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Posts posted by polpott

  1. 1 minute ago, Leaver said:


    Yes, I have.  I have eaten mozzarella cheese, therefore cheese from made from buffalo milk, just not mozzarella cheese from Thai buffalo milk.


    It now appears JefferLos is not in Thailand, neither is his herd of "cows."   ????



    4 minutes ago, polpott said:

    Buffalo Mozzerella is produced in Thailand from Thai buffalo, so you never know.


  2. 3 minutes ago, Leaver said:

    Put this with Pattaya / Thailand no longer being a cheap holiday for western tourists, and it's possible bars and restaurants that cater for western tourists / expats will close, resulting in a decrease in numbers of them, which is on topic.   

    As its complete BS its not on topic. My pensions are index linked and its still a cheap holiday for Westerners. My mate comes over here for a month at a time. Subtract flight cost and he spends less money here than he would have if he'd stayed at home.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    Well about the importance of sovereign rights in  UK success, we do have an assessment of the real reason.. 


    When asked about the reason for the UK's vaccine success Boris Johnson answered "greed and capitalism"


    'Greed' and 'capitalism' helped UK's vaccines success, says PM


    You have already posted this once and its ben explained to you more than once. Why are you posting it again? Got nothing else?

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    OK Surelynot I agree with you.  There needs to be "gun control"  

    Now instead of that meaningless abstract term.  Just exactly what law(s) would you pass and exactly how would they have prevented any of the mass shootings. 

    Removal of firearms from the hands of private citizen, as in the UK.


    At the very least ban all semi automatic weapons aka assault rifles. Absolutely no justification for their existence. In the latest incident a lone police officer found himself in possession of a handgun facing a crazy with an AR-15 and extended magazine. The cop didn't stand a chance. If the perp had only been armed with a handgun he may have stood more of a chance.


    "Oh, oh, but what about my 2nd amendment rights?" Are you serious? Are you really serious?



    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Hi from France said:

    Well about the importance of sovereign rights in  UK success, we do have an assessment of the real reason.. 


    When asked about the reason for the UK's vaccine success Boris Johnson answered "greed and capitalism"


    'Greed' and 'capitalism' helped UK's vaccines success, says PM


    If you read, you'll see that it was an obvious joke. Your French sense of humour (or lack of it) just didn't get it, or didn't want to. Even if he were serious he couldn't be talking about Astra Zenica who supply the vaccine at cost.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Trump did nothing and even threatened veto on gun legislation if it passed Congress. He even said the gun and magazine bans are a total failure. Biden is pushing for extensive and expansive gun law reforms and the Dems in Congress are in unison on this push. The Dems kept their part of the deal for stricter gun reforms. The GOPs will be remembered for not doing much at all not Biden nor the Dems. 

    I was speaking generally, not just on gun laws. As for gun laws nothing will get through the senate. Biden is very reluctant to get rid of the filibuster (I've no clue why), without which not much in any area will be passed. Specifically on gun laws not even every Democrat will pass reforms. Madison will vote against.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Hi from France said:


    we are off-topic, but quickly, if you do not get the basics


    Macron is a centrist leaning on the right, he is the president right now. MLP does not have any power, but she might very well win the presidential election next year.


    In the case, there would be national-populist governments in both the Uk and France. With a series of results: typically we would not stop immigrants from leaving France and going to the UK anymore, and would be more aggressive on a series of fields. But it's off-topic.

    LePen's party formerly known as the National Front. Way more right wing than the British Conservative party. The French are doing nothing to prevent immigrants crossing the Channel now, in fact they're encouraging them so no change there.



    • Like 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, Victornoir said:

    Everyone shares this principle, but putting state pressure on a laboratory to renounce its commitments in name of national privilege is simply odious.

    Didn't happen. The government put pressure on AZ to fulfil its contract to the UK, which was made before the contract with the EU was signed. No pressure was put on AZ to renounce its contract with the EU.

    • Like 1
  9. 24 minutes ago, Hi from France said:

    This is irrelevant : vaccinating all UK citizens is not a priority, first we need to serve those who need it the most, and that includes people outside of selfish Britain.




    rightly so: unlike the UK who is not only keeping its own production, but also taking production away from other countries who need is more, the EU also tries to be useful to the world as well as to its own citizens.



    .. and you, don't you think the UK should do like the EU and export millions of doses instead of vaccinating all its citizens first, even those who have a very small chance of dying ?




    Why should we? We're not in the EU, we have a duty to take care of our own citizens. Go tell it to the Americans who are taking the same line. We have no duty of care to EU citizens, that's down to the EU commission who failed you by dallying over ordering the vaccine. "You snooze, you lose."


    You have to laugh when Macron disses the AZ vaccine then demands to be at the front of the queue to receive it.


    We have a saying in the UK, "Put your own house in order first".

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