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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, Susco said:

    All those condos were purchased to be traded on airbnb and be converted in semi hotel rooms for their fellow Chinese.

    Far from all. No doubt that getting some cash from Airbnb was a nice little bonus but their primary objective is to park their money out of country. I know of one Chinese lady who bought a whole floor of condos in a near new complex in the wilds of Pratumnak. None were advertised on Airbnb.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, izod10 said:

    Summary of the Finance Act 2020

    A Bill to grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the national debt and the public revenue, and to make further provision in connection with finance.


    Has everything to do with money laundering,illegal transactions  inc  illegal asylum seekers

    Is there some invisible writing in the bill? Has nothing to do with money laundering,illegal transactions  inc  illegal asylum seekers

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, John Drake said:

    Falklands was almost four decades ago. The veterans of that war are retired by now. Here is a four year old article about the Royal Navy. Since its publication, the British fleet has contracted by yet another dozen vessels, I think. You haven't got enough sealift these days to invade Greenland. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-uk-military-navy-commentary/commentary-what-the-u-s-should-learn-from-britains-dying-navy-idUSKCN10L1AD

    Still not saying where you are from? OK, let me guess, American citizen of German birth.


    Jeez mate you've started wars with the Brits twice and got hammered twice. Do you never learn?

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    • Haha 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, John Drake said:

    Nuclear weapons are only good as a Doomsday device. Your military was quite good. Nicely trained and disciplined. Could it defeat Iran, India, or Pakistan?  Probably not. Might take out the Egyptians. But would lose to the Israelis. The UK does make excellent television programming, especially the older things from 30 to 50 years ago.

    555 "Could it defeat Iran, India, or Pakistan?" with one hand tied behind our backs. Israelis no problem either if the Americans don't come to their aid. What country are you from?



  5. 8 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

     I live permanently in Thailand. 

    I know how much Baht I receive for my Euro. 

    I have no idea how much I should receive if Belgium was out of the E.U., and still dealing in Belgian Franc. 

    Being a small country, with a lot of political problems, and not that great economy, I think it wouldn't be that great. 




    The GBP lost 5 baht on voting to leave. Since the announcement of the UK governments intentions last week, the GBP has been in freefall.


    50 baht+ before the referendum. 40 baht today. GBP/Euro 1.43 December 2015, 1.08 today.



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  6. 7 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

    The E.U. seems to be  very selective. 

    So apparently they took away freedoms and liberties in the Netherlands, but not in Belgium. 

    Never understood this E.U. thing. 

    Good that so far it didn't, in no way, change my daily life as a  Belgian pensionner. 



    Well not really, there was a huge change : the implementation of the Euro. 



    We dodged the Euro. I can't think of any way that it changed my life for anything but the better.

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