNING women everywhere who all thought I was a hansum man.

    How a young, fit Thai girl can eat like a horse, yet stay slim & pretty.

    The first time I ever heard a cutie say "Khap Khun Kaa" when feeding her room service at 3:00 AM in the Dynasty Inn.

    Singha, Mittweida & Carlsberg beer.

    A 3 wheeled BKK tuk-tuk (I hate them for the noise now).

    Ass-washers (best thing since canned beer & sliced bread).

  7. Only fools let themselves end up in the soft-prison of the in-law ordeal.

    Farang's with their heads on right don't allow it to happen, but their partners may insist and basically hen-peck their husbands into complying.


    Depends on the inlaws and the size of the house.

    thumbsup.gif I've had more than one carnal thought about my sister-in-law. Just thoughts mind you.

    Good thing she lives in a different house! clap2.gif

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for the reply, Chwooly. However, I purchased a pastrami on rye there yesterday and, although it was good, it didn't look anything like that, so I'm sure that the photo on their menu isn't pastrami on rye. Unfortunately I'm an innocent Englishman and ignorant on American delicacies, so does anyone else have an idea? The photo looks delicious and I'd like to try. regards.

    Never saw pulled pork with mustard.

    The 2 links are of pictures of Pastrami on Rye from other websites.

    I stand by my original statement, That is what a pastrami on rye should look like.



    As I stated, that is probably a very bad image of their pulled pork sandwich. If I had a recent picture of their pulled pork sandwich, I would post it here. Their pulled pork is one of their best sandwiches. Back to the image: It looks like somebody ordered a pulled pork with melted American cheese. They make sandwiches to order (the customer is always right). Believe it or not, mustard-based vinegar sauces are used on pulled pork in several southern States of the USA, but not in Texas where the sauce is tomato based. Maybe try the place and make up your mind based on what is put on the plate in front of you. If you want pulled pork and do not want a mustard-based vinegar sauce (or melted cheese), tell them beforehand.

    Before some <deleted> chimes in on "pulled pork" here, it is a tradition from New York to Argentina, to cook pork so tender, that it can be "pulled" apart with a couple forks, as opposed to slicing it.

    Usually made from the pork collar meat (aka Boston Butt).

    It can be smoked, baked or done in a slow-cooker pot.

    Any which way is pretty tasty. I just cooked one last night in the oven.

    Glad to hear about this place in Jomtien. MMMMMMM....Pastrami...

    I once tried a grilled ham & cheese at the restaurant in Villa supermarket. How someone can make a BAD grilled ham & cheese is beyond me, aside from burning it.

    It was inedible though. Finding a good sandwich shop around Pattaya is a true gem.

  9. Is there even a 100 metre stretch of sidewalk in Pattaya that isn't obstructed? This is like a joke to say that the police, TAT and Pattaya's mayor are concerned.

    Power poles, street vendors, abandoned telephone and their concrete bases and broken sidewalks on are on every street.

    Pattaya is probably one of worst places, if not the worst in any tourist destination for handicapped people.

    Needs of handicapped people in Thailand are almost completely ignored.

    Well said.

    I'm not handicapped but grew up with a grandmother that was, so I was packing a wheelchair into the trunk of my mom's car from the day I was old enough to lift it and grew up around a wheelchair.

    Got my ass beat a few time for playing with Granny's wheelchair tongue.png

    The stairs and doorjambs can be negotiated if you have a young healthy kid as muscle (me).

    I honestly feel like I'd be better off negotiating Pattaya sidewalks with a pogo stick as opposed to walking!

    I can't imagine trying it in a wheelchair.

  10. I can't tell who the criminal is. It would help if they could point st him.

    Yeah! I'm totally confused as nobody is pointing.

    They probably told them to point at the criminal and they all pointed at each other with both hands....

    Photographer said "err...Forget it".

  11. ThB 1,000? This was a Thai guy, did he have a tab running with the girl? Anyway telling police you use the knife (why mention it was 12", the size doesn't matter) for "killing pigs" might be viewed as a threat.

    Killing pigs...LOVE IT! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Now, now, now. The guy wasn't visiting Lolita's in Pattaya nor Classroom on Cowboy.

    I don't know diddly about Phuket haunts though, so maybe they are comparable?

  12. Good , the guy was a a hole in the first degree and stuffed my company for xxx,xxx thb.

    Hope he rots

    Edit ,

    A few bottle of JW on the way from me to immigration.

    Get rid of all these guys not here legally , haven't met a good one yet

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Has anybody heard about that scum-bag Raoul the "boat builder" in Pattaya recently?

    Sorry to hear you got scammed N47HAN.

    If this guy was like Raoul he doesn't deserve a Danish jail, at least not until he spends a year or so in a Thai jail.

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  13. Kuwait is Muslim a good Muslim what is he doing 1.00 a.m in pub as Muslim not allow to drink alcohol and prostitution

    They do have "a" (as in singular) Christian church in Kuwait City.

    There's a Mosque every 2 blocks.

    A gas (petrol) station every 20 miles. I once stopped at the gas station across from the Schwaiba refinery and they were out of gas..... Kuwait was kind of a cool place to live & work though.

    Black market for booze in Kuwait is HUGE. Johnny Walker out the wazoo there.

    For sure the Kuwaiti paid through the yin-yang to see any justice. His pockets were deeper than the bar owner's.

  14. Why is weed illegal?

    Ban pine trees & mango trees and rice and wheat.

    God invented weed. Man made it illegal.

    Who do you trust? God or man?

    Kinda stupid to be a "Rasta-Dude" slinging weed across the street from the police station though.

    I used to partake quite often, but can take it or leave it..... Need to call my 18 year old nephew & see what he has laying around. This article make me want a puff or two.

  15. Just an unofficial poll, but how many folks prefer ear-splitting music played till the wee hours of the morning, as opposed to a resort where they play easy listening at sane levels, in a romantic setting, on a clean beach, where there are sufficient (non-corrupt) police...say 1 honest policeman for every 100 tourists?

    A place where there are no drug addicts nor pushers, no corrupt underpaid police, and one can feel safe, get a decent night's sleep, and have a good time like that?

    NO I DO NOT WANT a Nanny State, just something resembling sanity.

    TAT want's "Quality Tourists", yet the local BiB have allowed these nonsense drug parties for decades.

    What's your vote?

    Insane, or...


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  16. Violators may face execution or a life sentence or serve a lighter sentence of 5 to 10 years in prison, if damages done were not too severe. In addition, such offenders are also guilty of violating Section 232 of the Criminal Code and that alone carries a sentence of 6 to 7 years in prison and a fine up to 1,000 to 14,000 baht.

    Seems VERY reasonable.

    In the US if you point a laser and interfere with the operation of an aircraft, it is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a quarter of a million dollars fine. I imagine if it brought down the plane killing people then you would received a life sentence or possibly the death penalty.

    Just curious, & not saying it isn't dangerous, but how does a laser affect an aircraft?

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