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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 12 hours ago, jacob29 said:

    Well.. there were quite the hoops to jump through to extend legally via the embassy letter at Jomtien. Needing the landlord to provide scans of their ID, or even attend at immigration. No such hoops when extending via back channels. You tell me, who is the undesirable when you compare those two groups?

    If I had any difficulty obtaining my visa at Jomtien (which I never have), I would give an agent 20k and say, "make it happen". For the life of me, I can't understand why these cash rich, free spending; tourists caught out by the ending of the amnesty don't do the same. If you have money in Thailand and are willing to spend it, life's a breeze.

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  2. Just now, evadgib said:

    I've tried Goat, Squirrel, Crow and Fox but I didn't find any o' that in Sainsburys ????

    Goat is readily available in Halal butchers in the UK. A restaurant near me in the UK, owned by a South African does an excellent South African goat curry. Squirrel is the in thing at some michelin starred restaurants in London. You need to be a bit more adventurous. Don't forget, "WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL"

  3. 6 minutes ago, Masterton said:

    I understand what you're trying to say, but I think in these instances what those people are referring to when they talk about the silent majority are the people who don't talk openly about their political beliefs, the people who are not honest to pollsters when they are asked who they will vote for, and particularly those who didn't vote in the last election. As I recall, there was a fairly low turnout in the 2016 election. A lot of people who were not thrilled about voting for Trump may come out now and vote for him for whatever reason.

    I'm afraid the opposite is true. A low turnout benefits the Republican party. A high turnout is predicted for this election which should swing the way of Democrats.


    If people weren't thrilled about voting for Trump last time, they're going to be a lot less thrilled after 4 years under his presidency.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Masterton said:


    Newsflash - the electoral college gave every US president "the win". That's how the system works. The so-called popular vote is meaningless. It is amazing to me how regularly this dead horse is wheeled out to be beaten again and again. Your side lost in 2016, just get over it and move on already. Stop whining about the popular vote and nominate a candidate who knows how to campaign properly next time.




    Well it depends how you look at it. By droning on and on about the "popular vote" (no such thing in US elections), you are essentially advocating for mob rule. What you are actually saying is that the populous liberal Democrat strongholds of California and New York should dictate the outcome of the whole country's election. In other words, presidential candidates should not even bother campaigning or bothering with the other 48 states because their votes literally would not matter.


    Furthermore, in 2016 Clinton won California (a Democrat stronghold and the most populous state in the USA) by approx 4m+ votes. However she only won your beloved "popular vote" by approx 2.8m votes. So to put things into perspective and to hammer home the original point, if California was removed from the equation, then Trump would've won the meaningless "popular vote" in the remaining 49 states. Furthermore, Trump won 2600 counties compared to Clinton's 500, funny how this is rarely mentioned.

    You failed to miss the point of my post, deliberately I'd guess. Nothing to do with the electoral college, nothing to do with who won the election, I was simply replying to a poster who claimed that Trump supporters were the "silent majority". This is not, never was and never will be true as indicated at the last election by a truly awful candidate who had more support than Trump. ie more people voted for Clinton than Trump.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Macthehat said:

    At the time of his arrest he was shown to be sitting in the back of a police pick up with a large red hand of ulster flag proudly displayed on the bungalow he was renting . It was determined he was a "British man " by the police as at the time as his passport was British with an address in Northern Ireland .

      You may remember some reports in the papers .


    "Photos of the property yesterday afternoon show the broken pool queue on the blood-covered floor and the machete on the covered pool table. A large Northern Ireland flag was hung at the entrance to the one-story Elliot estate, and police have confirmed that he is from the country"


    "Brit from Northern Ireland brutally murdered a Pattaya sex worker early on Thursday morning at his home"


    Yes. Known as the Ulster Banner, the official flag of NI.



  6. Just now, donnacha said:

    You say that and yet you know, every bit as well as I do, that no non-Loyalist would EVER place that despised flag in his or her window. Neither would any respectable Loyalist. If anything, they would use the Union Jack.

    Claiming that only reveals you to have no intellectual integrity. Well done.


    it reveals that I am far more knowledgable about the people of NI than you. Despised flag? Complete nonsense.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, donnacha said:

    In this case, we are talking about a loyalist acting in a way that many of us neighbors on the island of Ireland would recognize. Next week there could be a story about a guy from Galway getting blind drunk and walking in front of a truck. At that point, it would be entirely fair for people to note that the Irish do seem to like their drink rather too much.

    You have zero evidence of him being a Loyalist. He had the oficcially accepted flag of NI in his window. He was from NI. End of.


    Does everyone flying the Tricolour automatically become a Provvo?

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  8. 2 minutes ago, superal said:

    copied from Goggle below


    Relations with the European Union

    The Principality of Monaco is a third country with respect to the European Union. The Monegasque state nonetheless established a permanent relationship with the EU by accrediting an Ambassador to Brussels in 1999.

    Rather convenient wouldn't you say ?    BTW we are talking about the EU and not the UK which is not a member of the EU in case you are not aware or your name is Rip Van Winkle 


    Monaco has a relationship with the EU (which the UK is unsuccessfully trying to establish). It is not in the EU.

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