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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 10 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Most Thais don't pay income tax. Having 10,000B extra to spend feels very different than some tax deduction at the end of the year. 

    Point is it is normal for a party to dole out benefits to who they think are the most important voting bloc. Some give tax cuts if they think that voting bloc best represents their base and for those voters it is like a cash benefit. Other parties might focus on the poor and give them better access to health or 10000 baht. So pretty normal.

    Australia had it's budget last night and they increased certain benefits for unemployed. I didn't get a cracker, which means going backwards with the same tax, and wages going up less than inflation. 

    So I get your cynicism but for every poorer person that spends it on drink there may be two others who use it to give themselves a more dignified life, if even for a short time, or spend it on bettering themselves.

    Nothing undemocratic as far as I can see and potentially a smart policy. 

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  2. 38 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Name me a single country where a party promised that everybody will get 10,000 THB (or similar) to spend if they vote for party x. Please don't mention tax reductions or similar. 

    As discussed in a different thread the 10,000 goes to those eligible not to those who vote for them.

    It's fairly common. In my state in Australia I got $250 to save on energy bills from the state government. In your bank account. Tax reductions are the same thing anyway - more money in your pocket either way. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    I have a friend in UK who works nights. He often posts during his break. That's 2am. 8 am Thai time. How would someone know that?


    There used to be a guy I knew, Norwegian, in Buriram who was insomniac. He'd often post at 1 or 2am Thai time. How would someone know that?

    You wouldn't ... over time though in the mornings they'd be lots of new posts by a particular New Zealander apparently catching up on the last ten hours or whatever and you notice other posters posting at particular times here and there. Poms less likely to post their night time. Not foolproof though... 

    I notice these things .. not sure why

    To get on topic I think the poster has too much life in him at 48 and is going stir crazy in the heat and tediousness of his locale. I would spend a couple of days at my ex wifes and though they were nice people I had had enough. Language part of the problem but seemed like a stultifying atmosphere. Maybe my fault and your fault but it is what it is and best to get away from the woman and get back to work and maybe see the kid once a month or something. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Interesting. How exactly does timing of responses show who lives where?

    If I log in at 7am my time for a look for something to do as I start work I see the other Australians and New Zealanders adding their 2 cents while all you guys are fast asleep. Some of the english posters have their times too.  

  5. On 5/2/2023 at 10:34 AM, steven100 said:

    totally agree ....  Thailands legal system doesn't work like in the west or how it's suppose to,  these cowboys do as they want.  Try evicting her from the house and see how far he gets ...   he could end up in the rubber plantation hangin from a tree.  just sayin'

    Could be. But she is probably a normal person who won't do that and will have to cop what happens. If she's been terrible to him odds on she's not liked by the local community.  Sometimes it's easy to see those around us as an amorphous threat rather than being normal people who are careful not to break the law and are not willing to go out on a limb for some local woman. Sometimes it's more fun to FIGHT. 

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  6. You could do a Great Expectations and put some money aside for him for when he turns 16 or 18 and maybe help him along the way by say paying school and other expenses directly, rather than via the mother, with her consent. It seems like Issan life, except being with the child, is annoying you and boring you. 

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  7. I think you are Australian. Maybe time to face facts - Thai women are nice but life in Australia can be better for you. At 48 you can earn a good living, fish for healthy fish, understand and be understood and maybe retire in Thailand at 60. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

    Team biden knows that the majority of Americans have doubts of biden's ability to run 2024. Even joe has acknowledged the fact that it's a legit concern. So, I ask, why doesn't he simply do a test and put everyone's apprehension to rest? 

    My 2 cents is that he'd pass it in a canter. I have said it before, but I think it's his communication diminished further by age, rather than his overall intellect, that is and will let him down. He didn't win the last election by that much given the toxicity of Trump. If he's not against Trump, but an able speaker who's not bat s h i t right wing crazy, it will be tough for him.  I thought he's presentation today was fairly effective and he, or people around him, seem to know how to hit the right notes to make him look normal and the right untrustworthy. Time will tell but it would be nice in my opinion if he'd bow out, or at minimum get a vice president who people would like or at least accept as president, but neither are going to happen it seems.  

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  9. For me 50 minutes to an hour 3 times a week is effective but a little light but leaves your body feeling relaxed and normal. Four pushes you that bit further and is better overall but does leave my body a bit tight and stressed. So for me 4 times a week mixed with, if possible, 10 to 15 minutes daily stretching yoga, and on other days you can do other stuff to stretch your body in a less pressurised way. I have a garden so can do that sort of stuff or walks or maybe a relaxed bike ride. I am surprised that that type of casual exercise seems to counter the stresses of gym unless you get too tired. 6 times a tough workout would be way too much for me. 


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  10. His chats with Chris Cuomo, when they each had their slot, were entertaining and good television. Brings back memories of working at home during covid. When he went to the morning show I never saw him again as I don't watch at that time. 

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  11. I hope I am wrong and in fact Biden is able to impress all with his lucidity, and clarity, and consistent train of thought, with energy and verve and passion, in enunciating his policies for 2024 a la Obama and Clinton. I don't mind a candidate that is a bit old but they need to be able to speak up without the audience feeling a sense of dread that bloopers and slurring is inevitable. I think the risk is too high that the people will not be happy with such a candidate as this pole already indicates. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, LaosLover said:

    Not seeing a downside here. A woman who puts on make-up to be attractive to men is def on my team.


    If that make-up leans a little whorish? Bonus points, partic if it's below the neck.

    I have lived a sheltered life compared to some here but what makeup do women wear below the neck and how can it be whorish. Whitening cream? Tattoos? 


    For those who gave confused faces to my post above the previous poster referred to the letter putter upperer and maths whiz from the english show who admittedly is a generation apart and I compared it to the Australian. 

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