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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 3 hours ago, digger70 said:

    Why should it be reversed? If a Proper Trail has been done and All the Evidence ads up to 100% Guilty?

    Not always, in the cases I quoted, 6 men would have hanged for a crime they did not commit. A young man was sent to the gallows for murdering his wife and baby, a crime that a mass murderer later confessed to. Put yourself in his shoes as he walked up the gallows steps.



  2. 1 minute ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    And the relevance is what...the accused was found legally guilty (after a full and fair trial) and the penalty prescribed by law was carried out. Any complex system, including legal ones administered by fallible humans, is going come to "incorrect" conclusions on occasion. Is that a reason to do away with the whole enterprise?

    its a compelling reason to abolish the death penalty.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    You can call it what you like but they won't do the crimes again ( I am all for it ) and it saves money. 

    They don't have to waste Taxpayers money to keep the bad crims for in life imprisonment .

    One of the reasons that it was banned in the UK was because too many people went to the gallows and were subsequently found completely innocent Timothy Evans was the most shocking case. Several cases since the abolition the same.

    The "Birmingham 6" were a prime example. Six men fitted up and would certainly have hanged but years later had their convictions quashed.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Why Me said:

    Obviously, Thais and those married to a Thai, maybe with kids, get precedence. And the number of long-stay retirees without Thai spouses/kids who happened to get caught outside the country is likely too small a number sadly to make it as a category.

    Agree with your post but would have thought those on retirement visas outnumbered those on marriage visas. I know of several people who are on retirement visas even though married to a Thai. The extension procedure is easier.



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  5. 9 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    It has everything to do with the confrontation, that confrontation only happened because a disgruntled BLM cadre of activists was annoyed the mayor of St Louis had publicly disclosed their names and the fact they had demanded the police be defunded. They then called for this march on the private residence of the mayor, ostensibly to protest "racial injustice" but the real reason was to get the mayor to resign because she opposed defunding of the police and had publicised their names.


    So none of this would have happend without the BLM protestors marching on the private residence of the mayor.


    I note we have gone from "no there were no weapons at the protest" to "it's perfectly legal to carry weapons", lol.


    Okay, well, I can guarantee you the law does not allow the carrying of handguns during illegal activity such as trespassing. 


    But of course none of the BLM protesters are prosecuted because the person in charge in St Louis' main law office is a BLM apologist who sees BLM as a fantastic funds solicitation and votes gathering opportunity. 


    Subsequent to their appearance on national TV, a bunch of "vigilanties" showed up and started shooting at protesters. Their blood is on the suburban couple and Trump's hands. 2nd amendment? Jeez what century do you guys live in.



  6. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That's meaningless. Corona is not 5G. 5G is not required to infect with corona, however, it could be that 5G makes corona infection more severe and more likely to be fatal. I'm not saying it does, but it might.

    116,000 dead in Brazil. Seems Covid is doing ok without 5G.

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