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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. This really is an arse-about face of attempting to improve the integrity of Traffic Cops! What should be happening is integrity testing all the time by the police's discipline unit, i.e. going out where there are traffic cops doing stops, making themselves available for a traffic violation and seeing if they can get out of the ticket by offering a bribe. If they get a bite then that cop gets the sack - it soon smartens up the rest! I do though appreciate the other suggestion that it should be the public getting the 10,000 Baht for shopping a bent cop.

    Yeah, but, but, but.....That cop likely had to bribe his way onto the force farce to begin with.

    They'd be cutting off their hand to spite their face if they started sacking too many Barney Fife's.

    Fast FWD the video to 1:40 seconds.

    • Like 1
  2. Weird how the discussion is not that the guy was robbed by two fake police (or two real police scamming someone) but how much the daily limit is on an ATM...!

    Who the h*ll cares?

    If the money was extracted over one or several withdrawals, is completely irrelevant - it was taken and had to be given to these scumbags - if he had not, I wonder where the situation could have gone next? It could easily have escalated and he could have ended up dead.

    It is also fairly unimportant at this point if they were fake or real - the point is that they need to be caught, after which it can be determined if they are real police or not, and appropriate action taken.

    A crime was committed and you all seem to care more about the amount you can withdraw at the ATM... ????

    Well said Greer. I'd like to add a theory as well. I only know a handful of people (Thai or Farang) that could probably cough up 100,000 baht at the drop of a hat.

    Sounds to me like the guy was a target & I'm just guessing he "might" have been bragging to someone about how much cash he had........OR.......He was likely a real drug dealer & the "fake cops" were real cops just shaking him down.

    • Like 1
  3. I print out a picture of what I want from the internet and give it to the first salesperson that approaches me. Then I follow them around!

    Been there done that & half the time they will still say "Mai mee" without a clue.

    I even took the real thing in with me, which was an air tool fitting to HomePro in BKK once. Mai mee......I thought to myself BS!

    I walked 3 aisles over & found it, then took it back to show the retard they actually DID have it.

  4. There is another thread about farangs snubbing other farangs.

    I guess the threat of not being unique is just too much. Somebody said it right..it takes away from the "Thai Experience".

    They would not smile back or nod at you in New York either...if that helps.

    Not a good example.

    In New York 80% are farangs and you don't go around saying Hello to everybody.

    In Thailand, may be there is an 1% of farangs and it doesn't hurt to acknowledge a courtesy.

    @ Costas... Never know. The guy might have been hungover or had indigestion, or most likely ate some som-tam that was too spicy the night before & was in desperate need of finding the Hong-Nam.

  5. I suspect the higher up it goes, its not so much about direct connections, as much as keeping face or admitting the extent to which this country is crippled by the patronage system. Prayuth won't be keen to recant his praise

    On the subject of "Saving Face" in Asia... I saw an episode of that Locked Up Abroad show, where Indonesian police had mixed up a guy's fingerprints on some heroin containers.

    He got a lawyer to re-check the fingerprints. Lo & behold, they did not belong to the accused, but the police wouldn't admit it, as it would make them "Lose Face".

    Poor guy did 15 years because the cops didn't want to "Lose Face" ie: admit they are bungling idiots.

  6. Would love to, but what goes where? it is all in Thai. i tried and filled in what I thought was correct, but it was rejected.

    I just looked at it & the top portion was in English, the bottom half is in Thai. It's pretty simple. Just fill in the form on the right & click the big honking "Submit Button" below it.

    32 people have signed it in the last 10 minutes or so. Here's is what the Petition says:


    The Government of the United Kingdom, UK Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent
    Independently investigate the horrific murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller.

    On September 15th, 2 innocent British citizens - David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23 were found raped and murdered in the most horrific manner possible whilst on holiday in Thailand on the island of Koh Tao. The Thai police’s flawed handling of this crime has been a grave cause of concern from both the local and international community from the very start of the investigation. The Thai authorities insensitive obsession with tourist figures and the police’s notoriously corrupt reputation around the world, has been in the forefront of these concerns.

    From a completely destroyed crime scene, racial slurs and finger pointing against foreigners, victim blaming from the General turned Prime Minister, police posting pictures of the dead victims bodies on their FB accounts (with no regard for the victims friends and families), countless releases of unnecessary and highly conflicting pieces of information/evidence to the media, reports of investigators beating and offering bribes to false witnesses (and then still being allowed to work on the case), reports of torturing of suspects, suspicious and insensitive re-enactments of the crime, and the well known fact that citizens of Myanmar are the usual choice of scapegoats in Thailand.

    The International and local community are now not able to trust that the two Myanmar nationals, Win and Saw,(surnames not yet revealed) have not had their confessions forced out of them or that evidence against them has not been tampered with. As such we cannot also trust that they are responsible. This being said, we demand a full independent investigation to be conducted by the government of the United Kingdom into these deaths. This is in the hope that the families of these victims may know justice has been served, and that the deaths of two more possible innocents might be avoided.


    [Your name]

    • Like 1
  7. Please sign this petition if you haven't already - http://www.change.org/p/the-government-of-the-united-kingdom-independently-investigate-the-horrific-murders-of-hannah-witheridge-and-david-miller

    The UK government needs to be pressured into independently investigating two of its citizens' murders and the obvious injustice and cover up by the Thai officials. International pressure, particularly from the UK, is the only chance of the truth ever coming to light and the responsible parties being held accountable. It seems as though the UK isn't interested in dong so for fear of diplomatic repercussions, so maybe if enough of their citizens demand that they do then they'll have no choice. If they don't then they're as guilty as the corrupt Thai government and police officials as far as I'm concerned.

    I just signed the petition. Not sure what good it'll do, but it didn't hurt to sign it.

    It was at 45,891 when I just looked at it.

  8. Hey BIB, want some fast money. Accuse a farang of offering a bribe.

    Sigh, take that chip off your shoulder, believe it or not the BIB do extort Thais as well.

    Really? How unsurprising. Perhaps you can explain to me why the "fines" my TGF is asked to pay increase when I am in the car with her?

    Or why my ex-wife was found negligent when a drunken Thai man, unregistered and unlicenced, veered onto the wrong side of the road, and their bikes collided. The explanation we got was that she had a farang surname/husband and could afford to repair the damage to both bikes.

    Same happened to me. Unlicensed idiot, speeding in the wrong lane, but she had a farang name, so it was her fault.

  9. As a British resident he should have known how the situation with the parking fees here and swallowed his anger and paid up, silly man.

    Doesn't deserve a beating, though.

    Yeah! You almost have to pay to spit on the sidewalk in Pattaya.

    Old geezer made some parking attendant (likely a relative of that guy kicking sand on the lady on the beach) lose face or his thug boss said "Go rough-up the old man".

    What ever happened to CALL THE POLICE IF YOU HAVE A DISPUTE???

    hahahahahahaha! Sad, but true. Like inviting Dracula to a blood transfusion.

    Steering clear of altercations in Pattaya can be done...Been doing it since 1999.

    I don't know the particulars of this incident.......maybe he was new or just stupid or just pissed/drunk or all 3.

    I DO know I had a serious face-plant with some gravel on the Pattaya Dark-Side one day at a bar of ill repute (Black Pearl) on my way out. I was drunk enough to deserve it.....Som nam na.....I did it to myself.

    The staff DID rush to my aid, as I was plastered out of my gourd.

    I got a right pretty black-eye & skinned my face up a bit.

    Luckily my neighbor got me home & deposited me on my front porch. His name was Bob.

    Wife asked what happened to my face. I said "Bob hit me" & passed out on the couch.

    Bob never hit me. He drove me home. He was my best friend.

    I never told my wife any different.

    She hates the sight of Bob to this day...

    Bob took (and is still taking) the heat off that for me, from my wife. What a pal.


    My point is, one can get just about as stupid as you want to get......

    DO NOT ever make a Thai "Lose Face" though, which is, I'm guessing, is what happened here.

  10. It's no secret you've to pay millions to become an important police officer and it's also no secret this is very good investment - and that's not because of the 20K income you might get.

    The police in Thailand is a totally corrupt mafia style organisation. It does more bad than good.

    It's not just a Ko Tao thing. It's all over the country. The Thai police is a disgrace for Thailand.

    It has always been like that, and the new dictator seems to be perfectly happy with the situation (I wonder why ...... wink.png ), because he didn't announce any serious police reform.

    Years ago, my wife's younger brother was going through his teen years, about 17 at the time, doing a few stupid things, when I naively suggested to her that he might consider going to the "Police Academy" (STUPID ME thought they had such a thing).

    She was aghast. "What? Are you stupid? It costs a LOT of money to be police!!!!!"

    I'd have helped the kid out, and at the time I was making about 4 million baht a year, but she said there was no way we could afford it. I was thinking maybe 40-50 thousand baht & she said at least 2 million baht!

    She said 2 million..who would you give the money to....her????

    I have given my wife millions upon millions of THB.

    Been married to her for 13+ years buddy. 27 when I met her & 40 now. I was 34 & am 47 now. I got LUCKY AS HELL!!!! She's a good gal from Surin. I would not trade her for anything.

    She's still HOT (to me).

    We have a SUPER CUTE ha-sip ha-sip daughter that is 9.

    She says jump & I say "How High?"

    If there's an idiot in my marriage it's me.

    I ain't never been with a woman long enough for my boots to get old....Till I saw her smile.

  11. In other words , the police are indirectly responsible for the murder of the two foreigners on Koh Tao. The extortion of the police is widespread.

    I myself had to pay 50,000 THB to defend myself from another foreigner who paid the police 50,000 THB to put me in jail and deport me. Luckily my lawyer is neighbour and the wife blabbed about the bribe all over the neighbourhood. It took some doing for the lawyer to work around the police and the courts. My lawyer has many years of experience and she had to guarantee my behaviour for the next year. That is a lot easier than she believes since i never had an altercation as an adult before. I was simply defending myself from threats and an assault.

    Yep, Been there done that myself Brother.

    No deportation threatened against me, but had an idiot neighbor with farang husband, & they called the cops on me, AFTER the woman's katoey son was raising hell with me, as I was in MY front yard.

    HE was in his hot shorts yelling at me because I had REPEATEDLY asked them nicely to shut up their yapping poodle at night.

    The little "Block Captain" errr'...Momma called the cops, she called every neighbor around.....She was basically a kamnan. Her Dutch husband stayed out of it (nothing against Dutch folks).

    She had "Big Influence" so I was told. I won't go into what I have fantasized about doing to her mutt.......& I love a good dog.

    I also feel lower than whale shit if I bother my neighbors.

    Fairly affluent neighborhood as well......TIT.

    Here's my mutt. Her name is Lollipop....(the name she had when I got her...I'd have called her...something else). She's cool though & bothers NOBODY.


    A bit off-topic with the dog, but the Kamnan scenario is the same.

    I might add to this they didn't care that I had lived in Pattaya for 5 years longer than the goon-woman........She was Thai, I was farang. She had "Big Power".

    As an ode to the the BIB that showed up though...He just mediated & did nothing except keep me from choking her & kept katoey-boy out of my yard.

    2 weeks later my California neighbor poisoned the poodle.

  12. If they go to immigration it's 4000 baths for 4 months ,i heard ,which is even a worst rip off ,when you know their salary

    Sorry, but the THB Thai BAHT is not a bath.

    I WISH I could get 4,000 baths at Cupidy Massage Parlor........ 4,000 / 365 = .....almost 11 years of soapies....One every day for 10.95 years.

    4,000 baths / 4 months = 33+ baths per day.

    BATH = washing

    BAHT = Thai Currency

    • Like 1
  13. this fella posted this on July 29th....long story plus in the legal forum the same day, a story about an accident. You be the judge. Click name, then "find content" button and these will come up.

    Need some help any ideas what i can do this is my mess i got my self into

    TV mods really do bend over backwards to prevent Troll threads, do they not?

    Now, since that has been said, watch how fast it disappears.

    ..........errr..... I meant watch how fast they delete this post.

  14. I'd stick with Nissan or Toyota, just because I have lots of experience with both being quite reliable & parts are easy to find everywhere.

    The only negative thing I can say about a Nissan is the ever-luvin' window regulators. I've had several Nissan's & while the engine will give you 300,000 miles/480,000 kilometers, you'll have to replace the the thing that makes your windows go up and down (the window regulator) quite often.

    Only time I was arrested was 1992 or so, for "possession of a firearm on a State Wildlife Refuge" in Florida, hell, I didn't know! But cops seem to gravitate towards me.

    I got pulled over driving my fricking flip-flops in Georgia a while back.

    I maintain a military style haircut, have ZERO tattoos, just walking down the sidewalk, under a damned street lamp, in front of the county Sheriff's office at 11:15 PM. Yep, I'd had a few beers, which is why I was walking & not driving.

    Cops LOVE to screw with me for some reason. Bastard fat cop had no choice but to let me go.

    All THAT to sat THIS:

    Cold day in hell before I'd buy any ride that doesn't blend into the crowd in Thailand. MAYBE in the USA or UK/AUS/NZ/Canada where we all speak the same language.

    Farang + fancy car in Thailand = the BIB will SHAKE YOU DOWN for mucho dinero!!!!

    Thai in a Lamborgini..........did that Red Bull heir ever get over that slight cough he had down in Singapore?...The one that ran over the cop?

    • Like 1
  15. Hold the phone. Too bad I cannot quote the original post, here, but here we go....

    "ok try to make it short i meet thai girl on line supposed to be good girl virgin but not did the thai engagement and spent around 60 thousand us then thai wedding around 80 thousand us building, buying houses, land ,cars, companies, wife the third trip when son was born hired two people to kill me . went back one more time . and she spent every day from the first day to set me up again ,shes had a lot of affairs, and refuses to give a divorce unless i walk away with nothing. i spent 120 thousand us but we have built a empire there i am being cheated out everything and my son i am not allowed to see him if i go back they will kill me she went into debt every where for her dad and i never agreed or signed anything she used forged copies of my passport and stuff to do things with out me knowing any thing i don't know what all she has done we made millions all went to her dad everything to her family 0 to me or us what do i do any help would be welcomed


    Your user name implies you are American, guessing the USA & not Nicaragua or Costa Rica? Adonde de esta usted?

    ​You have theoretically learned how to make hundreds of thousands of USD, yet do not know how to use any English language punctuation. I was born in Florida jitterbug, & even I know how to use the spell-check.

    This is a troll topic.

  16. However, he admitted that the two men were not given access to lawyers during their interrogation. He said the suspects did not ask for lawyers because they decided to confess on their own.

    or the fact that they couldn't, because they speak very little Thai ?

    This is the bit i really struggle with, all this confession stuff, if they speak very little Thai, therefore presumably they don't read or write Thai, but the confession and written statement must in Thai, there has been no mention of a translator provided etc, so could we say they don't know what they "admitted" to

    so where are we ?

    Two suspects who don't speak Thai very well

    No lawyer who would obviously speak / read /write Thai and would understand what they have signed

    No mention of a translator

    And one would suspect none of the BiB speak Burmese

    Could you imagine trying to be a lawyer in Thailand?

    The police would probably have the lawyer cuffed to a chair & be pouring boiling oil on his gonads as well.

  17. It's no secret you've to pay millions to become an important police officer and it's also no secret this is very good investment - and that's not because of the 20K income you might get.

    The police in Thailand is a totally corrupt mafia style organisation. It does more bad than good.

    It's not just a Ko Tao thing. It's all over the country. The Thai police is a disgrace for Thailand.

    It has always been like that, and the new dictator seems to be perfectly happy with the situation (I wonder why ...... wink.png ), because he didn't announce any serious police reform.

    Years ago, my wife's younger brother was going through his teen years, about 17 at the time, doing a few stupid things, when I naively suggested to her that he might consider going to the "Police Academy" (STUPID ME thought they had such a thing).

    She was aghast. "What? Are you stupid? It costs a LOT of money to be police!!!!!"

    I'd have helped the kid out, and at the time I was making about 4 million baht a year, but she said there was no way we could afford it. I was thinking maybe 40-50 thousand baht & she said at least 2 million baht!

    • Like 2
  18. Location, location, location....look at the airport for Korat.

    Do you remember when Air Asia offered a flight Korat-Bangkok for 9 Baht? I think it was the time of the old Korat Airport, which was not far out...

    Even better would be to do something about the 400 gazillion over loaded & under powered trucks that clog the roadways all over the country that can barely pull a limp willy out of a Pattaya Soi 6 gal's derriere.

    I've driven (or been driven), BKK-Surin and Pattaya- Surin dozens of times. Either route is about 240 miles & takes 6-7 hours, which is an average of about 35 mph.

    Every half a mile or so, you get stuck behind some giant truck that's barely moving. I am often loathe to pull over for a bathroom break, as I then get to pass/overtake 2 dozen trucks again that I already had to pass before.

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