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Posts posted by AndyFoxy

  1. 7 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Navy, Marine Police to help ensure Sandbox tourists do not leave Phuket by boat within first 14 days


    PHUKET: Patrols by the Royal Thai Navy base in Phuket as well as Marine Police will help provide assistance to make sure that the tourists arriving through the Phuket Sandbox scheme do not leave Phuket by boat before completing the mandatory 14-day stay on the island. 




    The Sand Penitentiary ......seriously....who the hell would go there?

    • Haha 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

    This story doesn't sound right. If the 5 from BKK had positive tests, they would not be free to leave the Bangkok area. If they all tested positive in the Village, that would be unusual, the village doesn't due lab tests.


    I would bet money the real story is that 5 people showed up from BKK, the headman told them to self isolate, and the rumor started that they had COVID, because they are from BKK and are isolating. 

    Any Thai blood in you? If Prayut has to go, you could be the next in charge since you have all the answers.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, JRG23 said:

    I got the AZ jab yesterday at Ploenchit Centre.  Very gratefull to receive the vaccine - and for free - but my goodness, what a circus! What a Circus!!!


    In order to eventually get the jab it took five hours (!) of queueing, paperwork, blood pressure tests, more paperwork, more queues, and more tests. Unbelievable. It wasn't that busy either!


    The Thais really need to sort this out. Organise a system whereby less time is spent on bureaucratic BS (although some is obviously important) and more time on getting the vaccine in peoples' arms.


    Yesterday there were only 250,000 people who got the jab (including me) but this is way way below the kind of numbers required. Sort it out!!

    When it got my Pfizer, whole process took 35 minutes (including 30 minutes post jab waiting time)

  4. 13 minutes ago, anchadian said:


    Reopening of Phuket and Surat Thani to foreign tourists confirmed for July

    Tourists will be required to present their Certification of Entry to Thailand, register themselves through http://entrythailand.go.th, and install the “Thailand Plus” and other local apps upon arrival, so that their locations can be tracked.




    Who is actually going to bother coming if they need to go,through that rigmarole as well as other things?

  5. 3 hours ago, phills2k1 said:

    Don’t forget that while infected with Covid, he forced the secret service to drive him out to see the nut jobs, and of course infected said agents


    And then after he was extremely sick but recovered due to experimental drugs that only the highest level people could get, he went and told his supporters that Covid is no bog deal because of those drugs, lying that everyone could get them 


    While a few weeks after, he hosted a super spreader event at the White House celebrating the stolen Supreme Court seat, infecting not only the majority of republican leadership that has access to said drugs, but countless White House staff that didn’t 

    Lol. The <deleted> is strong in this one,

  6. 8 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

    I do not assume you Andy ascribe to conspiracy theories and ' a secret and silent malevolence in the world hell bent of enslaving humanity and eating babies so as to find eternal youth.

    "US covered it up" ? So far there appears zero evidence of anyone outside of China hiding zip, and little evidence at all apart from the Chinese desperately trying to hide their shock and extreme embarrassment at this virus. Which from world-scientific minds  has with all probability, spontaneously emanating out of China.

    This spontaneous cross-species infection appears to be the current consensus of the scientific world at this time, but with a general consensus caveat that it could have been engineered and escaped but that this 'deliberate' scenario seems highly unlikely.

    There were governments in 2020 (we know this definitely by examination of real-time factual timeline evidences), trying to avoid mass-panic by releasing information at a pace, and doing its best to gather back their balance in a rapidly changing and deteriorating world environment so as not to have the world rapidly across the globe descended into anarchy, and to play catch-up with the loud silence and information gaps both emanating out of China along with science in breaking down the DNA of this new bug and thereby understanding it.

    Such catch-up scientifically is completely usual/normal and to be expected.

    The problem we have seen emerging with more loudness is the non-fact, non-scientific, and active denialism of science by irrational, illogical, bizarre fantasy based child-thinkers that such normal progressions are somehow indicative of conspiracy and malevolence.

    The tight lips of China can be easily and reasonably explained because one they are a Communist nation, two to ''save face' because they are Asians, and three are arguably very prideful about the rise of their nation and criticism of it by a Western press and governments that have shown (whether valid or not) at any opportunity leap in decrying China while ignoring hypocritically their own shortcomings and world damaging behaviours.

    As part of the face-saving China automatically restrict embarrassing leaks to avoid any blowback in the international community. Add to that a totalitarian regime set amidst the way of the world is today i.e. leaks have happened, and their attempts to totally control the narrative have failed and give reason for conspiracy-needing folks to jump. The old spectre of 'the other' is pre-eminent here. Which psychologically is most convenient because while looking at the other we have no need to analyse ourselves. Some would say that Caucasian cultures are extremely good at this.

    The censuring and removal of virologists and doctors from speaking out in China is in line with the face-saving totalitarian global-projection which China consistently engages in. Such behaviour does not automatically indicate a more complex, more nefarious intention ... other than the inherent one accepted as consistent of them. 

    The circulation of conspiracy notions about this are highly-speculative at the very best, crazy at their worst. 

    The hypothesis that a nation would release a high-morbidity virus amongst its own population willingly is a bizarre notion, and I would offer a bridge-too-far even for them. Selectively purging, reeducating and imprisoning people yes. The West of course is far more civilised. We simply set up our won 'enlightened' systems and racially crush select groups in order to further our Caucasian jingoism.

    To offer up that the US would willingly engage in (2 presidents and administrations, Drs. like Fauci, numerous virology institutes across the globe, the AMA, The CDC, The WHO, The UN etc (no matter what might be said of the WHO's so-called sycophancy towards China - which itself is a contentious, highly dubious piece of [mis]information) would and have entered into a cover-up and allow a virus to enter its borders killing millions of people is also ludicrous and the stuff of idle, paranoid, Q ANON, Fox News anarchic Hollywood storyline thinking. 

    Wet markets, for many, many decades, have been shown to be breeding grounds for cross-species virus transmissions this is not speculative but clear scientific traceable fact. Sars, H1N1 etc. have all found a virally ripe environment in these wet markets from east Africa to China.

    The hypothesis that China did this and let it go by design to throw the world into chaos so they can profit in some way is also ridiculous fantasy as they have been smashed by the world economic downturn as all of us have. 

    One important fact to remember in the impact of this virus on the planet is; The US had a few dozen specialist virologists in China (some in the Wuhan Lab itself) before this outbreak as part of the forward arm of a global virological prevention system (collaborated in globally with and via the US under Obama's inception and negotiations with China and many other nation-sites) and that this vital early warning system was dismantled by Trump in the first 2 weeks of taking office. 

    There was and still is no reasonable, scientific, or other sound explanation for such a disassembling. This action by Trump was decried by pretty much the entire world scientific community and effectively blinded the world via on-site specialists to any influenza or other viruses emerging out of China or other places they are still encamped in across the globe.

    The history or our awareness of viral illnesses from the superstitious dark ages to today's definitive modern medical science tells us that nature is always developing and adapting and so are viruses as they too are part of the natural world.  Assigning blame as other members have said seems to be a mute and worthless intent unless of course the intent is to propagate and promote a self-serving, jingoistic, and punitive-political agenda. The need to finds a perpetrator to lay blame on in order to deflect away from our vulnerability as living, finite, frail beings is for many a reflexive way of living and inherent. 

    As many doctors, and science shows without equivocation; Viruses don't care about what nationality or demographic you hail from. It's sole intention and meaning of existence is to recreate itself. It has no consciousness, no morality, no good or bad, it simply works to survive and does so with extreme efficiency. Such reality (not a substitute-fake reality which suits or personal egotistical proclivities) is an inconvenience for those who work automatically to deny that we all live in inconvenient, impermanent existence.

    It also seems difficult for some people to grasp the notion that labs experiment with viruses all the time (across the globe, and not automatically for nefarious reasons but to advance science, provide more bulwarks against disease, and improve the quality of life) in order to understand and invent preventions (yes some countries like Israel, the US, Russia, China, England etc experiment in creating biological weapons both viral and bacterial all the time and have for many many decades).

    You should be an opinion piece writer for some newspaper or magazine. Looks like you have the talent to write. Well done.

    • Haha 1
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