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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 48 minutes ago, LouisdariPhuket said:

    Surely there are other airlines one can choose from to return to the UK such as Thai Airways, Air France, KLM, Lufthansa or Singapore Airlines.  Why is there a perennial obsession over the 'Big Three' Middle Eastern carriers?  

    I need to arrive in Manchester. Traditionally the Middle Eastern airlines had the most flights and were cheaper. I also prefer my stopover mid journey. However, need to book a flight today and am mulling between transfer in Holland and Finland. Probably go with Finland as situation is deteriorating rapidly in Holland and may be declared a red zone before my flight.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


    Can you pass the FBI background test?

    NRA-ILA | Citizen's Guide To Federal Firearms Laws - Summary

    from the same source:




    "On Friday evening, a judge in the Centennial state gave law-abiding gun owners something to celebrate. He ruled that the city of Boulder’s ban on possessing and transferring commonly-possessed “assault weapons” and ten-round magazines was preempted by state law and struck them down. This was an NRA-ILA supported case."


    Only in America. Insane.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Michelle whitehurst said:

    We went through the mushroom ???? police check in Trat and they asked to see Daren license when we tried to show his IDL they weren't interested and that we had to show local police and fined us 500 BHT

    If you had been nice to them and offered 200 baht cash they would have accepted. I once got a 400 baht fine for speeding reduced to 100 baht by making them laugh.


    Welcome to Thailand, love it or leave it.

  4. 8 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

    But as always, the few ruin it for the many. And because it's more difficult to punish the few than the many, the many get punished for the actions of the few. 

    I had a friend in the UK who was an avid pistol shooter. He went to the local range and took part in competitions a couple of times per week. He claimed that the level of concentration required brought him an inner calm, similar to meditating. When the UK beefed up its gun laws (all hand guns were forbidden) he had to give up his hobby. He was gutted and a year later he died of a heart attack. He accepted that the change in the law was for the greater good. These are the breaks when you live in a civilized society. Something that Americans and particularly Trump supporters have difficulty with. Me, me, me all the way USA!

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  5. 1 minute ago, Thomas J said:

    Well not facetious.  It does point out the disparity of concern over death.  Get a handful of Covid cases and Thailand goes into complete lockdown and employs Covid sniffing dogs.  Thousands die on the streets and it does not raise an eyebrow.   To me, deaths are deaths.  If they can be prevented than steps should be taken to do so.  Certainly with traffic deaths here in Thailand a large percentage are alcohol related so a program to have sobriety checks would probably have some effect on lowering the death toll.  Despite what you might think.  I am for gun control  EFFECTIVE gun control.  That means keeping guns out of the hands of people who should not have them.  I just don't know how you identify those people, and take action against them prior to them committing a crime.  I see too many "laws" that are there just for window dressing.  The USA has totally banned Fentanyl but thousands die from it each year.  If deaths were really what mattered rather than just pure hatred for firearms the concern would be towards saving whatever is killing the "most" Americans and in my book 70,000 drug overdoses is a far more serious threat than 211 from mass shooters. 

    People DUI voluntarily. People take drugs voluntarily. The victims of mass shooters don't volunteer for it. Victims of Covid don't volunteer for it.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Been There said:



    Dozens of NHS workers are fighting for compensation after developing narcolepsy from a swine flu vaccine that was rushed into service without the usual testing when the disease spread across the globe in 2009.

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