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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. I normally don't have a lot of positive feelings, thoughts, expressions, nor opinions of the Bungling Boys in Brown, but this does kinda make sense.

    IF, big IF, they use that 200 baht to print out all the photos & put them in a mug-shot book, AND associate that info with the girls'/ladyboys' ID card info for use the next time a victim comes in, it might help in two ways.

    #1 - Victim may be able to point out perpetrator.

    #2 - Might make potential perpetrators think twice before committing crimes.

    I know, I know. I'm being optimistic, but one can always hope eh?

    Anyhow none of it applies to me, as I do not partake of Beach Road other than the occasional drive down there every few months.

    • Like 2
  2. Anything that can be hit by meteors etc can hold organic life just like earth.

    They bring water that is trapped in salt crystals tiny droplets at a time. These combine to form bodies of water that absorb into certain strata I believe which contain amino acids. the building blocks of life.

    It is absurd and quite arrogant for some people to disbelieve that there is other life out there.

    The universe and even our solar system is absolutely teaming with life.

    I agree. Has to be life out there somewhere besides just Earth.

    I recall hearing/seeing a documentary 25 or so years ago saying that the earth loses around 12,000 gallons of water a day via the atmosphere in to space, but not to worry, as it is constantly being replenished by shooting stars & such.

    I thought that was pretty cool. There's a constant exchange & interaction going on with us & the great beyond.

    And yeah, what you say about amino acids makes a lot of sense as well.

  3. Looks like Coco the clown.............. But I do like that shirt !!

    My thoughts exactly. Looks like a permanent clown.......But I like the shirt.


    Reminds me of reading about a guy that got arrested some years ago in Dubai for having cannabis resin in the treads of his shoe. In the picture the "suspect" was a black guy with dreadlocks wearing a Bob Marley shirt.

  4. Several years back an acquaintance was involved with unpacking/processing some newly arrived helicopters at Don Muang.

    They needed all the shrink wrap removed, blades installed, tail gears set up & connected to the drive shaft etc...

    That tail gear is set up at a 45 degree angle to the drive shaft gear & runs in an oil bath.

    The local mechanics were checking the oil temperature.....Had make sure everything back there was 45 degrees ya know.

    • Like 2
  5. "This is not the first time that law-breaking vendors have protested at excessive extortion by officials. In July 2011 vendors from Kata and Karon complained they were being unfairly targeted for raids, and in 2011 Patong pirate goods vendoes also held a protest at Kathu Police Station after many were raided despite paying bribes to be left alone."

    I mean, like, HUH??? This is worse than the pot calling the kettle black.

  6. I was a NEW newbie (first trip) in 1999.

    Had a bar girl I had brought from Tilac Bar on Soi Cowboy with me.....Woof! Can you say NEWBIE?

    Kept her for a week at that! (Stupid!)

    Rented a jetski for 700 baht. Luckily for me the scam had not yet formed in their minds at that point of their evolution.

    <image removed>

    To the OP, be careful TiT, you can get sued for slander.

    clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif Anybody from/in Thailand that wants to sue me is welcome to do so in the fine state of Georgia, USA.

    Anyhow, I'm pretty sure slander is about spreading lies, not opinions nor facts.

    • Like 1
  7. I was a NEW newbie (first trip) in 1999.

    Had a bar girl I had brought from Tilac Bar on Soi Cowboy with me.....Woof! Can you say NEWBIE?

    Kept her for a week at that! (Stupid!)

    Rented a jetski for 700 baht. Luckily for me the scam had not yet formed in their minds at that point of their evolution.

    <image removed>

    Do I know you?? Was her name Lee??

    Don't think so Brother. Her name was Ging.

    I came back in 2001 (to live) & bumped into her again at G-Spot in Nana Plaza.

    She immediately hit me up for 500 baht on sight (Thai girls have amazing memories). She was quite the money-grubber. I told her to take a hike.

  8. I'd look at the province of Labuan in Malaysia.

    I've heard they have some nice business incentives there.

    http://malaysiabizadvisory.com/advantages-registering-malaysia-labuan-company/ though I doubt I'd use that company/website to form anything.

    Their command of English is poor & they use the word "hub" crazy.gif .

    That was just a quick Google search.

    I've heard great things about company formation there from other sources though.

    The internet is great for an overall idea of research, but you never know till you put boots on the ground.

    As somebody else mentioned, go speak to several law firms with your BS detector on its highest setting.

  9. I was a NEW newbie (first trip) in 1999.

    Had a bar girl I had brought from Tilac Bar on Soi Cowboy with me.....Woof! Can you say NEWBIE?

    Kept her for a week at that! (Stupid!)

    Rented a jetski for 700 baht. Luckily for me the scam had not yet formed in their minds at that point of their evolution.

    <image removed>

    What was the point of this post?

    That 15 years ago I was new & naive, the internet/information age was still a twinkle in Al Gore's eye, I had a blast on my first trip to Pattaya, rented a jet ski and did not get scammed.

    I can only guess they had not dreamed up this scam back then or I just got lucky.

    It's called nostalgia. That was the point of my post.

    • Like 1
  10. I was a NEW newbie (first trip) in 1999.

    Had a bar girl I had brought from Tilac Bar on Soi Cowboy with me.....Woof! Can you say NEWBIE?

    Kept her for a week at that! (Stupid!)

    Rented a jetski for 700 baht. Luckily for me the scam had not yet formed in their minds at that point of their evolution.

    <image removed>

    • Like 1
  11. Never in my wildest DREAMS would I consider changing the name my parents gave me.

    Is jaywalker your christian name or surname? biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

    Yep, sure is! Same as your Christian name is Chairman of the Board.

    It's actually jaywalker ibn bin ali jawalker abu jaywalker...Begat from Issac, who was begat from.... clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    My Username here depicts me trying to cross 2nd road in Pattaya. My avatar represents how I have to get prior to doing so. biggrin.png

    Usually Soi LK Metro does that for me.

    • Like 1
  12. Thailand immediately grows on you.

    Fantastic place for a vacation as long as you don't rent a jet ski.

    After a few years the noise levels got on my nerves....This is speaking of Pattaya & BKK.

    Motorcycles, street vendors, soi dogs, neighbors's yapping mutts.

    Driving changes from a novelty into a nightmare.

    Try to do business & see brown envelopes passed around to get anything done.

    Try to get construction done & some toothless retard with hopeless tools shows up.

    Vendors set themselves up EVERYWHERE.

    There's ALWAYS something sitting 1 foot/.3 meters off Sukhumvit Rd from Chang Mai to Trat.

    Trucks/lorries are WAY overloaded & WAY under powered = you are passing/overtaking them every half a mile on your way to Isaan.

    Bars pad bills - Fact.

    Thai's always win in Thailand.

    Cops make up reasons to extract 200 - 500 baht from you.

    Those are clear glasses.


    First arrival & rose colored glasses....

    DROP-Dead gorgeous women everywhere.

    DROP-Dead gorgeous women everywhere.

    DROP-Dead gorgeous women everywhere.

    DROP-Dead gorgeous women everywhere.

  13. The clip shows the policeman kicking the guy unconscious while he was sat down with his hands handcuffed behind his back.

    Guess he annoyed the cops by resisting arrest and one of them kicked him @ 1:57 seconds as payback.


    But, but, but.......the handcuffed suspect made him lose Face because it made him DO HIS JOB.

    So sad to have to actually DO something like a policeman.

    Please do not criticize the RTP. It might make them "Feel Sad" (reference comments about Koh Tao).


    Back to reality, doesn't matter if it was a USA, UK, Dutch, French, German or Thai cop, there's no excuse for abusing your power as a law enforcement officer.

    Transferred to an inactive post... In Thailand that means what? 95% of them are as active as a cube of melting ice anyhow.

    • Like 1
  14. If gambling wasn't illegal in Thailand, I'd take odds on how long it takes vendors to occupy the new bike lanes.

    Wouldn't need the damned things if the sidewalks were clear! It's already (to my knowledge) legal to ride a 110cc scooter on the sidewalk as they are considered a bicycle.


    Ever wake up real early for a toilet run, then go back to sleep for another hour? That's when I have the STRANGEST (and coolest) dreams.... Seems like the Powers That Be live in a perpetual state of blissful dreams and false promises.

  15. Talk about junk bonds..... These are the junkiest I've ever heard of.

    No worries, they'll just print more useless paper to cover them, same as Uncle Sam has been doing for years.

    I recently read an article where Beethoven & Mozart (the Beetles of their day) were paid 4,000 Italian florins per year way back when = $150,000 USD today, but paid in GOLD COINS.

    Imagine if they had been paid in Italian Lira or Euros (or USD paper dollars).

    What would that paper buy them 200 years later as opposed to gold coins?

  16. OK, here we go......

    I know all about Pattaya. It's a FUN, FUN, FUN place to visit, but after living there a few years, errr.... I was no longer a visitor & getting a bit jaded.

    It seemed like every expat I met was either on a tight pension or on a tight budget job they were working (usually illegally), or the owner of some bar that sat & drank beer all day on some noisy soi, or..... I don't know.

    I lived in Kuwait for 6 years & everybody I knew there were expats with a 6 figure USD salary (myself included).

    Aside from the horrible weather, it was a nice place to live, considering.

    While I certainly understand that no place on Earth is like Pattaya, I was considering a move to Penang, maybe in 6 months time or so.

    I've been to KL many times but never Penang.

    Just curious how others might view Penang in the following regards, as compared to Pattaya.

    #1 - Traffic jams & sane-ness of drivers (especially motorcyclists).

    #2 - Peace & quiet (ie: some clown drives by on a tricycle every day BLARING out in Thai that he's looking for scrap/junk).

    #2.1 Peace & quiet (ie neighbor has a yapping poodle & feeds soi dogs right outside her gate & poodle yaps 24/7).

    #3 - Soi dogs/stray dogs - Can I count 50 of them within a 5 minute drive of my house?

    #4 - Cleanliness of the beaches

    #5 - Access to shopping (ie: Tesco/Big C/Makro equivalents).

    #6 - Parking (do they try to take up EVERY SQUARE MILLIMETER of parking space)..I mean every time I park somewhere in Pattaya I'm 2 inches away from the car next to me.

    Thanks for any input. I know, I know, I need to get myself down there & see, but figured I'd ask here.

    BTW..... Girly bars are always an added plus, but not a prerequisite.

    Oh YEAH!!!!! What's your take on the expats there? Are they:

    A happy lot? Jaded bums? So low on money they only go out once a month? Are 75% of them former Special Forces (full of bull)?

    One of the main reasons I ask, is because, it seems EVERYBODY AND THEIR BROTHER seems to have the opinion of other expats in Pattaya that everyone is either right next to broke, or a sucker ready for the taking, making it difficult to find decent friends that aren't terribly suspicious of everything (yet those same folks will happily drink YOUR beer at your house).

    Just wondering if Penang is a place with real people & not the broke/BS types?

    I specifically ask about Penang, as I prefer to live near the coast & it's close to Thailand (wife is Thai - married 13 years).

    Thanks for any insights!

  17. "The railway operator became a state enterprise in 1951"

    Therein, My Dear Watson, lies the problem. Kinda like AMTRAK (guv'ment backed) in the USA operates at a loss every year, just like the US Postal System. Last time I tried an AMTRAK ride Orlando - Savannah, it was 5 hours late.

    A privately owned operator would probably run it at a profit, hence being able to upgrade & maintain the system.

    Compare the USPS with FedEx, UPS & DHL....They don't lose money every year. If they did, they would've gone the way of the dodo bird years ago.

    • Like 1
  18. I'd walk up & yammer away at him in English, get the blank look, then ask him in (in my basic Thai) why he's looking at me all the time.

    Make sure there are a few people around & make him look stupid(er) & he'll likely run the next time you show up.

    AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! It's that guy that made me look stupid!

    Then again he may be learning English & wants to yap with you a bit to practice. If so encourage him. Lord knows lots of them need that.

  19. It's almost as if it's best to give them nothing and treat them like sh!t. Just a like Thai boss will.

    Yes. Thai Boss had to pay so many bribes to the upper echelons, he had precious little to pay his workers (me included).

    He actually apologized to me once, saying "It cost him 'So Much' to get this contract" = He could only pay me 100,000 THB a month.

    Am sure his workers (his so-called experts trained by me), only got 20,000 or so/month...All due to graft.

    I have SEEN with MY OWN EYES brown envelopes being passed around for a "Test Drive" of a new style engine.....We made it about 2 miles/3 KM & they ran out of diesel fuel.....This was a 5 day cross-country trip.

    They forgot to put fuel in the truck. It was RTA.


    Oh yeah, as a part of that new engine installation, the retarded workers yanked out the fuel tank for no reason, drained it and only put 5 liters or so back in it.

    I distinctly recall asking them why they were messing with the fuel tank...It had been just peachy for 20+ years........Then they all forgot to fill it for a Korat - Loei - Burma - Kanchanaburi - Korat run...

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