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Posts posted by AndyFoxy

  1. 14 minutes ago, w94005m said:

    When OUR taxes are paying for illegal immigrants, convicts and all other foreign nationals with our taxes and we are excluded, something is very wrong.


    A lot of other foreign nationals here are clamouring for Pfizer and Moderna. Remember, you only have those because of our taxes.


    On the first paragraph, that’s what you get for going left.


    On the  second paragraph, thanks to the max for paying for my vax with your tax.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Ginner said:

    What is it about Americans, they usually expect/demand countries to bend over backwards to accommodate them. I am registered for the vaccine in Thailand, I will wait until I'm called forward to receive the jab. I'm not going to demand the Brit Embassy vaccinate me. Have the same problem with Americans teaching in Thailand, only their way is the correct way and demand everyone knows it.

    It's okay. I like Americans.. But not the woke kind.

     If it wasn't for Americans, I probably wouldn't be vaxxed by now. 







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