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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, BigStar said:

    Wonderful! We gon' call that Pattaya Doomster Ascension Day, awaited more than 20 years, long before TV even started.


    Now we need a member of our Pattaya Proctological Photography Club (PPPC) to ride around and live stream the TOTAL DESERTION. Say at 12:00 PM, doomsters can all get nekkid, grab a few cans of Chang, put a bottle of massage oil beside their keyboards, access the Live Doom Stream and Ascend together.


    Let's start working on setting that up. 


    Yet the awkward question then arises, Is there life after the Ascension? We talkin' the end of the Pattaya forum, man. No more playing the scary music and issuing even portentous Pronouncements. Wot?


    I suppose we can keep going by documenting the awesome progress of the ruination, as we're enjoying to a lesser extent now. In this the PPPC will be invaluable.


    So maybe just one thread with weekly pics of bleached ruins getting more bleached, rubble then more rubble, the progressive decay of the starved, rotting corpses partly eaten by dogs and rats, the spread of jungle reclaiming the area. As we do so, we can indulge in repeating all the reasons that righteous destruction rained down on the wicked, stupid Thais. Jet ski scams, dual pricing, no smiles, expensive bar fines, cold soggy chips, promenade rebuild, rude waitress, no lying permitted about the income, Chinese, blah blah.


    That should give us something more to look forward to, the Afterlife so to speak. There's, uh, hope.


    Now back to regular programming until The Day.

    Presumably you didn't read my second prophecy regarding "the second coming". You're taking my prophecies out of context.

  2. Just now, Nadia6 said:

    you can try as much as you like but in 2016 it was the Majority of Electoral Votes that mattered and in November the only thing will count will be the Electoral votes 

    Again try and understand that is the only majority that counts for anything and you are just wasting your breath trying to make out that anything else counts for something 

    it does not 

    So a majority of voters didn't vote for Clinton then? Which makes a mockery of your "silent majority" statement.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Sadly, I'm one of the very few who lacks the innate precognitive abilities and weighty economic qualifications of our TVF Doomsters. So I myself never get to enjoy the prophesyin' and pompous exaggeration that so impresses here. Must confine myself to having a few laughs, sorry.

    Well, being a prophet of some repute myself (Nostrodamus eat your heart out) I can tell you that all businesses will be up and running and back in profit on Christmas Day 2021.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Nadia6 said:

    Are you American ?? If so you need to brush up on your history and why the electoral college was put in place 

    It works perfectly and was not designed to be that the Majority takes it and rightly so, you cannot have the 3 most populous states dictating to the majority of less populated States.

    The forefathers had foresight beyond their time.

    I don't disagree with you. However, I repeat that it doesn't take away the fact that more people voted for Clinton, hence the majority didn't want Trump.


    It was you that referred to "the silent majority" I'm just pointing out that it wasn't the majority, it was the minority.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Yes, but you're not Prophesyin' about "close to home," but rather Pattaya. Focus, man. Where's the porn?


    Well, now, we had a news article about a noodle shop in Pattaya doing well with domestic tourists after the lockdown ended. It was greeted with the usual chorus of sneers. Your breakthrough is to move beyond the brilliant "it's not going to save Pattaya," i.e., the beer bars, to "it's gon' close, too."


    Now what you could do to distinguish yourself from yer ordinary generic doomster is specify the date by which ALL the businesses will be closed. Usually a doom prediction is open-ended, leaving our poor members to worry daily about the Tunnel Flood or the the collapse of Central, into perpetuity. The suffering! Part of the fun. Let's hear the date, now that's it's sure thing.????

    November 13th, 2020. Friday the 13th.

  6. 1 minute ago, BigStar said:

    Not even just one little ol' noodle street vendor????? OK, got that out of the way. While our doomsters are on a roll here, let's move on to the bleached ruins, the rubble, the starved, rotting corpses being eaten by dogs and rats, the jungle reclaiming the area. We want the real porn now. 

    Its too easy for some people to identify the rest of Thailand with Central Pattaya. I live 2 miles from the centre and the noodle vendors are doing just fine here. Know one girl who previously worked in a bar and has now opened a barbecue stall close to my home. She's making a better living now than she did before Covid. She regrets not having done it years ago.


    You need to get out more.

  7. 19 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    Now that's SO disappointing that we're just gon' have to ignore the fact and repeat the obvious daily here as if it's some new & brilliant revelation for the stupid Thais.

    What is genuinely disappointing is that DT's will fail to rescue even one business in Pattaya. A drop in the ocean compared to the big picture.

  8. 1 hour ago, sanuk711 said:

    If you want UK programs ---What can you get with a VPN that you can not get 1 or 2 hours latter from one of the internet sites that are dedicated to uploading all UK programs including the Irish/Scottish/English weather reports..??


    A lot. 555. I watch most programmes via catchup. Who watches live TV in 2020?

  9. 36 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Good update, thanks. It's a pity their otherwise helpful customer support didn't email to advise me of this fix while I still had their app installed and was testing PureVPN.


    FWIW, the PureVPN customer support have picked up on the canceled 7-day trial and emailed me this cringeworthy nonsense. Is this how customer service looks in the new post-millennial years? Don't they know that some folks are afflicted by Ailurophobia?



    Having almost given up on Express VPN, I did some research with a view to changing to a new VPN. The only sure way of defeating the BBC is by using a VPN with a dedicated IP address (yours and yours alone). The only major VPN to offer this facility is Nord VPN.....at a price.

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