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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 4 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Other than that my only other comment is to say how sad it is to see so many here and elsewhere whose politics trumps their humanity and cheerfully express their ill wishes and hopes for a bad outcome for Trump.  These types of people should never be allowed to wield the levers of power.

    I don't wield the levers of power, my wife does.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

    To wish anyone seriously is lowering your esteem and integrity to the appropriate level you have considered that person to be. Sad to see such a dark vengeful outlook.

    "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" and Trump and his entourage all come down with Covid. Its a sign from God. Those bible belters will all be voting Biden now.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    Kellyanne Conway has announced she has tested positive for Covid-19



    Looks like the Rose Garden event last Saturday, to confirm Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court is the source of infection. Now six attendees have Covid. Why hasn't Billy Baa got it? There's still time, I suppose or is he the asymptomatic superspreader?

    • Like 2
    • Sad 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:

    From what I recall it came from French, first western visitors to Siam, who were trying to teach Thais to say français but the closest they got to it was falangse... or falang for short.


    Not sure this is just a myth or true, but yes, farang is never used for an Asian looking person...

    So where does baxi da come from (Issan for farang).

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