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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    You're comparing the Proud Boys to the Minute Men?  And you think Biden somehow controls Antifa and BLM?  You are really out their in your own paranoid fantasy land.

    Really ironic.


    The Minutemen's descendants now exist to campaign for less control by central government.


    Anarchists primary goal is to decentralise government. Antifa is primarily an Anarchist movement.


    Brothers from another mother?

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  2. 4 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    The only reason I could think of for a Chinese millionaire to fly into Thailand would be to research for a set-up for takeover of properties.


    It's a heist.

    Chinese multi millionaires aren't interested in a few poxy condos in Bangkok. The only interest they have in Thailand is to persuade the government that Thailand needs casinos. Expect them to visit certain ministrys with a couple of suitcases of cash.

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