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Everything posted by jaywalker

  1. That's what makes them aggressive. NEVER, EVER feed the wildlife. There's laws against feeding bears and alligators in Florida, for very good reason. They lose their natural fear of humans and become aggressive.
  2. Them little buggers are scrappers for sure.
  3. My thoughts exactly. I bet she was screaming at the monkeys "How dare you!"
  4. Get a bunch of them together, grease the pole & put an Indian tourist with a gold chain at the top. I'd buy a ticket to watch...
  5. My first thought was that som-tam did him in.
  6. You sound like a Leonardo DIcaprio fan.
  7. I lived in BKK 3 years before I moved to Pattaya. I worked (as a defense contractor). Lived off Lat Phrao as well. Been from Hua Hin to Chiang Rai over to Laos, down to Koh Chang and most places in between. If my life depended on it, I could NOT tell a soul where exactly Khao San Road is. Somewhere in a city of 8 million people??? I never even asked a taxi driver about it. I was a booked into the Dynasty hotel my first visit. I was happy. PS....If you need directions to Cupidy, I can help.
  8. Let the DOLL Bangers Reign! More real wimmin for me! I'm a Libertarian. Liberty For Doll Bangers! I say!
  9. Nay sayer! At least I don't have to chew my arm off to escape the Thermae trap the next morning I 've had to double check a couple times....all hungover in Foodland at the Breakfast Bar....Left arm...Check. Right Arm... Check. Still in one piece. Khap khun Bhudda!
  10. MiniCult !!! Too Funny!!!
  11. Try to live in Pattaya, and work in Sattahip, with a few visits to the FEDEX office in 2002 & keep your phone dry in the Maelstrom. It got OLD, QUICK.
  12. I just made THE CARDINAL mistake,,, I was assuming only TWO genders! Oh yeah, make sure she's warm. HAHAHAHA!!!
  13. Touche! The agrieved party had sense enough to keep some in reserve...that way he could pay the cops to go do their jobs apparently.
  14. YES!!! We should be MARCHING IN THE STREETS! NO SEX DOLLS ALLOWED!...Unless she is cute and can inhale as well as exhale. I call for a BAN on all sex dolls that are made of plastic....arrrgh that won't work either. Ban the one's that require lubrication? Add to the list guys....
  15. Most entertaining thing I've seen here since that Indian dude had to cough up 200,000 baht for grabbing a gal's booty on Walking Street!
  16. Liar, liar pants on fire! ;=) Umm. err... I take that back. a $13 USD bicycle pump is pretty low maintenance! I wonder if he has to check the oil??? If so what does the dipstick look......I better quit. https://www.amazon.com/VIMILOLO-Portable-Inflator-Pressure-Valves-160Psi/dp/B088LXYYTG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1F6RSFJ4DOH63&keywords=bicycle+tire+pump&qid=1677106325&sprefix=bicycle+tire+pump%2Caps%2C190&sr=8-1
  17. It's blatantly obvious that nobody was blowing a whistle. IMPOSSIBLE to park without some dummy blowing a whistle!
  18. Yep. They'll legalize hookers & be taxing them next.
  19. I ain't ya Daddy! I wish they'd quit accusing me...
  20. If anything, in this universe, can last an infinite amount of time, it will be Pattaya Beach Reconstruction. EDIT - I wonder just how much sand a plastic bag drags out to sea every time the tide recedes?
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