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Everything posted by mtls2005

  1. Yeah, this is called loan-sharking. At last she's not doing anything illegal. Just profiting off the backs of others while lying on her back. Tech-Fueled Microlenders Replace Loan Sharks as Thai Borrowing Swells Lending growing at double digits with entry of more players Covid, easy digital process driving debtors to microfinanciers Siam Commercial Bank, Thailand’s biggest lender by market value, is pushing into microfinance through two units -- Monix Co. and SCB Abacus. The companies, offering nano finance service via mobile phone applications, use artificial intelligence and alternative data to target low-income and self-employed groups. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-19/tech-fueled-lenders-replace-loan-sharks-as-thai-borrowing-swells
  2. Look, any infraction can be rationalized - just look the the Phuket cabinet 'mask' kerfuffle. This is about appearances, leadership, setting a good example, forseeing the public's reaction, etc. Is this the first time he, and others have been caught maskeless? No. Have they always come up with a good excuse. Well they tried. Why they haven't just granted themselves retroactive immunity from any COVID control "measures" is beyond me. He is one of the most well known private pilots in thailand. He often generated publicity flying transplant organs around the country.
  3. Chulaborn Royal Academy was the exclusive government/gazetted approved importer of sinopharm. Their approval was granted on a Friday, and sinopharm was delivered the following Monday, so this shows you that things can work efficiently here. They charged the, one assumes, astrologer-approved price of 888 baht. Individuals rarely paid directly, rather they were part of a civic/private group which paid for them.
  4. For the next scheme maybe consider rebranding. Test & Go, was confusing to people, some of whom 'Went" after testing only run afoul of the authorities and end up the targets of man-hunts. Maybe call it what it is: Test, and Wait, OK Wait a bit longer, now Go or Stay, but test again, somewhere, in 5 or 6 or 7 days, then go, or stay. I mean it's not as complicated as DMHTT, right?
  5. But, but, but we're the Aseannow justice society and we already clamored for their arrest, incarceration, deportation and blacklisting. Now what are we supposed to do with our torches and pitchforks?
  6. Rumors are he's prepping for a stint on season 3 of the thai version of the The Mask Singer. Here he is modeling his "costume".
  7. Just do what the majority of thais do, don't think about it. Thinking about stuff is discouraged in the thai edumacation system, for a reason.
  8. One day it's numbers, Another day it's colors. What's next: Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond?
  9. Who's the lad on the right holding the remote camera controller? Is that a future thai leader? <Shudder> anutin jr.? The billboard-sized forehead is a giveaway, no?
  10. He understands that rules don't apply to those at the top of the pyramid - the thai social contract confers this power, without which the natives would become restless - so that bleeds over into entitled behavior and a massive lack of self-awareness.
  11. Seems odd to me that there is a Test & Go hotel in Koh Chang? Where was their test performed Bangkok, a PTT station in Chonburi, the pier, on the boat, on Koh Chang? So they arrived at Suvarnabhumi, made their way via van/car, boat to an island - a journey which probably took what, eight plus hours. They probably gave phone numbers all along the way, could some thai general simply ring their mobile and ask where they are? So, I guess hotels aren't filing TM.30's <SHOCKER>.
  12. "No risk it, no biscuit". "Failure" is harsh. Not every experiment is successful. Hopefully they learned which things worked, and and which things didn't. And will improve going forward?
  13. Meh. Hardly seem likely or efficient given the details. If it is, it is being run by idiots. Most likely - again given the second, third and fourth hand "info" provided by the OP - is the thai-girl-friend is a cut-out for illegal contraband sales on FB.
  14. What version? 6.41? https://nordvpn.com/blog/nordvpn-windows-release-notes/ Maybe roll-back to 6.40? I'm sure it's something simple, obviously you already restarted the PC after the update. Just a matter of stepping through things logically. I do not autolaunch Nord on Windows Start-up. I'm currently on I did get the upgrade prompt this morning, clicked on Remind Me later thanks to your post. I'm sure it will get addressed soon. Assume you've scanned the support groups (Nord and elsewhere)?
  15. Passports got switched accidently. Or it fell down behind the desk at the "well-known" agent's desk. Maybe you could get the passport of the chap who has yours?
  16. There have been quite a few threads on this subject here in the recent months, so it must be a thing. Although the reports are often vague, confusing, often contradictory, laced with odd and unrelated "facts", so who knows. Seems like a ton of effort and cost (box, plastic bags, phone charge, vehicle fuel, time) for, OMG, a 48 baht "take"? Not sure who's dumber, the mark who pays 48 baht for a "mystery" box, or the con "artist" who is out spending their 48 baht?
  17. And vapers (technically illegal here but quite popular and rarely enforced) love to show off with massive clouds. Well obviously the mask is off so there's that. And they're often grouped together in smoking zones. And they're often yammering. As long as they're outside I say let them be.
  18. How are the instructions relayed from "someone" to "A thai girl you know"? How is her 1% commission paid out? How was she recruited? How was "her friend" recruited? These are domestic transfers, right? These are the amounts she receives and forwards, correct? And on which the 1% commission is based? Why does think this is important, and how did she make this determination? Best case she's making decent coin for doing a job for which she is likely eminently qualified, remaining seated with phone firmly in hand. Worst cast, she's a cut-out for some dodge/scam. Interesting that "someone" trusts her with handling 6,000 to 72,000 per day, and apparently can monitor her trustworthiness.
  19. What is your vaccination history? When was your second dose? What was it? What booster did you register for?
  20. Which registration system ddi you use? Which site did you choose? What date did you choose? Your AZ shot was registered in some MoPH database? You used your vaccination ID or pink id number? Interesting if they matched your eligibility against your record? Maybe you have to wait until 3 months just to register?
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