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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Late 50's guy posting photos of their fantasies of late teen looking girls dressed as their anime fantasies makes me feel a bit squeamish.  But at least you're honest. As long as you are aware that the likes of you and I are totally invisible, if not actually unpleasant,  to such girls that's fine I suppose.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Perhaps you can explain what that is, as I never saw anything different from what non prostitute women wore on their face.

    I might be speaking symbolically ..a woman may be said to put on her whore makeup when she takes on a role which she thinks will please men resulting in a transfer of dollars. They may be less likely to take on such a role, that for many would be somewhat soul destroying, if there were better opportunities to improve themselves or to get a decent wage working decent hours. 

  3. FACT: There would be a lot less lovely young ladies putting on whore makeup and looking to chat and have sexual relations with old uglies if they had access to pay and conditions for work as in Australia.

    FACT 2: Some girls like the big money and or fun and or the sex and or the power over men and will do it regardless in either country. 

    POSSIBILITY: Thai culture makes Thai woman more likely than western women to be happy pleasing a man and giving him succour. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, bignok said:

    On a scooter riding 200km a day. Terrible idea. Doyle cannot even pronounce the town names correctly. He also said Hat Yai and Songkhla were awesome - his new favourite cities. Every 2nd city is his new favourite. In one video he said he wanted to move to Khon Kaen. Then he wanted to move to Hat Yai or Songkhla. He also rates Samui highly. These vloggers are full of it.

    Seemed like a nice guy. The novelty of him and Dreamy wore thin pretty fast. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    There is nice places if you know where to look for it, but any city outside the foreign tourist loops, is pretty much the same be it Isan or where ever in Thailand. However smaller districts have its charm if you take your time and travel outside the main centers, and often where Thai people go holidays as well. 

    Must admit I enjoyed my time in Ubon and surrounds. The candle festival seemed really natural and happy. Isn't a lot of Thai food from Issan? The music is the best. Girlfriend from Issan too. 

  6. 1 minute ago, LaosLover said:

    Love Issan to death, but C'mon. No one needs to see every square foot of it.


    If you go to America, you don't have to visit Alabama AND Mississippi. You can even just skim the redneck riviera of N. Florida and call it done.


    In Issan, the towns are also very spread out and usually lack distinctive downtowns. I once flew by mistake to Udon instead of Ubon and didn't realize it for 2 days.


    Only Ethnographers and Lonely Planet writers need more than 2 weeks in Issan.



    Watched Youtuber Paddy Doyle about a year or two ago when he was looking to go to every bit of Thailand. When he got to Issan I think even he found it hard to build enthusiasm as each town and place seemed like the same as the one the day before. 

  7. 1 minute ago, KhunLA said:

    No, I didn't, but you did miss my point.   The USA alone & Americas are large enough & diverse enough, there is no need to leave to be 'adventurous'.


    You did state stay in 'one' country

    USA is just a wee bit smaller than Europe.


    United States ... 9.834 million km²

    Europe ...............,,10.53 million km²


    Surely you would agree that the difference between Germany and Montenegro is a lot more than Alabama to Kansas though they are a similar distance apart. Dont even talk about Australia where Perth to Melbourne is double the distance but people are pretty much the same


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  8. When I was 17 I liked or was open to star signs and up to 25 liked psychics. Brain is a bit soft and you feel open to all ideas and have faith that the only way for you is up and the world is on your side. When things get tough some double down and some distance themselves and then give it a miss. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    I may have received an E-mail that morning making me an offer and contemplating whether to accept that offer or not or whether to reject it .

       Suddenly some felang jumps out the shadows and says "Allright mate , whats your name "

    "Its Mac" 

    "My names John, nice to meet you , wot u doing here "?

    "Just on holiday"

    "I live here , I am married to a Thai Wife , she is 26 years younger than me and she weights 37 kilos and she looks ten years younger than she is and shes really beautiful  . my Thai wife really likes me  , she dont mind me going out for a "drink with me mates" , nudge nudge . wink wink and my Thai wife speaks good English  , My Thai wifes cooks really good Issan food, that is where she come rom "

       Jeeeezzz, is that the time, I really need to be going , nice to meet you John, see you again next time

    I had someone come up to me recently similar to that in Melbourne. Out of the blue mid fifties guy talking about his trips to Vietnam and Thailand as a single man, how he stays at cheap hotels but could afford more as he has two properties, how his suburb in Melbourne is terrible now as it is full of immigrants. When in Thailand I am mainly with the girlfriend and it made me think interaction with expats in some cases may be best when you can log off, or go to the next topic, rather than as a somewhat captive audience at a bar or something.  

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  10. 4 hours ago, HighPriority said:

    Planes hurt right now.

    Pre Covid I could get to Phuket and back to Darwin for Aud$240 pp, now looking at $1200+.


    From Melbourne still get good deals if you are happy to cop Jetstar.  Sales do make a big difference so could sign up to the newsletter.  

    In May it's $450 return like the good old days but last flight in August had delays of 3 hours there and 6 hours back so may be a false economy. 

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  11. 51 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    The good genes come from the violent thugs.

    Those who take care of the womans kids (from the violent thugs) get used and discarded (with little sex).

    So you've been with your wife and her kid for some time. Do you act like a violent thug to keep her interested and so that she is giving you what you want. Or are you a nice guy who gets nothing. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Danderman123 said:

    Volcanoes cool the planet, via emissions of silicon dioxide.


    It's fairly trivial to measure noxious gas output from all the cars and motor in Thailand and compare against temperature over the years.

    It's sulphur dioxide but same difference. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa being a good example of the cooling of the planet.

    There is a popular book, a bit old now, called Superfreakonomics, that amongst other interesting ideas, suggested cooling things down by pumping sulphur dioxide into the upper atmosphere by a hose. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Nearly all my pals died between age 45 and age 70, most before age 60.

    At 67 I'm last man standing.


    I have no wish to live any longer, I've done more than most, been to more places, banged more women, there's just nothing left I want to do.

    You don't like your home cooked food or a smoke or ..uggh .. a wine cooler. Don't like hanging out with the wife and kids. Riding the bike.  Don't like tinkering with solar or whatever. I don't think you need a specific aim or new thing to continue to want to live. Doing the same things that are fun isn't so bad. 


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