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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. Same details I gave .

    Send an email to the police. If they help, good, but my guess is they won't reply.

    Then call the  immigration hotline and explain the situation, and the steps you've taken,  and say politely that it is not practical for you to get the police check in person as no one in Thailand can go to Bangkok on your behalf. You can then say you are concerned that it is not likely to be practical by mail, they didn't reply to the email,  and that it will probably take months to complete the process. 

    If the officer sounds vague say politely that you appreciate if they can please escalate it to an officer who can make a decision.

    You may have been sent a standard request to get the check and once you let them know the situation they will tell you it is not necessary.

  2. This has a clickbait title 'Weird demand' like 'This one weird way to lose body fat' .

    Interesting name too. Kelly Oink Oink . 

     Be firm - just say it's not your cup of tea. Then see how he reacts over time and decide what it says about the relationship that you want for the future.






    • Thanks 1
  3. So I could have had my girlfriend here for the last 10 months had the timing of things been a bit different.  Instead it's calls on line  - not the same thing. 

    It's possible that if you attempt to contact them by email to arrange it and they don't reply  or they tell you it has to be in person that will be sufficient for the Australian Government as the staff appear to be saying   you just need to make a genuine attempt and you clearly can't go in person.

    I would send them an email and see what happens. If after a few days nothing happens or you get a reply saying it can't be done online I would ring the immigration line and say you have made a genuine attempt, that the website link doesn't work,  and see what they say. If you call it's best do so straight after opening hours as otherwise it's hard to get through.


  4. Out of interest did your girlfriend get stuck in Australia because of covid. Mine left just before - I wondered if we had of delayed it but kept within the visa whether they would have let her stay. Sorry about the font. I copied and pasted and now I can't get it normal.

    For the police details in Bangkok  if you google Character requirements for visas and click the section ' apply for a police certificate in relevant countries' and then go to Thailand you'll get details below: 

    Street address:

    Police Clearance Service Centre
    1st Floor (Building 24)
    Royal Thai Police Headquarters
    Rama 1
    Bangkok 10330


    Phone +66 (0)2205-2168-9
    email: [email protected]

    website: http://www.pcscenter.sb.police.go.th/


  5. I am surprised sometimes the difference in my temperament and feelings if I don't do exercise for a while. My only tip is that I put exercise it different categories - cardio normal, cardio fast and weights. The first is good just to keep fit and for fun. The second is to put pressure on your body a bit - run fast, ride fast, or do whatever fast for one or two minutes and really sweat - it wakes you up,  and then weights just seems to get your body awake in a different way. So ride casually with a couple of really fast bursts when safe and maybe buy some dumb bells or just do push ups to finish up.  

    I think that combination tests yourself and stops you thinking too much about stuff.

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

    In the interests of accuracy (not that we get much, if any, from the Trumpists, "Trial by Combat" was Guilliani, jnot Trump.  Trump was merely watching and listening and not stopping him, or Don Jr.  Real Leadership!  And then he sat and (allegedly) watched on TV as those he had stoked up - but not instructed mind you) stormed the Capitol.


    Not even a finger lifted to stop them doing what he had had NOT told them to do....and not a thought for the safety of his own VP.



    I did say his words and others words. Concur with the other  points though.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Thanks mate. I know we have talked about this before. They would give me no information on that stuff at all aka too lazy to go and check. In the end they conceded they didn't think there would be any tax payable but I got the feeling they still didn't go and check, only were paying lip service. I haven't even explored options yet maybe I may leave it there do a draw down pension or something. Need to explore that sooner than later and if you have any ideas you can PM me if you would be so kind. I have to be very careful what I do though now as after this week lodging 5 years of back tax returns Only small amounts of interest) I will now be declared as a non resident for tax purposes. Ie any income I make will be taxed at full flat rate foreigner tax.

    No worries. It's surprising sometimes there isn't clearer information available .. it might still be worth getting advice  given the non-resident aspect of it. I would get the super fund to confirm the different component amounts of your super - they should be able to do that. Then I'd call ATO and be persistent and you'll find someone who knows this stuff back to front   - if who you are talking to is a bit vague just say thanks but could they please escalate it as you need a clear response and keep doing that till you find that person. If that doesn't work maybe get an accountant - a good one should be able to advise you in an hour.

  8. In your situation it appears at 58 you have reached preservation age but are under 60 so you can take the first $215,000 of the taxable component  tax free in 2020/21.

    If you've just put money in through  after tax amounts and not through salary sacrifice or an amount that had been claimed as a deduction there should not be a taxable bit. Your super fund might not want to give tax advice as that is beyond their role. They should though be able to say that x amount is a tax free component and y amount the taxable component and if y is under $215,000 you'll be fine. 

    So if you had a total of $350,000 consisting of $100,000 tax free component and $250,000 taxable component you would pay nil on the $100,000, nil on a further $215,000 and 17 per cent on the remaining $35,000. 

    I cannot see that the superfund withholds on the tax. The  details I see refer you to paying it, if necessary, after lodging the tax return. 

    • Like 1
  9. There is no tax on withdrawal if you have a taxed super fund and you are turning 60 . It will not be a taxed fund unless you have a defined benefit fund such as for longer term public servants such as myself. At the time I turn 60 I'll have a bit of tax but if I wait till 60 there are offsets that reduce it close to nil. If you have a normal super fund there is no tax. 

    • Like 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Kenny202 said:

    But you can draw up to $205k at 58yo right? Supposedly without penalty. Same as 60yo, it's just that at 60yo you can draw the lot. (I was born May 1963). I guess to put it another way will my payout be any different being a non resident than if I lived in Australia? My superannuation company told me as long as I am still an Australian citizen I would receive my super as everyone else does without extra taxes / penalties as being a non resident for tax purposes has no bearing on superannuation pay outs. 


    As far as treaty's etc goes, should have no bearing as my money will remain in Australia. I have never worked or paid tax in Thailand.


    My super is fairly standard. I have never made extra contributions or salary sacrificed etc. I imagine there would only be a taxable component if I had been topping it up, or continued to contribute while I was overseas? I stopped contributing to super the day I stopped working in Australia. Since then I have retired, never worked overseas or in Australia


    Appreciate your help ????




    It sounds like you are correct. The example below is likely to be your situation and residency won't be an issue. The page on the ATO site that this came from talks about the different treatment of your after tax contributions that you made which have been taxed and those from your employer that can require further tax. If you google a few words it can take you to that page. I didn't know about the $205,000 thing as I am looking to work till 60. 



    Tony is 56 years old and is retired. He receives his first lump sum super payment of $350,000 on 25 July 2018. His fund tells him this amount consists of $100,000 tax-free component and $250,000 taxable component. All the taxable component was taxed in the fund.

    Tony includes the $250,000 taxable component as income on his 2018–19 tax return. This results in him paying the following effective rates of tax:

    Effective tax paid by Tony

    Tax-free component: $100,000                                                                       No tax

    Taxable component – taxed element up to the low cap rate $205,000   0 per cent tax

    Taxable component – taxed element over the low rate cap: $45,000     17 per cent tax


    I think you are probably right that your residency is not going to affect your situation. Given the funds will stay in Australia the Thailand tax treaty is not likely to be an issue too.

    If you rang your fund and their advice wasn't helpful I would be tempted to ring a second  time. The ATO could help just to confirm the final details.



  11. I can give you a part answer which may or may not be helpful. Others may be able to fill the gap or better still call the ATO on 61 2 62161111 and tell them you are calling overseas and request a callback. If the person who calls back isn't that helpful get him to please find a specialist.


    Superannuation payouts  are generally tax free after you turn 60 regardless of if you are a resident.

    The super you have paid has a taxed and untaxed component. The untaxed can result in significant tax if under 60 and this would be withheld by your superannuation fund.  If over 60 often tax offsets can reduce the tax payable to nil. 


    If under 60 the amounts withheld by super funds for non-residents depend on if there's a tax treaty. I am not sure how the Australian Thailand tax treaty applies specifically to this case. Someone might know. 

    If the amount will be taxed overseas it won't be taxed in Australia. If it won't be taxed overseas the Australian tax treatment will apply.


    On ATO Community  it notes that if the tax treaty doesn't cause the super payment to only be taxed in the other country, and your super is being paid before age 60, then your super will be taxed in the same way as if you were an Australian resident, except the medicare levy of 2% won't be withheld for a payment to a non-resident, and the fund will withhold tax from the payment.

    Best to call the ATO. 


  12. 31 minutes ago, cmarshall said:


    Looks the opposite to me.  Pence is not going to invoke the 25th Amendment.  The Dems will impeach, but they won't be able to convict.  If Trump pardons yesterday's terrorist, what penalty is he paying?


    That could only change if the Atty Gen Garland indicts and convicts him, which looks more likely, but remains to be seen.

    I am commenting on your opinion that he still thinks a coup is possible.

    He was clearly dreaming to think that he ever had a chance of a coup by overturning the result of the election via Pence or the leaders in Georgia. It was silly and unrealistic. He overestimated his power and influence in my opinion. The whole voter fraud thing just appealed to his base.

    Now I think he can see clearly that he has no real support for his remaining president amongst the people that matter - Pence, McConnell, etc. The result in Georgia further shows that he's not all that. 

    A  whole range of Republicans are speaking out about how bad his actions are yesterday. Finally the emperor has no clothes.  I think this seriously damages the Trump brand of politics into the future. He'll still have his base though.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 24 minutes ago, Mr lamai said:

    I just had to scroll back to original message to confirm the year this was posted. 

    I am only in Thailand as a tourist and I just remember liking Chang as it had a bit more body or something and then one year I came and it seemed thinner and boring. 2015 or so sounds about right. We can buy it in Australia  now for forty bucks a slab but other Australian beers are better such as Coopers ale, Mornington draught , Goat etc 

  14. I am finding this site is so slow it is almost unusable. Sometimes I click into it and then go somewhere else knowing it'll take a while to start. The last few days I have been getting these new ads that take over the whole screen and you have to wait a good five or 10 seconds before you can click back to the site. Ads are one thing but this is over the top in my opinion. 

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