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Fat is a type of crazy

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Everything posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. People will be jealous given the hellish heatscape that is Bangkok and Thailand. I am enjoying the cool Melbourne weather. But when I go to Thailand in coming weeks I have 14 kg carry on rather than normally half of that which means 2 decent sized bags so saves me having to pick up bags later.
  2. For Australians, I like the Bankwest Platinum card travel insurance, as it has no requirements i.e. no prepurchase of travel or whatever, is covered by a good company being Covermore, no annual fee, no charge for overseas purchases.
  3. When bringing my thai partner to Australia I used to use Covermore which normally had decent prices. A friend had a good experience with them when sick overseas too.
  4. 60 per cent - not likely - a couple of per cent of Democrats tops - surely the same crazies who like Trump like Kennedy
  5. It was hello and thank you - and we all know that in 99.9 per cent of cases it would get no reaction or a favourable reaction. So it either didn't happen or he met a psycho or there is a different reason but it clearly is not an indication of the way thai's normally behave.
  6. Let us assume it happened and you are a long term customer who tips well. It might have been that something else tipped her over the edge. I could imagine if a customer was loud or obnoxious or seemed drunk slurring their words or was poorly dressed or flirted with the staff inappropriately she may have had enough and she was looking for an opportunity to get rid of them. Doubt these would apply to you though.
  7. In my case because going between 60 and 90 days. But for others I imagine it can seem better and easier to get it done at the start, as some of the stories of going to immigration offices with long queues and maybe some unexpected request, do not inspire you to take the punt when there.
  8. More than one thing can be important at the same time. The topic of discussion was Trump and his comments.
  9. You are using the extreme comparative argument. I like World Leaders to take a stand in important matters like freedom to vote, freedom to protest and freedom of the press, in such a country as Russia. Freedom to live like we have. The reason for his death is highly likely not to be due to natural causes. It is not about standing on a box and saying - He Did It - but acknowledging such an events importance and significance beyond the sad death of one man. Many world leaders spoke up. Trump has no opinion and seems often to support what happens in Russia. If that's of no significance to you or even a good thing then it makes it easier for me to understand why you might support him.
  10. As a Kiwi do you have to pay much higher fees now or was that a mistake or something. Seemed bizarre. Australian fee $60 for two months the same of course.
  11. Point is he can say an awful lot without saying he definitively 100 per cent knows how he died and who killed him. Put yourself in a position of power and ask yourself if you would be so cavalier and say the same.
  12. Keep saying the same thing. Who cares. If you don't get it that's fine.
  13. Nick you are stuffing around with an important issue in my opinion. Clearly it is extremely likely it was a government sanctioned death. Nothing is 100 per cent of course. Look at the facts - clearly fine the day before, body not released in a timely manner, previous attack etc. I consider it Trump's responsibility to be definitive in his condemnation of the circumstances and secrecy of his death rather than playing the - who knows how he died - game.
  14. What are you looking for? Some answer that says people from Phuket are all this way or that way. Phuket has friendly people and fun people and a few scammy people and jaded people. Tourist areas have more of the fun people and more of the scammy and jaded people than a town in the country side. So go to Phuket and search out the fun people and stop whinging like a bitch. Or stay where you are and keep whinging about some where you don't even want to go to.
  15. Not really. I would think few Trump supporters in Australia per capita compared to US. Look at our two parties - middle of the road or in fact a fair bit to the left of American politics. We are pretty level headed over all. Australian bogans tend to be more interested in cars and girls and fun rather than guns or gender politics or some distorted view of freedom like the American type seems to be. A rich Australian called Clive Palmer tried to do a Trump and failed miserably. 2 main sorts of bogans. Many cashed up bogans in tradie jobs absolutely killing it now happily financially, and your lazy possibly unemployed bogan who probably cares more about smoking bongs, than politics. Don't think Dolf is a bogan. Not many bogans travelling small towns in Thailand months at a time commenting on stuff on websites all the time.
  16. ... and there lies the problem. Some working class swing voters who don't really like Trump might remember that lovely time they got Covid cheques and didn't have to work. They may now have ok jobs but they see the cost of everything going higher and wealthier people racing away from them in terms of wealth. Tell them Trump stuffed up covid treatments, and that the covid cheques were not sustainable and they caused inflation, and that Biden has turned things around and in case they forgot, that Trump was a tedious menace, and they may simply recall those cheques. Hopefully Biden can send an effective message to counter this.
  17. You've reminded me of an annoying thing with Agoda - they often have a pay now or pay later option - but the pay later has an additional 5 per cent fee that they don't make clear - so better to pay at first. Can still cancel if conditions allow and get money back fairly fast. I concur it's good to keep your eye on the price from time to time as some sites but not others will pay you back the difference.
  18. As others have mentioned it will often be more expensive than going by a site such as Agoda. Sometimes significantly so. Agoda tends to be cheaper but is cheaper still if you search through a comparison site first e.g. Tripadvisor. Booking.com was always a lot more expensive but now they seem to often give 10 per cent off for members so a bit better - the prices aren't necessarily better if you go by Tripadvisor. Hotels.com used to be good but are now always expensive. If you can be bothered you can get them to price match, e.g. a hotels website price assuming same conditions, and they will do so with the bonus that for each ten nights booked you get a night for free. A problem is that often there are small differences in conditions that make a price match difficult.
  19. I concur the issue didn't have a lot of relevance to the case but it certainly hasn't helped her reputation. The whole bit about having cash at home to repay her boyfriend sounded dodgy as hell. Cash from where? Couldn't say it seems.
  20. When I googled that I got all sorts of articles saying the 5000 claim by Trump and others is not correct. For example: So where did this 5,000-a-day figure come from? The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit, but those are border encounters, not crossings. As noted above, no migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision. Under the new immigration bill, the Department of Homeland Security could close the border if too many migrants were showing up with asylum claims. After negotiators conferred with the Border Patrol and officials at the Department of Homeland Security, they crafted the legislation to give DHS the authority to close the border if they reached a seven-day average of 4,000 or more border encounters. A seven-day average of 5,000 or more would mandate a border closure. If the number exceeded 8,500 in a single day, there would also be a mandatory border closure. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/does-new-immigration-bill-5000-illegal-border-crossings-per-day-rcna136656 Point is this is clearly what Republicans wanted. This is what the Border Patrol unions wanted. Democrats said fine and Trump said no.
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