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Posts posted by jaywalker

  1. They are filling in the reservoirs in Jomtien and constructing condos. (Theprasit Soi 9)

    Would they do that if there is a water shortage?

    YES ,this is Thailandsad.png

    You beat me to it.

    I was going to reply "Probably"

  2. thanks, altho according to their site the PO is closer and half the price

    Probably like most Pattaya websites. It was built a decade ago & hasn't been updated since.

    I was looking at the Fair Properties website in 2009. When I called them about this or that rental, "No Hab".

    I just looked at their website again last week. The same properties they "No Hab" 5 years ago are still advertised on their website!

  3. Same falangs are really realy annoying a french guy last night was really rude to the staff in 7/11 he kept semanding malboro light menthols but the lady behind the counter didnt know the color neither did he so he held up the line yelling at her till she cracked and yelled at him......

    I understand why staff are rude and dont give a shit.

    Same happened to me in a 7-11 once on Khaotalo. I think the guy was Scandinavian, not to bash Scandi folks, he was just a rude old fart that could barely speak English & knew not one word of Thai.

    The poor lady got tired him trying to say Red LM cigarettes (I couldn't really understand him either), he started yelling, so she gave as good as she got.

    The cantankerous old geezer left empty handed. I speak some basic Thai & would have helped him if he hadn't been such a sour-puss.

    I told the lady (in Thai) he was a mean old bastard & couldn't even speak English & she'd done a good job. She replied in perfect English "Thank you" & smiled big as ever.

    I was glad I could make her feel better after that mean old geezer had been so foul to her.

    Oh yeah, nothing against old folks either. Some are nice as can be & some are geezers.

  4. I used to enjoy a quite drive through there & on towards NaJomtien with those wetlands either side with all sorts of bird life & the odd local fishing.

    It's a true crime against that enviroment to see those empty monstrous blocks there with more planned.

    I see the Cambodians workers fishing there now amoungst the rubbish that has been dumped in the little bits of the wetlands that remain & I feel truely saddened.

    Yeah I used take my daughter with me for a drive through there when she was 5 or 6. She got all excited to see a horse or cow or elephant.

    Sad to see it go.....

  5. I would love to hear how TV posters would plan to stop corruption. How would you in a short time get across the message that bribary is not acceptable? Previously i would have said it will take generations, but with off the wall ideas like this something may be achieved. Make the bribers afraid to bribe. Give the bribe takers a good reason not to accept bribes. If it works it might be a good idea. Forget the ideas of morality etc as we know that up until now bribary is accepted practice. I agree that increasing the salaries so that bribary is not needed would be better, but that would take years to change peoples habits.

    Maybe this idea would not stop overall corruption, just Highway Robbery.

    Offer one of these button hole cameras http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/321376274552?lpid=82 to every 50th or 100th person applying for a drivers license and offer them 10,000 baht if they catch a cop trying to bribe them, and let it be known that any cop caught taking a bribe will be fined 20,000 baht and immediately fired and prosecuted, facing 5 years in the clink.

    They'd probably only need to issue a few dozen a year, at random times throughout the year.

    Of course that would require planning and honesty from a few folks issuing the cameras, which would probably be typical junk that wouldn't last 2 weeks....Yeah, right, I know. One can dream though can't one?

  6. So now we have sunk so low that we have to pay the police for being honest.sad.png

    No finer sight in the world than a Thai policeman on the mend, however watching a Thai policeman doing an honest days work is like watching a dog dancing on his back legs, it isn't done well but one is surprised to see it being done at all.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif My Aunt has 3 mutts that dance quite well on their hind legs. One must dangle a junk of ham for them to do so though.

    I can't dance on my legs very well either, but for 10,000 baht a dance, well....I might get better... Thainess & Thai logic.

  7. Why in the world would you even think, without a lease, that the landlord has to inform you of anything

    First: It's a question of good manners, isn't it?

    Second: Talking open and fair could help to avoid a lot of problems and/or misunderstandings.

    Third: Even without a written lease-contract, you have in fact a contract with certain mutual rights and obligations.

    For instance: The Landlord can not just end that contract at his own will.

    If he wants you to move out and you refuse, he needs to get a court order.

    He might not want to do that in order to avoid an investigation into tax fraud.

    I believe that's what happened in my case...

    I guess your brain is still in nanny state mode.

    In Thailand there are no "the renter is always right laws", even if you have a legal contract, and you may consider yourself lucky that there hasn't knocked a bouncer on on your door yet.

    Edit: realised that I was talking to the OP

    If he were Thai he'd probably get squatter's rights.

    I'd get a new place lined up. The BIB will toss a farang out on his ear........Unless there's a brown envelope exchanged. crying.gif

  8. 'Thailand is free of Ebola.'

    Now that is catchy?whistling.gif

    Run with it guys, as you would have to be <deleted>##ing geniuses to come up with that one.clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Yeah! Reminds me of Thaksin saying Thailand was "Drug Free" years ago.

    I hope the Yo-Yo that said that about Ebola was knocking on his head (knocking on wood) when he said it.

  9. Someone right at the top needs to step in quick and sort this out once and for all before this farce goes on any longer . . . or those tourists numbers you are all so desperate for (but continually downplay and deny are important to you) will be dropping even more . . .

    The Top Bloke said it was a perfect investigation. So fat chance. The way this investigation is going to end is sick. A total disgrace.

    But, but, but...He SAID it, so it must be true!

    I just watched a documentary about Germany 1946-1949 today & some of the former German soldiers were "re-indoctrinated" to THINK for themselves. One said it was a completely alien concept to him.

    Sounds like lots of folks all over are that way these days, but seem to stand out in this particular case.

    • Like 1
  10. If Obama was not so weak, a lot of the bad things happening around the world, would not be happening at all. The bad guys just can't help themselves with such a putz in office. This is their big chance and there are two whole years left. shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQs.png

    I've got an update for Jimmy Carter. IRANIAN HOSTAGE CRISIS.

    They released them on inauguration day after he lost the election.

    He was a weakling. Obama is no better.

    Remember all the saber-rattling Khaddafi used to do? He pretty much shut up after Reagan bombed his house.

    • Like 1
  11. I've just finished a number of books by Wilbur Smith.


    I found the four of them a good read like most of Wilbur Smiths novels.

    The only ones of his that I have a problem with are two books in the egyptian series.The 1st two "River God" and "The Seventh Scroll" were fine but I felt he went a bit overboard with the 2nd two "Warlock" and "The Quest".They were almost entirely based around the occult,hocus pocus etc.I can appreciate that the people in the era that the books were set in may have believed in that sought of thing but it does nothing for me.

    I am currently reading two books that are E Books from kindle by using the kindle app for a computer.

    attachicon.gifNex-6.jpg 9780330537193.jpg

    FOR SURE! They do not get much better than Wilbur Smith.

    I always thought he was my favorite author, till a buddy turned me on to H. Ryder Haggard.

    Haggard wrote King Soloman's Mines & played a part in S. Africa's history. He also wrote about 25 other fiction novels, all of which are fantastic.

    I'm quite certain Wilbur Smith took a lot of inspiration from Haggard, yet both are very unique from one another.

    Another great is Edgar Rice Burroughs (the guy that invented Tarzan). His Barsoom series about John Carter on Mars was excellent (the women never age & do not wear clothes :=).

    If you go to gutenberg.org you can find the Haggard & Burroughs novels for free online there as the copyrights expired years ago.

    The People Of The Mist by Haggard has to be my most favorite book of all time. Keep in mind, Haggard was writing in the late 1800's so his style is a bit different. Whereas Wilbur Smith will grab you by the nuts in the first 2 pages, it takes Haggard a good 20-30 pages before you get hooked......then you can't quit. The guy's like heroin once you get into his books a bit.

    I just read a non-fiction book called Son of Hamas by Yousef Mousab. You see that guy on CNN every once in a while. Pretty good read.

  12. I was blundering around in Pattaya Makro a few years ago, talking to my daughter who was about 6 or 7 at the time, & turned around to see some of the scariest frogs I've ever seen in my life, all piled up on ice.

    It was a great big honking table of them, that looked like they could take your thumb off with one bite. I was startled for a second, but my daughter saw me get startled & they scared the holy living crap out of her!

    Poor baby. I've gigged bullfrogs in Florida when I was a kid & ate fried frog legs that my Mom cooked. I've ate gator & rattlesnake as well.

    I've butchered alligators, hogs, deer, cattle, squirrels, chickens, turkeys, frogs & probably a few other things I either shot or stabbed, but them damned Thailand frogs...........NO THANKS!!!!!!!!

    Sumbitches scared me & I ain't scared of nuthin'!

  13. Calling those whose lives don't revolve around cheap booze and cheap sex 'puritans' is like calling someone who doesn't gorge on bacon for every meal a vegetarian.

    Dude........This is the PUB section, NOT the Stay Healthy section.

    Lighten up, or go ride your bike to Beijing or something & make sure to eat lots of kale along the way.

    If you are some spandex-wearing Mr. Fit that begrudges a guy because he like to get sauced.......Stay out of the pub.

    I'm not a racist, so I don't attend KKK rallies.

    I'm not a Satan worshiper, so I stay away from voodoo cults.

    I don't like cuts on my hand, so I don't stick my hand in a fan.

    I'm not gay, so I don't go to gay bars.


    I love going on a good bender as long as I have the $$$$ to pay for it & I'm happy along the way.

    Oh yeah:

    Alcoholics go to meetings.

    Drunks go to bars.

    I'm a proud drunk.

    My oldest brother hasn't had a drink in 30 years. He goes to meetings once a week. He was always a prick when growing up with him. Guess what? He's every bit as much of a prick today, miserable shit is what he is.

    I'd MUCH rather be around a happy person than a miserable bastard, sober or drunk.

    • Like 1
  14. So now we have sunk so low that we have to pay the police for being honest.sad.png

    No such thing Buddy! At least 98% of the ones I've come across are crooks from the get-go.

    A Dutch guy on Soi Khaotalo (Pattaya), with a very pretty wife & daughter about the same age as my daughter ran a public swimming pool/bar/restaurant near Eakmongkol 4 a few years back.

    My daughter LOVED their daughter & we went there a lot, as did many a farang & many a Thai. Those kids would swim and swim and swim. I'd get in there chest deep & toss any kid that wanted a ride as far as as I could toss them. It was great exercise.

    Nice folks all around = he was doing a good, wholesome, family friendly business, open from about 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

    The police started harassing him for tea money left & right & ran him out of business.

    There's an Al Capone with a badge & a brown uniform every 10 feet in Thailand.

  15. The way for them to stop corruption, is to have an anti-corruption investigative unit that does undercover stings on these cops taking the bribes. However, that would actually take some thought and organizing to do. As we have seen the Koh Tao murder investigation take many twists and turns, we all know that these guys could organize a piss up in a brewery with the taps wide open.

    Here is an example for the police to start with and show everyone that they mean business-

    Come on that is clearly a Cambodian or Burmese dressed up.biggrin.png

    Where are all the folks that say they've been here 30 some-odd years and "Never had a problem"? Please reference the video above.

    You either have never driven here, or you are lying, or you have diplomatic immunity.

    An old friend of mine that passed on some years back had spent 40+ years in Thailand. He was a regular old Col. Kurtz.....actually was a retire US Army full Colonel & had a diplomatic ID card.

    I was with him a few times when he got waved over. He never paid a single baht.

    I was with him one day in his US Embassy car & a BIB tried to give him a parking ticket. The guy spoke great Thai. He just ripped it up in front of the cop & threw it on the ground & pointed at the Embassy tag on his car. It was great!

  16. I think it's a very good idea. No one will risk paying a bribe anymore and will have to be fined in the correct manner. This will cut down or maybe even eradicate the practice of collecting bribes by many police officers.

    So what happens when the policeman says, as they often do, ""you can pay 200 baht here or go to the police station and pay 800 baht'". Isn't that a bribe? You just can't win. If you feel that this is a good idea and will eradicate the practice of collecting bribes, then I pity you. Are a Thai policeman by any chance?

    As mentioned already paying those who are asked for a bribe should receive the 10,000 Baht. Maybe that will eradicate bribing although I doubt it.

    That happened to me once, as in "you pay my friend (the other cop) he take care for you".......I was dead wrong, as I was late for a meeting at the RTAF base near Don Muang & was doing 150 kph on the elevated tollway.

    Of course the cop thought I was late for a flight, as I was in a rental car from Budget near the airport.

    He wanted to clip me for 2,000 baht, which is probably what I deserved, if not more.

    I kept telling him, in my best Thai & lots of English, "No Problem! I go pay at police station! No Problem!", all the while fiddling with a 500 baht note in my lap & smiling a lot.

    He finally said, "OK, ha roy baht". He handed me my international license back & had me stick it inside & handed it back to me 500 baht lighter. I KNEW I was WRONG.

    I TRIED to own up to it, but the BIB just wanted some Mekong money.

    Somebody mentioned earlier about keeping his money in his sock instead of his wallet. GOOD IDEA!!!

    These days I just sit in the back seat with my daughter & let her beat me at games of tic-tac-toe while I let my wife drive, as I have completely given up on trying to either work with Thai's or drive in Thailand.

    Somebody should get them some loose fitting light colored khaki uniforms too. Those skin tight brown solar panel uniforms they wear are enough to put anybody in a foul mood in a tropical country.

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  17. I believe the old fart should have just paid the 40 baht. Talk about cheap Charlie. He should have never illegally parked or gotten out of his car. Not smart to challenge a younger man.

    If it was your father or grandfather, would you be so stupid to say this.

    It's not about the money its about extortion. People should stand up to people who do this, and as another poster wrote, "he would NEVER hit a 70 year old Thai man"!

    I know I would never hit a 70 year old man. I did threaten to give a 70-ish year old man a heart attack once though when I was 19. I was going to yell him to death.

    He was just a neighbor & I was renting from my brother & decided to install a circular driveway by doing doughnuts in my '72 Chevy pickup truck in the front yard.

    I yelled at him a bit & told him to get off the property, but never dreamed of whacking him with anything, much less a chunk of wood. They'll throw you UNDER the jail for 5 years for whacking a senior citizen in the US.

    The penalty (of which I was ignorant at the time) never entered my mind. I'd just never beat up on an old man.

    I DID however take on my nephew a few weeks back. He just turned 18 yesterday 7 October & is 29.5 years my junior. I put that punk in the dirt.

    Too bad the old man wasn't like this guy:

  18. i have been stopped 10 times , always walked to payment station, paid fine and received a receipt, no complaints, just got on with my wonderfully cheap life here in thailand, i must live in a different part of thailand or not a bloody whinging pom

    I got stopped for no seat belt in Pathum Thani once & they sent me straight over to a very professional officer, with a desk & a receipt book set up on the sidewalk.

    That, my friend is RARE. Mostly it's "No ploblem, I take care for you song roy baht".

  19. When they announced the B10,000 reward to cops who refuse bribes, I immediately though it part of a staged publcity stunt. The subsequent reward ceremony with the hand over of B10,000 to a cop who refused the paltry sum of B100 from a motorcyclist, only confirms it. So if a motorist only bribes a cop with B100, the cop can claim a B10,000 reward as compensation. I have visions of cops on B1,000,000/week by refusing their normal bribes and claiming compensation.

    Ha! Yeah! = This will last all of about 4-5 days. Idiots.

  20. What if they are the ones taking your money for no good reason? Do we get 10,000 Baht for catching them?

    This place is more crazy than CUCKOOS NEST.

    Yeah I used to drive Pattaya-Koh Chang a lot. Got pulled over at least once per trip, for driving in the wrong lane.....Shit happened in the middle of Rayong once! That was like getting pulled over on Pattaya Klang for not passing someone in the fast lane!

    There's a piss-willy, over loaded truck/lorrie, or a motorbike with sausages hanging off it, or a baht bus, or a regular bus or 400 little shops set up 6 inches off the edge of the road, usually with a car stopped in front of them, pretty much EVERYWHERE you go in Thailand.

    What flippin' lane do they EXPECT me to drive in if I want to do the speed limit?

    I was once driving to Hua Hin & there was a particularly horrible stretch of pavement in the left lane, while the inside lane was smooth......There were cops waiting right at the end of the bad pavement section, pulling folks over left & right, grabbing 200 baht a whack (at least that's what they got from me).

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