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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 26 minutes ago, superal said:

    Was not talking about Arabs or East Europeans and you know that  and I am surprised that your slurring  on other countries was allowed to be published . But if the borders were shut we will have avoided all of the evils you describe . 

    People in glass houses should not throw stones ,     WHY ?    French created  MONACO is a convenient tax haven for the French and goes ignored by the rest of the rotten EU , FYI companies based in Monaco pay zero taxes and corruption in your face within the EU , no need to go outside the EU  . 

    Try to keep to the topic .


    Monaco isn't in the EU. It has existed as a separate principality since 1297.


    If you want to talk about tax havens, how about the Isle of Man?


    Jersey is one of the most aggressive tax havens in the world.


    Apple loves Jersey.







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  2. 2 hours ago, donnacha said:

    The class of Northern Ireland "Loyalist" who would proudly display a Red Hand of Ulster flag is equivalent to someone in the United States flying a confederate flag from the roof of his trailer home, or an Afrikaner with a swastika tattooed on his forehead.

    These are trashy and dangerous people who tend to mostly socialize with their own kind and operate a form of omertà. That can come in useful in the aftermath of any mating rituals involving a machete.

    99% of people from Northern Ireland are decent but if you ever come across someone with this flag as a tattoo or on their t-shirt, be wary of any involvement.

    The flag is the Ulster Banner. As used by the NI football team and the NI Commonwealth games team. Not a loyalist flag per say. I see no tattoos that indicate in any way that this guy is a loyalist.





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  3. 1 hour ago, donnacha said:

    Adopting such a haughty position, when you clearly have not read the reports from the first time this story was reported, runs the risk of making you look somewhat foolish.

    Many Loyalists have a work history in Ireland because the wages are far higher. Northern Ireland itself is actually quite small.


    With the absence of any evidence that he was a loyalist, I don't think that its me that looks foolish.

  4. 7 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    The class of Northern Ireland "Loyalist" who would proudly display a Red Hand of Ulster flag is equivalent to someone in the United States flying a confederate flag from the roof of his trailer home, or an Afrikaner with a swastika tattooed on his forehead.

    These are trashy and dangerous people who tend to mostly socialize with their own kind and operate a form of omertà. That can come in useful in the aftermath of any mating rituals involving a machete.

    99% of people from Northern Ireland are decent but if you ever come across someone with this flag as a tattoo or on their t-shirt, be wary of any involvement.


    I see no tattoos or flags. What makes you think that he's a loyalist? if he's gone to ground in the Republic, he's unlikely to be a loyalist. Nice story though.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

    And are they all thriving with zero tourists? Will they all stay open with no customers here for Fall and Winter? Many businesses in Thailand have shut or will shut, are you blind to that? 

    Sizzlers Pattaya is mostly Thai customers and a few expats. its doing fine. Thailand doesn't have "Fall and Winter" we have the dry season.

  6. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    Sizzler in Australia only had 9 stores left as of February. I seem to remember it was popular with pensioners, they'd load up from the salad bar. To me, the protein on offer was pretty ordinary.

    I beg to differ on the subject of steak. Gippsland eye fillet is so tender it can be cut with a fork. To me, American steak is too fatty. Feedlot produced, our cattle graze on real grass as nature intended.

    Agree that Australian beef is superior to American beef. Lucky to get plentiful supplies of it in Thailand.

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  7. 46 minutes ago, Smigel said:

    If you really can't see the opportunity for the president and the republicans to stack the SC with another Conservative. 

    Then it's your own blind hatred of Trump, that stops you believing that the Dems would have done anything differently had the opportunity arisen. 

    The funny thing is, this situation arises because ginsberg refused or neglected to retire during the Obama administration. Thereby disallowing Obama the opportunity of placing a younger candidate on the SC. 

    I suspect the arrogance of the Dems came into play a little there, in that they couldn't see in any way that Trump would win in 2016.

    Whats that saying, oh yeah, 

    "elections have consequences". 






    And I presume that its because "elections have consequences" that Trump is desperate to appoint his nominee before Biden takes the White House and the Dems take the senate in January despite the latest announcement from the FBI that Comrade Putin is going four square behind Trump and using any means at his disposal to rig the election in favour of Trump.



  8. 33 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    Des, which was on ITV last week, is very good. It's a three part series about serial killer Dennis Nilsen. Some excellent acting performances from David Tennant, Daniel Mays and Jason Watkins.

    Yes. Very well produced. Context was improved by viewing the Dennis Neilson documentary on the same channel and voiced by David Tennant.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 minutes ago, GooEng said:

    Different sort of crime.   Red Bull Boy actually killed someone.    The Shinawats were accused of "crimes" by their enemies - many of whom if subjected to any kind of scrutiny, would be exposed as actual criminals.   There's also no international pressure to repatriate them to face trial - the international community would probably side with the Shins, as they were at least democratically elected.  Besides, the junta don't want them back

    Also, if any attempt to extradite them was made, they would claim that the charges were politically motivated, which they were, and no country would proceed with the extradition.

    • Like 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

    They tried that before I believe,then he went into hiding somewhere that no one can find even interpol.

    Although he's known to have a residence in Singapore and was last seen with his mother, on global TV, strolling down the pit lane and in the Red Bull garage at the Abu Dhabi F1GP.





    Here he is at his London pad.


    Charges have been dropped against Vorayuth Yoovidhya, pictured leaving a house in London in April 2017.


    My services are available to the RTP for a small fee.



    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    The problem is this - your posts on these topic do not indicate that you do not really have a clear idea of what Communism or Socialism are. Quite often your posts label people and policies as either (plus other dubious labels), and then refrain from substantiating or supporting such claims.

    It makes me laugh when these right wing yahoos come out with the McCarthyist "reds under the beds" yet continue to support a man who is in bed with Putin, the former head of the KGB.



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  12. 1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


    It seems it's the current POTUS job to nominate a replacement; and the senates to vote on approval or rejection.


    Is there anywhere that says that must not happen close to an election?

    Yes in 2016 the senate vetoed Obama's choice for SCOTUS for exactly that reason even though it was much further from the election than at present. The senate then laid down a convention that it would not be allowed to happen again prior to future elections.


    The irony is that it was Mitch McConnell who laid down the convention, the very person that is now pushing hardest for that convention to be broken.

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