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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 45 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

     It is for the UKVI to judge someone's asylum application; not I.


    But a look through international news will show you that minorities are being persecuted in Pakistan and Vietnam. 


    As for US citizens, anyone can claim asylum once in the UK; but they do have to prove that they are eligible to be granted it.


    BTW, how did you know the nationality of those you saw? Did they show you their passports?

    Yep. One group was the group who were found dead in the back of a wagon a few months ago. All Vietnamese. The other group of 30 were featured in a recent TV documentary about smuggling in Cornwall. 30 Vietnamese smuggled into the UK from France in a yacht then transferred to a Luton van. All youngsters. Amazing how many of them claimed to be 16.


    They pay big money in Vietnam to seek their fortunes in the UK. Not for the poor and persecuted.

    • Like 1
  2. 37 minutes ago, Jlop said:

    That is neither kind nor helpful. I'm not happy about what happened, but I didn't have any good options. If I went to an agent instead they would have just ended up paying instead of me. Are you saying there's no reason to complain about a government official demanding extra money to do his job? Regardless of whether I agreed to pay it in the end?

    OK so its 2. If you complain now its you that will be the biggest loser.

  3. 15 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    Despite what Boris said in August 2019 (can he get anything right?) refugees seeking asylum in the UK can’t be penalised for entering illegally if they are claiming asylum and coming from a place where their life or freedom are threatened. They may also stop over in other “safe” countries en route to the UK.


    See Can refugees enter the UK illegally?

    Lorry loads of Vietnamese are being smuggled into the UK on a daily basis, what's unsafe about Vietnam? Saw a boatload of illegals getting off a boat the other day, more than one from Pakistan. What's unsafe about Pakistan? Will US citizens be allowed to claim asylum because of the horrendous number of shootings in the US?



  4. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The U.S., as potentially the largest trial participant, has not yet resumed its trial of the vaccine.

    Maybe Trump has put his size 9s in it. Hes determined that a US vaccine will be first on the market. He's gutted that its a British company leading the way, no money in it for him. Not to worry, every other country has restarted the trials, I'm sure we can manage without the US.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

    Its absolutely happening.  She is very high up so maybe its a need to know


    One other thing is there is a massive problem in the nhs regarding staff infecting patients.

    The Daily Mail are going to expose it soon.

    Staff not social distancing, not following protocols, going to mass events

    The nhs will start to be vilified.

    100s if not 1000s of staff are being isolated 


    Sorry mate but your sister's winding you up Complete nonsense.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Because the same vaccine candidate is simultaneously undergoing other parallel trials in other countries including the U.S., which has its own regulatory approval process. So needless to say except for you, the rest of the world has a significant interest in what's going on with the Oxford/AZ trial, and any potential pitifalls to emerge.





    And, as I said, the world will see the full report when the trial is concluded. As someone who works in medicine, you would know that's normal procedure, wouldn't you?


    The governing bodies of all countries in volved in the trial have been informed of the outcome of the investigation and have given permission for the trial to continue in their respective countries.


  7. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    "Can you imagine a for-profit drug company being more trustworthy than the President? "


    Four years ago, absolutely not.  Today, in our "through the looking glass" world, yes.

    The Oxford University/Astra Zenica vaccine will be supplied free to all British citizens and on an "at cost" basis for the rest of the world. However, it needs to be noted that Oxford University is a British research institute and Astra Zenica is a British drug company. No Americans involved.

  8. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    1. From everything I've read, there's been no conclusive/certain findings that the adverse reaction was not related to the vaccine, only presumptions and "may not be" related.


    2. At least in the early going, the UK folks weren't sharing with their counterparts in the U.S. what the actual diagnosis was, how it was determined, what was done after that, how exactly/on what facts the UK review board determined to restart their trial.


    As I and others in the medical community have already said publicly, a significant lack of transparency related to the UK virus trial and its adverse impact case.


    It had nothing to do with patient confidentiality, despite the Uk claims about that. Nobody cared about the identity of the patient. What the medical folks cared about was his condition, diagnosis, treatment, medical history, etc etc.







    What business is it of the Americans? The trials will be totally transparent when the trial is finished and the results published in the lancet. Then all can peer review the findings and subsequently put to the appropriate bodies for approval. Its the proper way to conduct trials, not give a running commentary.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Not a lot of transparency occurring in the UK with the serious adverse reaction that occurred with one particular trial vaccine recipient:


    The patients condition was investigated, which was why the trial was stopped, and found not related to the vaccine, which was why the trial was restarted. Its standard during drug trials. No further information on the patient's condition was given because it was unrelated to the trial and we have something called "patient confidentiality" in the UK.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

    My sister has one of the top jobs in the NHS and the vaccine will 100% be rolled out on the 14th October in the UK

    The US will obviously have a similar date too.

    She is currently working on the logistics of it.

    It's a massive undertaking 


    NHS staff will get it first followed by people who are most vulnerable. 



    My daughter is the same and is currently working with Covid patients. She says "no vaccine until some time next year".

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, vogie said:

    EU warned: 'More referendums to come' Swedish MEP in stern threat to von der Leyen





    You can't half pick 'em!


    Lundgren is an MEP for the Swedish Democrats, a party which has its roots in Swedish facism and White Nationalism.



    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, Nout said:

    Go to a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. Then get the correct treatment. All that itches is not fungal. There are a variety of heat rashes. Ignore the advice on this thread and see a doctor specialist in skin conditions.

    In Thailand? I'll stick to self diagnosis/self medication. I guarantee if you see a Thai doctor he will give you a shot in the bum and a bagfull of pills including a course of antibiotics, none of which will be appropriate for your condition.

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