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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

    It will be very humiliating for this man, to be remembered as 44, not 45. The 44th worst president in the history of the US. And I thought Bush Jr. was bad. In comparison, he appears to be a wise, elder statesman, who was articulate (LOL), compassionate, and decent. And I do not say that lightly. I despised the man. But, not nearly as much as I hold Trump in contempt. Not even close. 


    Trump's level of hubris, and his bizarre self image, contribute to him constantly shooting himself in the foot. He simply cannot get out of his own way. Trump is Biden's greatest ally. 

    Better at geography than Trump too. Who will ever forget "Thighland"? Maybe "cofevee" is a country too? Sadly, we may never know.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

    No, there is a very slim chance you would infect anybody and an even slimmer chance they would die. 


    As for the 2 million deathd, the stats being used are those that died with covid, not from covid. It is stupidly extrapolated from that. None of the covid death predictions were realistic, they have all been overstated. 


    Hyperbole isn't going to win over common sense. 



    And non fact based rhetoric isn't going to win over anyone.


    In the UK R0 currently stands at 1. That equates to every person contracting Covid would infect one other person. With herd immunity R0 would, by necessity, be much higher.

  3. 5 minutes ago, simple1 said:

    One hopes the Dems are able to block trumps attempts at voter suppression, because trump and the republicans, as already proven, will certainly not live up to their Oath to defend the Rule of Law.

    Its not really an attempt at voter suppression. Its part of Trump's armory of excuses as to why he lost the election. Part of his "blame everyone but me" philosophy. He knows he's already lost, blame it on a fake election, fake media, BLM, whatever.

    • Like 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, banglay said:

    Prices of the tolls fees might be useful to travellers ...  better to have the correct money ready and waiting when accessing or leaving the motorway ..

    Plus will motorbike be  free or charged at a lower rate ?



    AFAIAA motorbikes aren't allowed on motorways.

  5. 9 minutes ago, pedro01 said:


    80% immunity will happen with or without a vaccine. 


    If I am in a low risk group and those in high-risk groups get vaccinated - how am I causing an issue? Surely I am aiding in the process of herd immunity.

    Its estimated that in the US to achieve 80% immunity through herd immunity a further 2 million people would die.


    If you get it, you are not guaranteed to recover but also there's a good chance that you will infect someone who will die.

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