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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 56 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    I don't really like fanatics too.

    But, do you really think that, if it was possible to erase religion propaganda from the haters' mind, fanaticism and extremism will cease to exist ?

    Or even more, would evil disappear from this planet if any religious belief could be erased ?

    You would still have the odd charismatic leader pushing people astray but it would be a lot less. It is shocking sometimes just how much people can be influenced by stuff on the internet and if the tool of extreme religion was gone it would make  a huge difference. Religion has the advantage of uniting people and controlling them as a force whereas a lot of conspiracy lunacy is disjointed and often involves some sad guy separate in his little world.  

  2. I think this topic is mixing two concepts that can be similar but not the same.

    You can be narcissistic, i.e.  admire oneself and one's appearance, and still be aware and sympathetic and helpful to others e.g. Hollywood stars helping in Haiti might fit this category where you might say there is a mixed motive. 

    On the other hand in terms of caring for others you might have, at one extreme,  psychopaths, and at the other, people who are just cold, apathetic, uncaring, cold and just indifferent.

    I think it comes down to the nurture nature thing.

    Some are just born cold. I think most people feel good  helping others but some don't. 

    On the nurture side it can relate to how  successful you have been in the past at fulfilling your objectives of helping others and what treatment you got in return. You may lose confidence in what you can achieve. You may have helped others and they burned you in return.

    I think in the end we are all after something which is a bit greedy which is to feel good.

    I enjoyed the works of Ayn Rand, not because of the right wing politics, but because she reminds us that the final motivation is to benefit ourselves even if it is just to feel good. Selfishness can be a good thing if you can believe in yourself and that you are a good person. That could be getting a bit narcissistic though. 


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  3. 3 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

    Dear friends (atheists, believers and everything in between)

    I know there's no need to announce it and it is really a bit cringeworthy tbh, but this will be my last post on this thread. Leaving without a goodbye would not be right either, especially after 2+ years contributing to this thread.

    It was a fun rollercoaster. ???? I always tried to reply politely to posters who gave me the same level of respect. Those who were out seeking only confrontation I usually ignored, but at times couldn't help myself dishing out in equal manner. lol I'm especially glad that I could eventually find an amicable level of conversation with my nemesis. 55 (you know who you are)

    This thread was a great way of sharpening my intellectual tools and more importantly, steered me back to the regular practice of meditation. Now, more then ever, I'm convinced that no amount of intellectual debating can equal direct experience. Now it's time to focus on other things in life.

    That being said, I hope you all find what you are seeking and that it will make you more complete. It doesn't matter whether you believe or not, one day we will all face our last breath and what will matter at that point is only how much we were able to love and be loved. 

    So long, and thanks for all the fish. ???? 

    Live long and prosper. ????

    Hope to see your thoughts and ideas on other topics. Best wishes. 

  4. 20 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Another famous song, dedicated to Lord Krishna. 


    He got his inspiration from Lord Krisna, and famously, from He's so fine from the Chiffons. Was disappointed to see it was such a close copy as this is one of the first songs I remember liking as a kid.

    Bought the Jesus Christ Superstar original soundtrack album at a second hand shop and loved it for a time. Saw the show in the 70's as a kid but it all seemed a bit serious.

    Lyrics from King Herod's Song, familiar to fans, are appropriate to last nights debate about if Jesus was a thing:


    So You are the Christ
    You're the great Jesus Christ
    Prove to me that You're divine
    Change my water into wine
    That's all You need do
    And I'll know it's all true
    C'mon King of the Jews
    Jesus, You just won't believe
    The hit You've made around here
    You are all we talk about
    The wonder of the year
    Oh, what a pity
    If it's all a lie
    Still I'm sure that You can rock
    The cynics if You try
    So if You are the Christ
    You're the great Jesus Christ
    Prove to me that You're no fool
    Walk across my swimming pool
    If You do that for me
    Then I'll let You go free
    C'mon, King of the Jews


    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    This is actually a topic near and dear to my heart.


    Although I believe that I do not suffer from personality disorder, yet I DO know that I am somewhat neurotically inclined to experience minor paranoia, from time to time, and even a sense of persecution, on occasion.


    Sometimes, I think that people are watching me.

    I feel it most markedly each time I post a questionable post on this forum, especially.


    I mean, I know that my posts are GOOD, but I also know that people are watching me as I type my posts in the privacy of my own house, even minutes before I type them.


    This occasionally leads me to my irrational belief that I might be experiencing some sort of persecution from members or others, particularly those who know what I am about to post, even days before I had the inkling that I would post anything.


    Sometimes, there are forum members who reply to my posts, even before I have posted my posts. And, I know why..


    Another thing I have noticed is that, no matter what I post, after I post, my posts seem to have been written by somebody else, and not by me.


    Yet, when I finally realize that it must have been I who made the post, then, I begin to feel anxious. Because, I know that I am incorrect, and, in truth, my posts are being written by somebody else.


    I have checked out this inventory:  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5)


    But still, there is no clear mention about my condition, nor where, exactly, I should be classified in the DSM-5.


    Everybody knows that when one is feeling paranoia, then it is difficult to trust anyone. And, if I cannot trust anyone, then how can I get any help?


    This seems like such a Catch-22.


    What do you think?


    I think I am saner than most people here. Yet, how can I know for sure, if I cannot trust anyone to tell me the truth?







    You have interesting posts and  it  can be hard to know if posts are serious or are in jest. You appear to  recognise there could be an issue. It  doesn't hurt to take stock and make sure all is well. 

    You don't have to trust   .. if serious you could get a couple of opinions from professionals and see how you feel. 

  6. 8 hours ago, FarangULong said:

    It's thanks to guys like him, that more and more women are acting exactly like that, including the mental gymnastics that whatever they did, it's your fault, the switching on the "little girl" voice when you do get mad, throwing temper tantrums and being completely illogical, to get their way (as people tend to get tired of arguing with someone like that, and then just submit, instead of telling them to straighten out or I'll leave)...


    They have it so easy manipulating those guys, and more and more guys are becoming like that (I'm thinking it has to do with this whole pushing for "don't be toxic-masculine", and such), in turn creating more princess-syndrome women.


    I stopped feeling sorry for guys like that, but I'm starting to despise them, because they make it that much harder for everyone else, who doesn't want to put up with this craziness. If man act anything like this, then it's "he's bat <deleted> crazy" and what not. Or if he does something typically male (well what used to mean "manly" anyway) "boys will be boys" doesn't count, if she does it's "well girls will be girls teeheee". And they enable it.


    I suggest these people should read "the manipulated man" by Esther Vilar, it should be a huge eye opener for many of these simping fools... Not that they will, but then he shouldn't come crying on here, when she divorces him and takes that new house and then some.


    The fact alone, that the deposit "wasn't a big deal", speaks volumes. Almost all women want the man to take charge, no matter what they say. Just like they don't REALLY want you to be "more in touch with your emotions", and what not. This is even more true for those Thai girls, who don't have that whole torn mentality between 3rd+ wave feminism and their actual nature. All he's doing is proclaiming to her how weak he is, that she has all the control, etc.

    There's some truth in this and I have seen many guys stupidly manipulated into buying stuff and pandering to their girls and it can be disturbing.

    At the same time I am sure we have all seen a lot of dickish arrogant men who think they are right all the time and drive there women to despair. Yes they might stop their women acting like this but it can be by pushing them into compliance by bullying, boredom, and control. That 'no matter what they say' sounds good but I don't think it is healthy approach and depends if you want a fun life with an equal or someone pushed into compliance. 

    My girlfriend has had her moments and I certainly don't pander to or reward her. I can recognise that a relationship that is 95 per cent good and 5 per cent bad can be good if you feel she is learning how to handle her emotions and I keep an open mind as to if I am a bit responsible. That last part doesn't mean being pussy whipped into submission, or leaving common sense behind, but just being aware that men can be crazy too in different ways. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Swiss1960 said:

    This from the guy who defended Weinstein and Trump in his first impeachment trial... 

    Allegedly linked to Epstein too in more ways than one.

    Putting that aside I think Big Tech should stay out of censorship as much as possible. For significant issues though, such as Trump and associates attacks on democracy, and people making dangerous and clearly false claims about the pandemic, the downside of limiting free speech may outweigh the upside. It's all been said before. 

    So you can say that free speech should never be limited or you can look at where that line is between a safe and orderly society and the rights of free speech. 

    Big Tech is not government too so up to them. You can stop using them and tell others to do the same.  


    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Yeh a great Government to cheap to go out and buy vaccines  to protect their citzens and hope that by closing the borders it won't get into the country.  Name me another country in the world that restricts their citizens from going overseas or forbids them coming back. Guess since AUS was settled by prisoners you are ok with that <deleted>.  Seems to me they could take precautions with letting those citizens back in who went abroad but  should be no reason to keep them from leaving. Prison Island.

    They did buy the rights to make Astrozeneca but that wasn't popular. They backed the wrong horse a bit. Though it's risks seem to be exaggerated. They definitely should have moved faster to get others but it's understandable they didn't buy millions of everything at first just in case. 

    I think the rules about leaving Australia are a bit exaggerated too. If you have a good reason you can go. Just have to apply and show you won't come back in a short period and have to be put in quarantine.   

    Definitely far from perfect on Covid but not sure Thailand is a shining light in comparison.

  9. 12 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    As we all realize, hooking is not a career that one chooses when one is still in elementary school. This is why the trade is called the Meat Market.


    When I get to Ellesmere Island, aboard my magic carpet, I will land in a pristine place, pristine in body and mind.


    I will not peer at women.

    Instead, I will peer at heavenly bodies using my small telescope.


    I know that I will never actually GET to Ellesmere.

    Just a dream.


    The reason I will never get there is because, I do not see the point in going there.

    It's only a fantasy.


    Sometimes, adults must distinguish between fantasy and reality.


    Still, it is the dream that keeps us alive, maybe.


    And, maybe it is self-restraint which protects us from eating too much sugar.



    Ah, honey, honey.

    You are my candy girl






    Nice to have fantasies. Allowing your fantasies, feelings, and thoughts free reign on a site like this  runs the risk of crossing the line from interesting to indulgence. 

    I think that flows through to all topics on this site and we are all guilty of crossing the line between the two. For me it's not good and bad or political correctness. It's what is interesting and what is indulgence. Not talking about a particular topic or post now. 

  10. 38 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I have friends who went there just for fun. They said it was one of the scariest places they had ever been.


    And American desperados pay 26,000 baht for an hour of that. What can one even say? 

    What one can say is if you are happy with Thai ladies no need to bring others down. They have nice smiles. Leave them be. 


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  11. On 8/3/2021 at 12:47 AM, Sunmaster said:

    Guys, there is a new documentary on Netflix called "Fantastic Fungi". It starts off as a very interesting look into the biology of mushrooms, but then soon starts to talk about the mind altering properties of "magic" mushrooms. 

    Funny coincidence or synchronicity. 

    They talk about the very same things I've been writing here for the past 2 years and the last 2 months in particular. 


    Highly recommended. Check it out.

    That was interesting. Thanks.  

    • Like 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, utalkin2me said:

    I live in a country that’s decided to make sure not a single person can enjoy themselves, exercise ir do anything productive, because a less than 1% portion of the population is affected by a virus.

    You're lucky. Like you have a caring nanny paying  you to stay at home to keep you safe. A boy in his 20's died today in Sydney. Lots of people in hospital. Best not to be like Thailand or worse. 

  13. 54 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    To combat Covid they should have isolated all those at high risk - with underlying conditions, etc.

    Leave the rest of the population alone.

    "But people will die" - people die anyway. A part of life.

    Many many more die from many many other causes than the piddly 4 million who dies from Covid since it started. What about them ?

    9 million people a year die from hunger, a child dies from it every 10 seconds.


    Help them ? - NO, they are poor and they are not white for the most part. Plus there is no money to be made, so no one gives a monkeys ...

    But no - it is rich white people who make the rules, own the news networks.

    And believe it - this whole Covid BS is nothing but a scam to make the rich that much richer.




    It is shocking that there are 9 million dying of starvation. The same site notes there is a huge reduction in total deaths and the undernourished since 1990 despite a huge increase in population. That same site says climate change will make it worse. 


    Nothing justifies those deaths. But to believe that there is a huge conspiracy between left wing politicians, many right wing politicians,  and certain of the wealthy is a long bow indeed. Your conspiracy requires that the rich in certain industries worked with politicians to make other rich in other industries, in tourism and retail and certain food industries, lose out.

    I have been surprised how the markets have risen, and many have gotten richer and taken advantage of the new world situation, but that doesn't mean they made it happen. 

    I am not sure who got richer in Thailand from this, beyond a few from a likely bit of corruption here and there,  but many are worse off including the wealthy. Because of the disease and human failure. If I'm a sheep  maybe you can join the dots that I  can't see.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Aus is boring with or without covid. Super boring now.


    Cleaner but expensive houses. Beer prices same but everything else is cheaper in Thailand. Culture in Aus is poker machines in a pub.


    Imo Thailand way more fun

    Fair points but I don't know anyone who uses the poker machines though lots do and Thailand definitely does have a more fun and interesting culture. Must admit if I had to retire fully in Australia would be a bit boring. Even with the odd holiday. Deciding in next 4 years. What proportion in each country.

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