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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Seems like someone who's been hurt and done some hurting.

    Burnt a lot of bridges and sees Thailand or similar as the last chance.

    Hope he can find happiness on his low income without crashing and burning himself or others. 

    That's if they'll let him come and stay. 

  2. I met a nice Ranong girl and 18 years later we are good friends. In between though things got ugly. The prenup that I got saved the day. It can be that everything before the marriage is separate or everything before and after is separate. I went the latter route. Got an Australian lawyer with Thai speaking staff. It did the trick. She has a business now and is with a nice guy.


    Some may feel it is not romantic or puts the relationship on shaky foundations. If you are marrying a much younger girl it is already on shaky foundations and a woman respects a man who is careful and prudent. When it gets ugly in the future you'll be happy you spent the 1000 bucks.  

  3. 44 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    Yet, this same crowd are quite indifferent regarding the ever present and dangerously expanding Anglophone sphere on forced influence........far more destructive and criminal than any manufactured and historied boogieman. 

    So the UK is the current problem rather than Russia and China. It would be interesting for you to outline reasons why you think this is the case. Please don't  be cryptic. I read the normal news and think Russia is bad for attacking Ukraine and don't know what you are referring to. 

  4. Ubon is a nice town. Not touristy. Big enough though to have the stuff you are after. 

    There are some nice things over the border in Laos if you like forests and waterfalls and  some nice bars and restaurants on the river with Beer Lao of course. 

    I can recommend to go to in July during the candle festival. It's a parade of big things such as  Buddhas made of wax. OK sounds boring but people were so happy and nice and it didn't feel touristy. 

    3000 gets you Hop Inn which appears to be OK. There are lots of good basic hotels for around 5000 a week near the markets or on the river.  

    I liked the Sunee Grand for AUD $40 a night or 6500 a week that has a nice pool, decent gym, and a good breakfast.  It is above a shopping centre too.







  5. 11 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Which guests? Name names. Rogan said his guests were experts.


    Ask 10 doctors re covid. You get different views. 


    The vaccines are fairly useless for fit under 40yos btw. Thats common knowledge.

    A scientist: Dr Robert Malone. You'll say he invented MRNA technology blah blah blah

    Others: Alex Jones As appalling a person as can be. 

  6. I agree he seems a reasonable interviewer and should be allowed to have his say. I get sick though of people having what seem like silly opinions on a range of topics including covid, and having guests of a similar ilk, so I am happy to give him a miss. 


    If you interview someone and know it is likely to lead to people not taking a life saving vaccine I think you have to think long and hard  about whether you should give them air time. People have likely died due to following him and his guests. Sad fact. 

    CNN does give a particular opinion and view point that is biased towards democrat. Biased yes. Telling truth and fact checking. Yes. I'll believe CNN, and recognise a bit of bias,  before a guest on his show with dodgy theories. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Our youth these days, if there is ever another war, the enemy trench will only have to start shouting names and they will all burst into tears and run away crying. I truly believe that our generation (growing up in the 60's - 80's) are the last great generation, can't see anything in the last 40 years worth a fig. Even my own kids think life owes them a living, God help their kids.



    I find it funny to think of Generation X as the last great generation. We are normally thought of as kind of in between, nothing much, generation...between Boomers and those growing up online. 

    I was at uni in the mid eighties and believe me there was heaps of wokeness and self indulgence. Lots of protests. Some valid some maybe not. I can remember some self identified feminists shouting 'Off Off Off' at a comedian who walked off stage. I thought he was funny if not a bit crass but he was cancelled.

    Think of some of the music of the early 80's. The Smiths, the Cure, New Order, Echo and the Bunnymen, all my favourites, and all a bit thoughtful but a bit self indulgent and morose. Then there was the New Romantic stuff that was fun but self indulgent too. 


    The young are always a bit morally black and white and a bit indulgent. These days the young have a megaphone through social media, and the traditional  media happy to fan the flames, when most people aren't into that stuff at all. 


    I think we have to remember too that we felt stuff more strongly at 20 than 50 and I imagine having social media for some would amplify shyness, social awkwardness, separateness and love sickness. 

    I must say most young people I meet seem decent enough. If anything a  bit more reserved in general. Maybe harder working.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I knew there were a lot of pension aged guys working at Bunnings but not sure what arrangement they have them on. Sub contracting or something to get around legalities / liabilities? not sure

    I think they would be normal employees. You can't hire someone as a subcontractor if the person does the  same thing each day with the same business. There's a tool you can use called employee versus contractor on the ATO site that can tell you if you can be a contractor. I have a friend where the payer wants to pay him as a contractor tradesman but can't as all jobs are for him and the boss wears the risk. 

    Not sure there is that much risk for the employer. If they get sick due to elderly issues they can only use their sick leave unless it's deemed to be a workplace injury I think. 

  9. As others have said check if it's legal. Then she could have meetings with the other staff, as if they all refuse the pay cut, what is the company going to do. If the reality is the company is going bad then she just needs to look for a new job. It seems the Thai economy is not going that badly so hopefully she can find another job. She could keep that job in the meantime and if there's no other jobs then she might have to cop it. 

  10. I just think there is a line between being a cup half full rather than a cup half empty person, which might be good, as against trying to be positive each day which just sounds tiring. 

    You may get a short term benefit, e.g. job interview or lifting a weight, but in the long term it is the effort and comprehension that is important. Then you turn up to an interview or lift a weight and are confident because you have reason to be .. not because you are pushing your mind in a positive direction for a moment or two. 

  11. 46 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Just checked mate it is actually Colonial First State. Did you withdraw any funds while you were overseas? I wonder if it's difficult to join with another super fund and let them do the transfer etc? I am guessing probably not. And then at a later date either withdraw from them or roll it over or have a look at my options. That's the next step don't have a clue what to do with my super re investing it or doing a draw down once I am eligible to receive it and I am guessing getting any advice in this area from CFS would be a joke

    If you google changing super funds in Australia it looks like it is pretty straight forward. I think the Government have made it easier so you can put it all in one fund. If you pick one and then look at their site or give them a call I'm sure they'll be happy to assist. 

    I am still working in Australia. I need to work it out too in terms of getting it out. I know that if you wait till 60, assuming you are a resident, the tax is much better if you take it as an income stream. Given Colonial First State is big and supposedly respectable you might get lucky to find someone good to help with that sort of stuff before you go elsewhere. 

  12. I think Colonial Mutual and Colonial First State are related. I had a terrible experience with the latter's non superannuation share fund in the early 2000's. I note Colonial First State has terrible reviews on the Product Review site. But maybe they are not totally the same thing. This site is a good comparison of superannuation performance in Australia comparing fees and returns:

    YourSuper comparison tool | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au)


    I have found the industry super funds to do good e.g. Australian Super. 

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  13. 1 minute ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Yes, I'm not worried about the exchange rate, but more about trying to book on Agoda while in NZ, and my Thailand-issued card 'says no can do'. - I'd be screwed; no cash, and my embassy won't help me.

    When I go to Thailand I prebook most of my accommodation. Actually you did remind me that when I have booked in Thailand sometimes  the Australian bank wants to check I am me, by sending me a text, and I didn't have my Australian phone. Agoda wont mind but you might have to check with your Thai bank about whether they'll ask for extra security even if you let them know you are travelling. Sometimes though what they tell you and what happens may be two different things. 

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