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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. 9 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    This guy has a fetish for women's underwear, something not uncommon among Conservative MPs. However, no women were harmed physically and he is contrite and ashamed.  More to be pitied than pilloried

    Every day, a male employee walks up very close to a female co-worker at the coffee machine.

    He stops, inhales quite deeply and says that her hair smells nice.

    After a week of this, the woman can't stand it anymore.

    She takes her issue to a supervisor in Human Resources and asks to file a sexual harassment grievance against the guy.
    The supervisor is puzzled and asks, "What's threatening about a co-worker telling you your hair smells nice?"
    "It's Frank. The midget."

  2. 16 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

    That means no more dickering on the amount.

    I'd imagine it'll be the same as ever.


    I've been "ticketed" several dozen times & only ever got two paper tickets.


    I also wonder if the tickets will be printed from a machine connected by wireless to a central data bank, or just carbon copy tickets with bar codes on them?


    If connected by wireless, it will probably be like most Thai gov't websites = they don't work.


    If paper copy, somebody will have to scan them every day into a central data bank = see above.



    I've been trying this link for the past week. http://pattaya.go.th/pattaya-city-wifi-free


    See https://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/1013916-free-wi-fi-offers-web-surfing-on-pattaya-beach/

  3. 21 hours ago, Crossy said:

    Our "Russian tourist" is unnamed and our taxi driver speaks good enough English or Russian to find out the the owner is staying at the Ambassador ...


    Or the Russian just handed the phone (that he answered when the cab driver called back) to the Thai hotel staff perhaps?


    Also, "TAXI" is one of the few words that is spelled and pronounced the same all over the world.

  4. 1 hour ago, JAG said:

    "They are facing charges of possessing weapons, ammunition and explosive materials as well as organising a secret society."

    Well yes, he was a senior officer in the army...

    Perhaps the real problem is that he wasn't in the right "secret society"?

    Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    He obviously didn't belong to the same secret "10 million baht watch club" as the preferred Secret Society.

  5. 11 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    and suddenly the blinders were lifted when they realized how much more money could be coming their way...

    Two ways to look at this, as half the dead folks are, err, were getting Social Security.


    What that has to do with road carnage I do not know, but they felt compelled to mention it in the article.


    "Sutee said road accidents were responsible for half the deaths of social-security recipients."

  6. 1 hour ago, Nowisee said:

    The reality is, behind every mule is a thug POS either lying to or extorting/threatening them.  Sadly most end up doing the time anyway because they are afraid of harm to their families or maybe really don't know the extortioner or are just really stupid or naive. 

    A lot of the time and resources are put into the prosecution of the person caught, not the source person, so they go on continuing the criminal enterprise and the victims keep stacking up, costing money to keep them in prison for ridiculous amounts of time.  

    Are some of the mules not in this category?  I'm sure they are, just giving a different perspective to those that are blinded by justice.  
    I know the anti drug crowd is going to jump on me... my flame retardant suit is on.  :)


    Yeah, if you watch any of the "I Almost Got Away With It" series on Youtube the thugs usually have the mule's families marked/threatened if the mule tries to back out.

  7. 2 hours ago, mikebell said:

    Totally agree.  As a regular Quiz team member + pool player, I visit a lot of bars.  I ask owners about protection money.  ALL said they pay.  The worst case was a French guy (known personally to me) on Kao Talo - he was paying 24K per MONTH.  He closed when he did not make enough to pay.

    Yep. I knew a Dutch guy that owned the pool/restaurant on Khao Talo next to Eakmongkol 4.


    The cops extorted him out of business & it was just a place for kids to play!

  8. 41 minutes ago, mikebell said:

    It had an owner?  So how was it running in the road?  In civilised countries pet insurance is mandatory so any accident or damage caused by the offending/offensive creature is paid for.

    Mike, I'm from the US, 50 years old, and I've NEVER heard of pet insurance. I'm sure it exists, but mandatory???


    It'd be a great idea to make it mandatory in Thailand (and enforce it). The soidog population would plummet.

  9. 3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Happened to me once in Japan also .

    Thing I noticed about it was the way he said it .

    He said it quite friendly, quietly in a humorous way , 

    He didnt seem to say it in an inquisitive official way .

    Im sure that some people got caught off guard and replied "Ive got a little bit for later"

    And out would come the hand cuffs

    Yeah it was like the guy wanted to slip off to the men's room & bump a line off the sink basin.

  10. 3 minutes ago, masuk said:

    Well, I stopped my 2 x yearly visits to Jom Tien beach because of the beach pollution and the smokers, who were always seated at the front of the chairs, and ensuring everyone else had a lungful.

    Once the water, the beaches and the air is fit for public use, a few more of us might return.


    I'll venture to say that the beach chair vendors packing all the chairs together like sardines contributed to the assault on your lungs.


    Pattaya & Jomtien beaches have long been shining examples of how to NOT run a pleasant beach. Why anybody would venture onto either one in the past 20+ years has long been a mystery to me.

  11. 12 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

    an inordinate percentage of the time that when these authorities actually Do Something, they do the wrong thing

    More like when they do actually "Do something", it is 1,000% influenced by nothing more than how big the kick-backs will be as opposed to the correct thing.


    This smoking ban is nothing more than bread & circuses/smoke & mirrors to try & divert some attention away from such activity.


    It may have some detrimental affect on tourism, but I doubt it. Pattaya beach is just a noisy cesspool where some hawker is trying to sell you something every 2 minutes anyhow. 


    If that hasn't driven the tourists away already, nothing will.

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