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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. pre-departure test results were up to 72h before boarding. Getting results from laboratory is on average some 20h. Intercontinental flight to thailand is on average 15h. Might be as many as 107h between pre-departure and on arrival tests. For omicron it's 48-72h to develop.
  2. those aegypti mosquito which spread dengue (and many other serious viruses) do bite daytime. It's the kids at schools and after schools being bitten at playgrounds or even at classrooms itself, which spread it into their communities. As schools were cancelled there was no transmission between communities
  3. I had it 2 times and i was fully vaxed against it. Those 6 the last year who perished and nothing comparable to 150 who died over 10 years ago in an out brake. It might be many years before it riches again 75 per year. One of the factors were neighbouring migrant workers and international tourism from countries, where it's less under control, including from more remote Philippines
  4. cancer care can be done in any chosen hospital, doesnt have to be local one. In bangkok she would have better care. With medical records from thailand she would have head start on NHS priority list. Call your GP surgery, even receptionist would be competent to give you advice how to start
  5. rules were liveralised and will be every single month until 1 July, where no any restrictions. So vietnam, and some other countries in the region, are slowly opening. Just now. Thailand has sandbox since June 2021 and T&G since November. Million travellers already entered, some of them multiple times. Some travellers enter every month since T&G (bar January, when it was suspended). As as they were doing pre-covid. For people travelling after work, for business, for serious family reasons, nothing would be a barrier - a one pcr test for 2000b, hotel stay for 1000b, yearly insurance for 4000b, risk of asymptomatic 10 days hospitel, are little expenditure and deterrents. Tourism is dead for more sometimes. Another year or two. For many different reasons. When China and all the other countries in Asia would fully open, tourism would bounce. there are covid restrictions. Not omicron restrictions. There many covid strains and there well might be many more strains, light and serious, coming this year. Some countries opened and went "back to normal" multiple times, to shut down and put serious restrictions, when the next wave came. Every country put restrictions in face of omicron, including thailand. Despite of it, daily death rate went from some 20, to some 80 daily. And that rate well might be rising for weeks, speeded up by songkran mass exodus across provinces
  6. the only airline which is taking positives is emirates. Not sure, if they are flying now sin-bkk
  7. get recovery certificate from thailand, by whatever means. Do antibody test, if shows high antibodies, do send to thai doctor, it would be proof of your previous infection. Throw away your pcr (if not officially recorded in singapore and not forced to isolate/self-isolate) and enter on 1st april with recovery. Mind you, that you might have another strain of covid now. The last time I went to hospital with my lungs problem and recovery certificate from February, they kicked me out from indoor clinic to covid ward in the hospital back yard. Just like that. My nurse friend confirmed that 2 covids within a month are possible. That's what they are told in hospitals
  8. the nearest to you governmental hospital. Explain from the beginning your need. They will be symphatetic. PCR around 1800b. Probably already negative, good for you. Ask for xray, some 300b. Just to be sure you don't have complications. If pcr negative probably ask for antibodies, some 1500b. Suppose to be done a month after infection. Based on it dr can probably issue certificate. I would do also full blood test to see for infection and check all body functions. You can do everything in one visit. Just register early around 7:30am (sub-district hospitals open 8am), wait 1h for results
  9. non an issue. before covid there were around 75 deaths per year and over 50k infections. At some most dangerous years there were 150 deaths and over 150k infections. Nothing comparable to the last year statistics
  10. it seems now that would make future forward to struggle more for a young generation. But closer to election it would be clear, that PT is cooking an alliance with Prawit, in order to push out Prayut out and bring Thaksin by a back door. Young generation would not support such political shenanigans
  11. you were lucky, that it wasn't delta. You are protected for sometimes. But BA 2.2 might be just around the corner and not that easy as your omicron
  12. no, you need also at least 1 jab carried some 3 months after positive. Ot wait over 3 months for 1st july opening. Personally I would not rely on that date. Might be little earlier, but also can be much later
  13. I would do another application, just in case there is something wrong/got lost. Also they have email address in urgent matters - they ask also send attached documents
  14. all insurance covers symptomatic 39C for minimum 24h, breath rate 25 per minute. Nothing covers mild and asymptomatic. That's since 15.02, Get on top of the game with recovery certificate - covers for 90 days. Very large part already had omicron, just didn't bother with reporting and getting medical record
  15. get FWD 650b/month or 4200b/year. Instant payment and issued policy. Age up to 85
  16. till end of this month you have free insurance from etihad and emirates. Some $100 per day for up to 14 days. Covers for 30 days. You need to commence journey before 1.04.
  17. you can enter on 10 days quarantine, around 30k. Before vax time people were entering, that since august 2020
  18. 60 years old is not that much for an elephant. They live as long as humans. I know that for all captive ellies necropsy has to be carried out if they die not from age. All papers filled, send to the ministry. And buried in presence of police, health authorities. This one was wild, but not that old. Ellies can suffer much stranger than humans from pesticides. They really need an organic food. They need to eat daily some 5% of their body weight and digest only in 40% - so all chemicals destroy their liver and burden kidneys. Elephants kill each other - in wild, as well as in captivity. They are not as docile as they look. They might succumb to injuries months after injury. For vet it's difficult to examine properly such a big animal, no xray, ultrasound and the other medical tools.
  19. "The British Empire Medal - what a horrible anachronism - should go to someone in Scotland for “services to the Thai people”. ‘Nuff said." AMM
  20. on top of cancelling pre-departure pcr, also sandbox was shortened to 5 days. That's from 1st April. Further easing planned from 1st May. That might mean dropping on arrival pcr and 1 night quarantine and replacing it with ATK at the airport. Insurance lowered to $10k, But Thailand Pass will remain till 1st July, even probably beyond that. Still, much depends how the sub-variant BA 2.2 will develop in Hong Kong, China and now already in Cambodia. There were some 4 cases in Thailand, but contained and cleared. That article has same mistakes, but gives an overall picture https://gulfnews.com/special-reports/new-covid-variant-found-in-india-uk-israel-hong-kong-thailand-and-cambodia-all-you-need-to-know-1.1647617736390
  21. he walked free, because prosecutor refused to accept police report as incomplete. More in yesterday's article in bangkok post "Move Forward MP threatens to sue over case flaws". Even more interesting reading in today's "MFP MP charged for accusing deputy PM of selling political influence" "After turning himself in, Rangsiman was taken to the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office at Taling Chan. Following his meeting with the prosecutor, Rangsiman reported that the prosecutor deemed the police investigation report incomplete and refused to accept it. He was not immediately detained but the police plan to summon him again for further investigation on 31 March." https://prachatai.com/english/node/9749
  22. many news agencies are saying that it will be dry songkran, no any water splashing anywhere. Nothing about designated places. Also no alcohol. But this article only says "to refrain from selling and drinking". All confusing, contradictory
  23. India is making their own generic and in 800mg doses (4x more potent, than the original) since June 2021. They have now officially approved it for covid, but it's not very effective medicine. So is every country in the world governments were saying they are prepared for covid. So far nothing is working as expected
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