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Posts posted by ccarbaugh

  1. Forget it guys! By the time

    they see through the BS

    of their lifelong conditioning of:

    "If you go with a farang, then you're

    a kohn mai dee - THAI ONLY!!!"

    Then, they're already in their mid-thirties

    or more, got 3 or 4 kids from different (Thai)

    fathers that their parents are taking care of

    and they are hardened Goldiggers. That's what

    we, as farangs, are afforded (mostly) here in the

    Land of Smiles!

  2. In Thai School a few years ago,

    I asked the teacher what "nymphomaniac"

    was in Thai. After some explanation, she

    arrived at the translation "sex-jot." She asked,

    "What do you call a man that is a "nymphomaniac?"

    A fellow classmate chuckled and said,

    "That's just a normal man."

    After living in the "Land of Smiles," for some

    period of time, I became convinced that all

    Thais simply know that "farangs are rich,"

    and that entrapping one of them is akin to

    hitting the lottery jackpot. Therefore, farangs

    are almost exclusively relegated to the fringes

    of Thai female society - i.e. gold-diggers, bargirls

    and lonely, tired, divorced single-mothers.

    It is still "unacceptable" for a good Thai girl to

    associate in anyway with a farang- or even to

    look at them and smile on the skytrain!

    • Like 1
  3. I wish the courts took into account who left who. It does seem unfair when the guy is working away to make money and the lady has sex with another man and leaves the farther and he gets slapped with a ginormous payment. In Australia it is possible to owe more in child support than your gross income sad.png All I mean is that the system is hopelessly one sided and doesn't work int he kids best interest in many cases. With the Australian system, I can see why some men say , Duck It and just give up and live int he low income sector.

    Disclaimer: I am not effected by it at all, but I have seen some cases recently that makes my head shake.

    Sounds identical to the American System! Correct - the kids are given to the unfaithful mother no matter how dishonest/unstable/lazy... she is and the man is persecuted and sanctimoniously labelled "Deadbeat." sick.gifsick.gif

  4. I thought the OP was a well written article

    that is a refreshing break from the "knee-jerk"

    mentality of the "crisis-of-the-day." I wish

    I could say that Thailand is progressing but

    it still seems to be hopelessly mired in

    corruption, cronyism, "LM" nonsense and

    an inefficient "goldfish-bowl" education system.

  5. The same thing happened to me

    but I went to the Police Box.

    When they found no drugs and

    saw that my passport was in order

    they had no reason to demand

    money from me so they had to

    release me without me having to pay.

  6. As things are today, being a foreigner means

    that for the most part, (there are always exceptions,)

    the only available "ladies" for us are gold-diggers,

    older-bargirls, (skanks,) and ladyboys. Sure, you

    might meet a young lady that is curious, or that wants to

    practice her English skills, but to have a close, honest,

    meaningful, intimate relationship with one is "not-in-the-cards."

    It was summed-up to me beautifully by an Austrailian chap that

    told me a few years ago- "I give up, I've been here over 4 years

    and I haven't been able to find anything near a "normal"


    Thai ladies have no idea - Possession is NOT love!

  7. EDUCATION - With an emphasis on personal responsibility and civic-mindedness. Development of an intolerance for dependent, infantile

    attitudes in adults. Teach that one's outer circumstances in life

    are invaribly a reflection of one's inner character. ....

  8. Also, I drew a picture with the tongue actually coming up in front of the top front teeth. Everytime I hear "Da car,"... I assign them 1,000 times (2-300/day,) of "the, those, that, with, them, this, others, health,.... It takes some time for them to strengthen the tongue muscles!

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