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Posts posted by samjaidee

  1. It might be interesting to see the text, of the Congressman's original letter to President Obama, which the permanent secretary of defence Nipat Thnglek (who works for caretaker-DM Yingluck) reportedly showed to reporters yesterday, and which resulted in the reply in the OP ?

    What has the Congressman been saying, about Thailand and the current situation, to which some Thais might take exception ?

    I'd link to confirm that story, but it's in the BP, so can't.

    Here's the content of the letter, word for word.

    Dear Mr. President,

    I am writing you today to voice my deep concerns over a strong U.S. ally that plays a pivotal role in democratic stability throughout Asia. As you may know, a close economic and military ally, Thailand, is being threatened. The U.S. must remain a strong voice for stability by ensuring Thailand's democratic principles are upheld.

    In recent years, we have seen far too many democracies fail. Today's Washington Post editorial Turning Point in Thailand, highlights yet another democracy that is being threatened by an antidemocratic uprising. Continued violence between groups that support democracy and who oppose, have perpetuated political instability.

    Please join me in publically (sic) voicing opposition to this current situation by supporting the democratic process as the February 2, 2014 general election approaches. I look forward to hearing your response.


    Michael R. Turner

    Member of Congress

  2. "Executed"??? Call it "murder" <deleted>....

    Who writes this drivel?

    May she rest in peace...

    Well, considering this is Thailand, and those words are in fact interchangeable in this context, even to a native speaker; perhaps you could also regale us with your vocabulary critique of the Thai language version of this story.

    Unless we know the context of the murder then the word executed may or may not be an appropriate word.

    To write executed without full knowledge of the facts is wrong.

    Granted, three head shots looks like an execution but to use the word executed in the headline is nothing more than sensationalization.

  3. 45 minutes, that's it? Simply terrifyingcoffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

    Not being smartarse at all but would really like to see what stevenl commented about this on the other site , am interested by the mods comments after not publishing it at all..what could have been said that warrented that reaction...?

    Re-post here and get a better re action i would think..

    Wow, 30 minutes in the elevator makes the papers. Must be a slow news day.

    Sent from my D90W using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Reactions would be much more different if the trapped were farang. Seen this type of behavior too often similar to some nationalist type of site with the word "storm" in it. Farang got hurt, injured or simply inconvinenced complains to the skies screams to the heavens of the injustice. Same thing happens to a non farang. Whatever or blames the news site.

    Would you mind writing a version of your post that makes sense?

    Thank you.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  4. the muslimization of Thailand continuesbah.gif .....there are laws to stop public disturbance etc ...USE THEMfacepalm.gif

    Wile living in Thailand, for 5 years, from 1999 to 2004, the friendliest people I met were from the Muslim community. Their hospitality, encouraged by their faith, was exceptional.

    How does banning alcohol on trains equate to Muslimization?

    Am I reading a hint of bigotry?

  5. I can speak basic Thai, just enough to shop/travel around.

    Why the Thai don't learn english? Is that too hard for them? I was in Singapore yesterday and they (almost) all can speak english, what a relief! Also they have an organised country there which is much safer and easyier to travel around.

    As long as the Thai can't speak english they can not travel abroad and will never learn from other cultures. They want to look like white Asians/europeans but don't understand anything from their cultures. They should spend less money in the "look at me so rich" culture and see more of the world.

    Even Thai that have been to university's in USA for 4 years can't communicate with me, they can only write english. Go figure how they survived that period abroad.

    I speak/write 4 languages and nit noy Thai, i think it is enough. Money talks and if they can't speak with me it's fine, i will go to another salesman. If i could speak fluent Thai then i would understand how they gossip about me all the time, now i just react like "krabhom" and then their mouths fall open and the eyes almost pop out. That's fun enough for me.

    Even Thai that (think they can) speak english are not understandable to me, in the airplanes i have no idea what they announce in English. I feel like a foreigner in Thailand and will always stay that foreigner. I don't go to places where nobody speaks english, i travel for fun only and always bring my wife if i need a translator.

    Also when i speak Thai to Thai they still don't understand me at all. They think i 'm speaking english to them and get nervous and immediatly look at their friends for support. They should get over that fear of farang speaking to them because the farang got the money that they like to get.

    Considering you take such pride in your ability to speak and write four languages, your grammar and sentence structure suck.

  6. Please note: I'm not English, OK, so that's why I put that little apostrophe next to "round" in the title, OK?

    Being English, this has really annoyed me. So much so, that I've forgotten what the thread was about.

    Thanks, Woolamooloo.

    Regardless of nationality, I can't imagine why anyone would want to use an apostrophe on the word round in the title.

    If you wanted to use the word around then why didn't you just use the a key rather than the apostrophe key?


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  7. First, I give you credit for being forthright and honest here, but I must also say that you are a dispicable human being. No matter what goodness you have done cannot erase this awful thing. Murder is murder.

    You are lucky your wife doesn't divorce you. I know that I probably would have to think twice about staying with a person who could commit such an act of violence and aggression.

    With all that being said. Most of the advice you have been given will wind you up in prison. First, go talk to a lawyer immediately and ask for real advice.

    Second, if you are renting, move. If you own your house sell it and move to a different town or at least the opposite end of town. No matter what do not stay in that neighborhood. NOthing good will come from living there. You will be hated by everyone in that area. If there is a temple near by go and talk to the senior monk and tell him what you did and ask him for help changing your ways. That will at least keep people off your back for a while.

    If you are on a marriage visa, you need your neighbors interviewed to get the extension. You don't want to get denied for this act.

    Good luck, it will not be an easy fix. You created a very difficult situation for yourself and have probably made yourself an enemy to all in that neighborhood.

    As you said murder is murder.

    The problem with your argument is that the unlawful premeditated killing of an animal is not currently defined as murder. Murder, homicide and manslaughter are only human against human acts.

    I'm not suggesting that what he did was acceptable behaviour. I have never killed a mammal and can't condone anyone doing it deliberately. But... to call it murder is anthropomorphism. Where do you draw the line?

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  8. If this is what people are saying about Thailand then, heaven forbid, if they were ever unfortunate enough to go to Vietnam. Lying, cheating and stealing are the national pastimes.

    I've lived in Vietnam for the last 8 years, after 5 years in Thailand.

    In my experience Thai people are infinitely more adept at lying, cheating and stealing than Vietnamese people.

    Is your view based on experience of hearsay?

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