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Everything posted by jaywalker

  1. It does however, have people that use it all the time. I was sitting on Jomtien Beach near Pattaya once and saw the locals tossing plastic and styrofoam down, and just walked away. I picked up after them. A BIB (cop) came by later and thanked me as I was about done. The Gulf of Siam is not the Straights of Gibraltar the Straights of Hormuz. No major shipping is forced into it. 99.9999% of the garbage comes from local fishing boats & ferries.
  2. Cannot argue. Cocaince used to be in Coca-cola. Just wonding why meth has become an epidemic over the past couple decades?
  3. Yes, I have heard that, now that you mention it. What ever happened to the good old days of hashish and the Hasshashiin (assasin) 0800 years ago? Blame meth on Hitler I reckon. One truly evil person that surely does have a special place in hell.
  4. Whoever invented meth deserves a special place in hell. Never seen the stuff, wouldn't know it if you whacked me in the head with a bag of it. I've done weed, coke & acid....briefly. The coke/crack & acid I experimented with for maybe 2 months back when I was 19. I'm 55 now. Didn't take long & I realized I had to COLD TURKEY THAT <deleted>!...AND DON'T LOOK BACK!!! I hear that meth is SUPER addictive, and well, I hear all the things I heard about weed and coke back in the 1980's. They were crying wolf. Meth appears to be all the bad things they said weed was. Weed makes me stupid. Meth = Death. My cousin in Florida did meth for a few decades. It weaked his immune system and he got diabetes so bad that he couldn't walk & shot himself in the head last December 26th. He was down to 109 pounds and just 51 years old. Glad I never tried it.
  5. Off w/ the RTA many years back. My company (AM General - manfacturer of the military HUMVEE truck), had sent them a new model of engine, that I helped them install on a 1988 model truck. They wanted to do a 1,000 km test drive, which wound up being quite the trip and more like 2,000 km. Regular old caravan of us, replete with 4 contractors (me & 3 locals), plus 8 or 10 RTA troops. We left the Army base in Korat, and drove a whopping 2-3 miles, and they ran out of fuel. Off to a ROARING START!!! We headed towards Chiang Rai (once the DUMMIES topped off the fuel tank). They had some Lt. Colonel running the show & we drove till around 10:00 PM the first night. The driver of the HUMVEE called us and said he couldn't breathe! Some kind of fumes were overcoming his lungs. I got a whiff of the interior of the truck and knew is was full of battery acid fumes. I checked the output on the alternator & it was perfect. Not overcharging. OOOOHHHH?! What can it be? I pulled the batteries (24V system, so 2 X 12 volt batteries). Some brainiac had put muriatic acid in the batteries. They are supposed to have sulfuric acid. I had a pool and worked on Army trucks for decades, so I knew the difference in the smell. Muriatic acid balances the PH in your pool. Sulfuric acid is for automotive batteries. I pulled all the battery cell caps and turned them upside down in a ditch. to drain them There was a gas station nearby & we cleaned them out of distilled water, (which eventually becomes sulfuric acid in a battery that's charging). Anyhow, I hope they drop a few billion baht on education when it comes to batteries. I won't be holding my breathe though (unless I'm riding in a Thai maintained EV). ????
  6. Don't want the locals getting near that stinky spot where we buried Igor the other day.
  7. Lemme see here....Drat! I ran out of fingers and toes!
  8. Maybe his real name was Mengele? Maybe he didn't like his real name? Florain Storz
  9. Yes, instead of starting off clean, with no points. you start off rich. The cops feel better when they can take AWAY from you. Heaven FORBID they ever give you anything. Be thankful we gave you 12 points, Peasant! You end up with nothing. That's how the RTP like it.
  10. Yes, my thoughts exactly. Probably got 50 million people on the roads everyday (That's just Sukhumvit between Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy... I jest). I'd wager 5% to 10% got their license out of a CrackerJack box = they don't have one or paid off the driving test folks to get one and couldn't drive a ten penny nail into a piece of cornbread.
  11. You forgot weddings and funerals.
  12. In other news, feces is not a cure for acne.
  13. AHA! It was Somjai! Not to be confused with Somchai.
  14. Good idea. Then the cops could sell them.
  15. He's in a certian lane now. Methinks it is going down hill.
  16. Love it! They say THINK at the end though. It'll never work.
  17. I recall going to Vidalia, Georgia to help out my 86 year old Aunt. She couldn't drive. Kept telling me I was "LOOKING THE WRONG WAY!" at a stop sign in the middle of nowhere. Aunt Mary, I am looking UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, and then I'll do it all again before I hit the gas pedal. I used to drive in Bangkok. Richard Petty & Dale Earhardt ain;t got <deleted> on me.
  18. Totally agree it has to start somewhere my Friend. I was in Pattaya when those were installed. They were ignored. WAAAY back before DR. FAUCI (I AM SCIENCE) tossed the world into a tailspin, there were 75-80 Chinese tourists walking out in front of traffic all at once. They didn't care, nor ever will aboout cars and trucks, so the cars and trucks don't care about them. Pattaya is just overcrowded...FUN, FUN, FUN place for a 3 or 4 week vacation for sure, be you Chinese, Russian, Yank, Limey or whatever, but I tend to look left, right, up, down, behind me, then repeat that process before I ever attempt to cross a street in Thailand. If one depends on others to obey laws...Good luck.
  19. Dude, the tea money has to come from somwhere??? Heaven forbid they actualyl have to earn it! I'm ALWAYS sober when I drive. I often wonder if it better to get a buzz and then I'd fit right in though. ----- About the 757th (or so time I got pulled over in Thailand, near Korat, the cop saw my International Driver's license, and said, you're good. yo can just go. I' alway drive sober, keep 200 baht inside my IDL. The cop said "Khap koon khap" and we were off. My wife said "WOW! He was a nice policeman! He didn't even take the money!"
  20. Never been to Ko Tao, only Phang An (near by). 2005. Just didn't get the chance. I was 37 and into FULL MOON parties NEVER appealed to me. Anyhow, I had a cool bungalow up on a hillside and could see Samui quite clearly in the distance. I also could see what looked like UFO's that defied all logic, screaming back and forth. They were boat, moving just slightly less than the speed of light. There was a huge article pretty much everywhere (https://scandasia.com/1316-koh-samui-drowning-accident/) From what I gathered, the boat was rated for 2 engines, yet had 3 engines. The steering cable broke at speed. The "S" in Thailand stands for safety. The "M" is for maintainence.
  21. They've had traffic lights at crosswalks in Pattaya for over a decade. They broke after about 2 weeks. The cops must've stole the light bulbs? I was in Pathum Thani once, walking, and the BIB were out in force. Anybody whose tire was touching the white line at a traffic light got a ticket. Selective enforcement never works. The BIB in Pathum Thani were just running low on Mekong money.
  22. This reminds me of a tire commercial from the 1980's. Tires Ain't Pretty!
  23. That's the first thing I thought too.
  24. They watched too many American movies. Didm't realize that guns run out of bullets.
  25. In Florida now. Have been the past couple years. I have a daughter. She is a girly girl. I have a son he os a macho man. Governor Desantis is a "wapaho" Indian. He's a gangster WOP. If you want your boy to think it's OK to be a girl, or your pretty baby girl to think she should be all BUTCH....That's fine. UP2U. Just NOT in public schools, in Florida. I kinda like THAT IDEOLOGY. If you want your kid to identify as a SEEDLESS WATERMELON FROM MARS. that's your choice. live and let live.....but the Left will NEVER just leave us normal folks alone. My son has a penis. My daughter has a vagina. End of story.
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