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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 5 minutes ago, Daithi85 said:

    You  need the let the dirty farang  comment go. It's well  played out at this stage.  ????????????????

    And the tweet that contained it was deleted shortly after it was made, with an apology. Anutin is fully aware that he had a "foot in mouth" moment.


    As a footnote, we all pilloried him for his reaction to a farang who refused to accept a mask from him. He has since been proved right and we all now pillory farangs who refuse to wear a mask.

    • Sad 1
  2. 17 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

    Let's hope this strategy of a single dose works, and doesn't create vaccine resistant variants.  It's possible.

    Is that your professional opinion as one of the worlds leading virologists?


    Here's mine. The AZ and Pfizer vaccines produce good immunity from a single dose, great immunity from 2 doses with the right spacing. Ergo, if you vaccinated the population with a single dose, you would produce something close to herd immunity and that community would be far less likely to produce mutations.


    I think you need to go back to virology school for a refresher.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

    Until a global version of a vaccine certificate becomes available I can’t foresee what would be acceptable for entry, too easy to forge one if it’s just a piece of paper.

    Current talk is of a digital version using blockchain technology and stored on your phone. record accessed by QR code. Not easy to forge.

    • Like 1
  4. 37 minutes ago, Scofield said:

    The virus mutation doesn’t make sense, nearly every country has a variant.

    Correct. I believe that the UK variant is the dominant strain in the US now.


    Subsequent to the CCSA meeting on Friday 19th,chaired by Prayut, this announcement was made:


    "Lastly, the relaxation of state quarantine measures has been approved in principle. The mandatory 14-day quarantine has been reduced to 10 days for people coming to Thailand from foreign countries with no cases of Covid-19 variant strains and deemed as low tisk. Foreigners coming from Covid-19 variant strain countries will continue to perform 14 days of state quarantine and conduct RT-PCR tests three times as usual."


    So, no variant strains and low risk, which rules out most Western countries. I guess that most of us will continue with 14 days quarantine for a while longer. Maybe China and S.Korea will get on the list?



    • Like 2
  5. 4 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

    Sure, but there has been less of a medical emergency in Australia due to the superb handling of the crisis.

    By the way, does anyone know where the now infamous European batch comes from?  If it is batch contamination from Europe itself that would be a horrible irony.

    The emergency now in Australia is to open its borders a bit. Sealed tight as a nut, much to the annoyance of many Aussies. The answer is mass vaccination.

    There is no "European batch" another baseless slur from the anti British/anti AZ brigade.

    • Confused 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, RobMuir said:

    With 125 000 dead and 4.5 million infected I think your blind faith might be a little misguided.

    They haven't just done an average job, they have the worst death rate in the world for countries with a population of over 12 million. 

    Despite that your PM talks it up as if he has done a great job! Now other countries are rejecting this rushed vaccine as I will be.

    Agree that the UK government have performed very badly in controlling Covid. However AZ is not the UK government. It was the first vaccine to be developed. AZ vaccine fully formulated within 48 hours of Oxford University receiving the genome coding from China back in February. The time taken to deliver the vaccine to the public is due to the 3 stages of trials and extensive independent peer reviewing all of which has been more thorough than any other Covid vaccine. Ask the Australian government who are continuing to vaccinate the population exclusively with the AZ vaccine. There are zero issues with the AZ vaccine.

    Unfortunately the Australian government are performing much less well with their vaccination program. Currently only 164k doses issued compared to the UK's 25 million with a substantial increase in daily vaccinations being predicted in the next week or two.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, herfiehandbag said:


    Cressida Dick rather rose to prominence after her disastrous attempts to control a fast moving fluid pursuit of what was (mistakenly) believed to be a suicide bomber using hopelessly inadequate communications from an upstairs office in New Scotland Yard.

    I don't think that women are incapable of doing the job, I think that it is becoming increasingly obvious that Dame Cressida Dick is.

    Don't forget the Grenfell debacle when most people were of the opinion that she should have been dismissed.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    DO you understand how a lease works or you do not? Yes, rents will go up for people without leases and for people that have negotiated temporary discounts, but people that have entered into new leases with lower rents they will not. 

    In any event, until there is a recovery of some kind, there is nothing to drive rents up. You can't get blood from a turnip. 

    If you want to know about rents, leases and key money in Pattaya, watch this. He knows far more on the subject than you or I will ever know.


  9. 19 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    Maybe but not everyone catches covid, and we're talking about injecting millions of citizens.



    repeat repeat repeat : the AZ-EU contract for ordering vaccine was signed before the UK vaccine contract (one day earlier, but still).

    Now there were (many) other issues, as analyzed by Politico in the detailed article posted earlier.


    Vaccine approbation is based on testing data by scientists, maybe it's not the EMA which was slow, but the UK which approved very fast (the lack of testing with the 65+, for example was not a hindrance for injecting millions of elderly Britons).

    Now, which medicine agencies in the world were faster than the EMA? Beside Israel and the UK ?


    The EMA is an independent agency less susceptible to pressure by politicians. Now, its not immune either... ???? 

    What part of "there are no issues with the AZ vaccine" don't you understand? What part of " if you publically slag a company's product off (a la Macron) you're going to the back of the queue" don't you understand?

    How's France's vaccine program doing? The UK has already innoculated more than 40% of its citizens. Do try to keep up.

    BTW I see france's new cases are steadily rising. Dropping like a stone in the UK. Over 23k new cases in France today, a little over 4k in the UK. You snooze, you lose.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  10. 1 minute ago, HashBrownHarry said:

    Bit vague, street name?


    You're being very nosey, why do you want to know? Thinking of grassing them up?

    I was taken there by a young Chinese lady that I carved off the back of a flag followers crocodile and sworn to secrecy'

    BTW. Crocodile seems to be in short supply too. I do enjoy a crocodile sandwich.

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