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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. The removal steps are similar to another post http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/771885-rogue-malware-coupondownloader-firmly-enterenched-on-all-my-browsers/

    Read this: Remove Trovi from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer

    You can get one of the programs described in the procedures as follows:

    AdwCleaner (Free) from http://www.bleepingc...oad/adwcleaner/

    Malwarebytes free from https://www.malwarebytes.org/

    HitmanPro from http://www.surfright.nl/en/hitmanpro This is a trial version, unlimited scanning but only able to remove for 30 days.


    I tried the AdwCleaner & it didn't work.

    HitmanPro however, did the trick!

  2. I was under the believe that Proper DNA tests take a fair time to process and should be done in Forensic Laboratory.....all this rushed testing is crap and the pommy cops should insist on a proper forensic test, not just some local thai hospital.....

    http://intrensic.blogspot.com/2009/06/why-does-dna-testing-take-so-long.html ..confirms this....thumbsup.gif

    This is the 21st Century. In many labs all ower the world, DNA test results are available within a few hours, if using the most advanced methods: http://www.angliadna.co.uk/Express-DNA-Testing

    Surely you can't be serious? Using 21st Century in reference to Thailand???


    Don't call me Shirley.


    • Like 1
  3. I recall years ago, (I may have been mis-led) that one could say the same word 5 times in a row, in different tones, & it meant "The Brown Chicken Doesn't Crow on Fridays"...or something like that.

    I was trying to explain learning Thai vs Spanish to somebody & that thought came to mind.

  4. I will say again....for about the 5th or 6th time, police can kick in the doors of a bar & demand everybody piss in a bottle to test for drugs. I'm no forensic expert, but I'd wager there is lots of DNA in a urine sample.

    They should have kicked in this guy's door & said there were reports of drug use in his apartment & made him pee in a bottle.

    That's not very honest, but under what precedent do they raid bars & force people to give urine samples?

    WHY oh WHY, has it taken weeks upon weeks to get DNA from this guy?

    What's to say the cops didn't swab the inside of an elephant's mouth and swap that out for Nomsad Worat Numbnut's DNA?

    Anybody who has ever had any dealing with the BiB knows they can be bought.

  5. I always find it interesting that here in Thailand the prosecutor can appeal an innocent verdict and the three who were found innocent might well be able to be tried again.

    Very different than the west.

    The state of Florida took me to court once. The district court ruled to drop the case & the district attorney appealed it to the next higher level.... Where they lost again.

    And, it wasn't a murder charge either. Cost me an arm & a leg for my lawyer, but it was worth it.

    In the US if you are acquitted at a jury trial, the state cannot appeal.

    My case never went to trial though.

  6. Since this is an opinionated story, I thought I would give my opinion too.
    I think every country has it's fair share of problems. Look at the USA. OMG! What a violent country that is. Shootings in schools, drugs being legalized, gangs, rapes, crime, riots, free for all media and the glorification of the American warrior and that way of life are some of my concerns for the "leader of the free world." Its not the country I grew up in or spent 20 years defending. I don't even want to get into what I think of the American democratic process or how public opinion is controlled by the media such as Fox News and CNN. American's do love this type of society. If they didn't, they would change. They thrive on it so much they want the rest of the world to be just like them.
    So Mr. Hasan Basar, be careful what you wish for because you may not like what you get. Remember, no country is perfect and they all have to find their own way.

    While I agree with what you say about the USA (Untied States of Aremia.....Did my 20 in the Army too), Mr. Basar does make some valid points.

    Basic law enforcement is almost non-existent in Thailand if some thug has 50,000 baht to bribe himself out of a petty crime. No matter that that 50K is profits from crime.

    The Thai cops just want to line their pockets.

    I shudder at the thought of trying to bribe a cop on the street in the USA or UK or Australia.

    In Thailand, it's part of everyday life and is not only accepted, it is EXPECTED.

    I really have no solutions to offer, other than a better education system and a few more generations that get to take advantage of it.

    I doubt I'll see it in my lifetime.

    • Like 2
  7. I've just read a brief statement in the other Thai English language newspaper that the KT Headman has now agreed to have his son DNA tested. The reason stated was that he wished to quell the social media speculation about his son's guilt/innocence.

    A bit late in the day me thinks. I wonder who will test, verify, cross check etc. Even if there is no match, the speculation is unlikely to subside due to the extent of other questionable submissions eg CCTV.

    Yeah. I agree.

    It must've taken him this long to come up with the $$$$ baht to bribe this into action as far as getting it "right" with someone else's DNA.

    To bad they can't just napalm the whole island & start over.

    Honestly, how hard can it be to collect DNA? Follow the suspect & pick up a soda can or cigarette butt he discards.

    Force him to take a drug test! They do that on the side of the flippin' road for Chrissake!

    If the Bungling Boys in Brown cared at all they'd have had his DNA weeks ago.

    • Like 1
  8. It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

    Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

    British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

    French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

    Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

    Just what we think.

    Best regards,

    As there was no comment in your post about Greeks, I assume they are perfectthumbsup.gif

    I think they've probably just never heard of them.

    thumbsup.gif Years ago I knew a young-ish Brit fellow & he'd tell all the bar-girls he was from Greenland biggrin.png .

    They'd never heard of that place! So, yeah, Greece is probably the same to them.

  9. They dont like to hear the plain truth!

    And/or read it.

    what truths would you be referring to?

    Wow, you opened Pandora's box there.

    There's waaaaaaaaaaay too many stray dogs in Thailand.

    There's waaaaaaaaay too many people standing around scratching their ass at Tesco/Big C etc that barely even know where the front door is, much less how to help a customer.

    Soap dispenser in restaurants are supposed to have SOAP in them.

    Rinsing your arse with your hand and a slop bucket is disgusting.

    Motorcycle helmets are a good idea.

    Riding around traffic with 4 people on your motorcycle is a bad (mad) idea.

    The beach in Pattaya is sh!t because nobody cares.


    I could go on for ages.........

  10. I got them for the Thai mother in law, They bolt on to the wall, they can be taken down and the holes filled, There is one in the front, and one in the back that open from the inside, If there ever was a fire they can get out , you can paint then to blend in with the house colours. OK they may not look good to some , but you can safely sleep at night and not worry and when your out in the day. each to there own though. and they do not cost a great deal.

    Methinks those bars are a false sense of security.

    A decent crowbar/pry bar or 2 X 4 board & a little willpower and those things pop right out unless they are installed with heavy wing style anchors that expand behind a hollow block..

    If some local installs them, they'll most likely have plastic anchors like those used for hanging pictures.

    Best option is to try and find a "decent" neighborhood, don't look like you have anything worth stealing, and don't keep a set schedule as to when somebody is at home or away.

    Keep a lamp on at night with a fan blowing on something that will move and cause shadows to flicker around.....or install an alarm that's loud as hell.

    Mostly don't be a soft target though.

  11. Let it go to trial ... they have lots of lawyers and groups looking out for them

    Do you believe that two young Myanmese migrant workers and/or their parents are well versed in issues such as DNA matching and what it means?

    A smart lawyer does not even have to address the results of a DNA test.

    They only have to cast doubt over security or contamination of the samples and that bit of "evidence" counts for nought.

    Yeah, in the real world, most of the time, but TIT, where some thug with a gun & badge can just look at you and smile and say, "But I said it, so it's true".

    • Like 1
  12. So "Thainess" still rules out that my Thai son can command a Royal Thai Air force plane!

    Hmm, well don't be surprised that if he has dual nationality he won't be able to serve in the forces at all, and that most Government jobs may be out too. This applies in most countries as it's all about not having two allegiances.

    I was fortunate because my parents were wise to this and didn't get other nationalities for me and left it for me choose. When the crunch question came and I wanted a specialised job, I was in the clear. I've not taken up the additional nationalities although I could still do so and could have multiple passports. Now I'm retired I keep on thinking of changing nationality but every time I look into what's attracted me, the grass isn't as green on the other side of the fence.

    Nationality is a complex, sharp and double edged sword. There are disadvantages as well as benefits.

    Except in the USA (barf).... Kenyan father & American Mammy = Akaonekana Rais (that's Swahili for the President).

    Yeah.......... I'm American.

    You should have seen the grilling I got once from a CIA C^nt when I was trying to get a base installation pass in Kuwait years ago. (I was born in Orlando).

    Have a Filipina Ex & a Thai wife & had been to CHINA [gasp]! And Algeria & 40 some odd other stamps in my passport.

    Why were you in ______? All mostly for work.

    I REALLY wanted say "To smoke dope" when she got to Holland, & say "To look at topless babes on the beach & visit brothels" when she got to Spain, but just said I was passing thru.

    Next she asked me (not making this up), "Are you a terrorist or have you ever participated in any terrorist activities?"


    "Do you consume, or you know anybody that consumes alcohol in Kuwait?"


    I'm surprised my nose didn't jump 3 feet straight forward on the booze question.

    I got pulled to the side at Heathrow once by a very polite cop wearing a vest & gun & such, and after a 20 minute Q&A he let me be on my way. It's impossible to look more Caucasian and harmless than I look.

    How STUPID can governments be? Thai, US, UK, Kuwait.....doesn't matter. I have no use for them.

    Sorry. Rant over.

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