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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. yes, west of river. Less people, less cars, more trees, orchards and canals. talling chan. That's where I chosen to live with my dogs
  2. that's the 4th phase. Still phase 3 is under consideration. Suppose to swap pcr with atk from 1st May, but decision will be made sometimes after songkran. The last hint from the PM it wont happen yet. what a problem applying for t&g now?
  3. private house with garden, somewhere in suburbs. Probably close to canal, to walk along.
  4. there is a chance your pass landed up in spam folder. If you havent cleaned it yet do check there. Yes, this supplied code is exactly for checking progress of you application. And edit it, if necessery. I have stayed in the cheapest hotels, from 3600b. The most expensive one, for 4700b khaosan villa, turned to be the worst experience. Booking hotel, getting insurance is easy. Filling up thailand pass is little complicated, but can be done in 5 minutes.
  5. unless it's a special taxi, with separation between driver and passenger. Those used to take guests from airport. Or self-drive in car delivered to hotel by wify. Somebody mentioned he was driven home by wife. If hospital let you off hook is difficult to guess. Hospitels are supervised by them, they came good income from. I don't read many stories positives released homes
  6. they say boosters not more often than 3 months. also after infection jab in minimum 3 months. some hospitals in thailand say 4 months. I had my omicron 1 month after a booster. But I had also a hospitalised bacterial lung infection a week after that booster.
  7. when was this meeting and since when this new rule starts? sound as it was today and from today. From what is known for many months, that contact tracing is abandoned all together. When my stepson was sick at home, nobody from family had to quarantine. His wife and daughter just moved to neighbour house for some 5 days. With so many infections, and most of them very mild, there is no way to trace even sick people.
  8. but BA.2 superseded BA.1 already sometimes ago, when crossed 50%. Now is already 96%. Would be useful to know when this dominance happen. There is no way for patients to know, which variant they were infected in the past, because this info is not disclosed on recovery certificate. So it's only guessing that they had BA.1 and that there is a risk for them catching the new variant (albeit this risk is low, with antibodies still present). What I have heard from a hospital nurse, who is also dealing with covid patients, that there is possibility of new infection within a month
  9. nobody knows yet, they will make decision sometimes after songkran. Just buy airfare and fly, if you really care about your family. The pcr might be scrapped, but there would be atk - if positive, you also need to be quarantined for 10 days. The only way avoiding that is recovery certificate, if you can get one
  10. on misterprakan you can enter age and got tens of policies from some 6 companies. The cheapest pacific cross. With more expensive policies you can chose up to 300k deductible and lower your fee by half. That one, as well as yet another, more expensive company, offer new policies till 75 - you don't have to start right now. Pacific offers 20% reduction on no claim. I don't think you have to stick with one company. Unless they offer no claim reduction. For that only pacific
  11. yes, this is definitely multiple entry policy. I made it sure before buying. I have asked separately their 2 representatives. Unlike some other yearly policies. I remember one at 15k offered at the end of the last year.
  12. her harsh sentence has not much to do with the government MP's, but very much with the opposition. Today Thanathorn was charged with lese majeste and the other charges. He faces ban from politics for life as well as tens of years in prison. Just days after her sentence comes a crystal night for future forward. More charges to follow soon, they have to be eliminated for election time. Each of their MPs can be charged with the lese majeste, as this accusation was thrown a week ago against the whole party. This charge stems from censure debate the last year over the royal household budget. "BANGKOK -- Former leader of the disbanded Future Forward Party Thanathorn Juangrungruangkit was indicted on Monday for lese majeste and computer crimes. The charges stem from Thanathorn's Facebook Live discussions about Thai-made AstraZeneca vaccines and the monarchy back in January 2021, said his lawyer Krisadang Nutcharas. He is awaiting bail results as of press time. " https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/5386510141367874
  13. that's great what a military junta can offer people on a greatest holiday of year - more police, army on the streets to control minds
  14. with 20% of population waiting still for their 1stg dose, with 30% waiting for the 2nd dose and with 65% waiting for a booster - why those vaxes are close to expiry date and why this date has to be extended? These percents means tens millions of doses needed fast to be administered. They should be given immediately
  15. I have written to my insurance, and reply confirms, that you need a pcr only if your policy is not active yet. So you have to chose starting date for your policy 14 days before arrival. Policy would be active once you cross thai immigration. If you have 1 year policy (they do start from 4200b) those 14 days gestation period is not an issue (the majority of insurers have this to prevent scammers). But if you have only 30 days it's practically useless, because you need cover on entry, not the second part of the remaining up to 16 days stay. Still, doing PCR each time before entering might be a good idea, to prevent being tested positive in thailand and 10 days hospitel. Quote: "[email protected] to me Dear Customer, Customer must have a NEGATIVE PCR test result 72 hours before the insurance policy start date. If you need to make a claim, we will request for a NEGATIVE PCR test record which state the date and time 72 hours prior to the policy start date. Therefore, if you have NEGATIVE PCR test 72 hours before start date, your policy will start from the date stated in your policy otherwise you will need to wait for a period of 14 days before the policy takes effect. Please see attached COVID Inbound brochure for more information. Thank you Krista FWD General Insurance PCL"
  16. you have missed "no". Misreading my posts happens to you often. So why bother? I did write: "ATK on arrival means also no 1 night AQ hotel booking. Now they would have to arrange at the airports large areas (probably whole floor at bkk), to hold many hundred or even thousand passengers, waiting for their atk's"
  17. I have this policy and i have red terms. There is nowhere about pcr test. Please do quote and point which paragraph. policy is activated on entry, by getting immi entry stamp. btw in europe pcr from e27 and even with same day results. Prises do vary greatly between the countries and between laboratories. these pre departure pcr tests are not waste of money, because would prevent detection and detention in 10 days quarantine in thailand
  18. Its still a pretty fluid covid situation and around the world. Even after published in the royal gazette just few days before date, it can be withdrawn at any time.
  19. So early very mild symptoms, as well as likely positive result, would come before that. By a day, or so. Its pretty fast
  20. Usually they make even key decisions just days before implementation, with royal gazette publishing even with shorter timing. they have just made a change from 1st April with pre-departure pcr. They have some 10 days to see developments not only in thailand (as they claim), but also around the world. ATK on arrival means also no 1 night AQ hotel booking. Now they would have to arrange at the airports large areas (probably whole floor at bkk), to hold many hundred or even thousand passengers, waiting for their atk's
  21. April thai for 16mln cover in 2020 56k bht age 55. A year later jumped to some 85k. I am not certain now this quotation, as it was a year ago and i have immediately deleted this offer). i went just for the cheapest policy from the cheapest insurer. Mostly because of covid wave around songkran the last year). That would cover me for an eventual long covid, for covid itself i had 2 separate policies. i am not scared of any health issues, but covid, road accident and cancer
  22. Now there is a green light to sentence tens of future forward MPs for lese majeste, which carries much more danger to the establishment than some illegal use of land. thanarhorn has already lese majeste charge for his exposure of astra zeneca and the whole vax program. charges would be rolling pre and post election time, to decimate this party at the most sensitive time. Already a week ago the whole party was accused of disrespecting the king for questioning royal budget at censure debate the last year. Those MPs wont be able to form a new party, as they did the last time, when their original party was disbanded on trump up charges. They would even go jail for tens of years
  23. Operations supposed to be pre-arranged with insurer. They are usually large money. Insurer can point to another hospital associated with them. Probably request medical documents to see necessity. In that case they would pay directly to hospital (i would imagine), without upfront from the patient. in the first year of pandemic I took April, they have covered my accidental tooth damage, but i have wasted the initial appointment because dentist did not know how to proceed with insurance., so he just took my statement about an accident, xrayed. At renewal their premium jumped by some 30k (and thats not because of my claim but a regular yearly increase).
  24. TG is doing direct daily. there are some 20 airlines to chose from, little playing with dates, departure times. skyscanner is comparing fares for the whole month. very strange with BA. I think they still have time to october to make their mind, depending mainly on covid situation. Until thailand cancels all the existing barriers its a risky business for airlines. The emirates do have now over 30% of thailand passenger traffic (plus some cargo on top of it), so entering this market is tight for new slots. personally i would not book more than 2 flights ahead. Situation is still too fluid to plan long term. i would also avoid TG, they are bankrupt. Still not paying refunds for 2 years, since covid. They use to be my favourite
  25. The pacific cross is the cheapest one, gives up to 20% reduction for no claims and has deductible up to 300k. A year ago i took with them the cheapest policy covering some 380k plus added outpatient for some 3k bht and accident to 1mln for just 1k bht. I had also 2 covid policies from some other insurers. in october they allowed me to take a new policy, upgrade to 5mln (to meet thailand pass requirements) with 300k deductible. and in november once again change to only 3mln (when thailand pass requirement was lowered from $100k to $50k). that all without any penalties. I have recently tried once again to lower policy to meet $20k thailand pass requirements and change my deductible to 30k, but I would lose on that cancellation so stays as it was. To fill the gap to 300k deductible i got covid only policy from fwd for 4200b. If there is some another serious covid wave i would renew pacific cross but with low deductible this time. If not, I would allow to laps it. In the future I will come back to them, they even might count this year as no claim year and allow some 5% premium reduction. I know they are tight fisted, but that stops scammers for applying. Some more left for genuine cases. For some serious emergencies I can always cash my 1.5btc which i got yet before covid times. I would rather invest my money in yearly/biyearly health check ups including abdomen usg for cancer, quality time with family/gf on extended budget holidays, healthy foods, sport equipment/sports, hours of daily thai massage (that one takes up to 6h when on holidays)
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