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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. probably they didn't have to extend to june. Songkran is just around the corner
  2. "Thailand now must focus on a plan to live with the virus, according to Pravit Rojanaphruk of Thai news site Khaosod English." as good journalist as he is, it's just his opinion. Khaosod is not a medical journal. His quotation doesn't answer curve question
  3. just accident during training. Pilot doesn't have to be unhealthy to make an error while learning new technique. Training air planes are cheap and the old ones, risk of losing such aircraft is calculated. Pilot should know what happen. Looks, like he has admitted that it was his mistake
  4. fwd. that 4200b/year is a basic one, for $20k / 700k baht. Good enough for thailand pass. Link to this policy is itself on thailand pass website. That's accident policy, for covid hospitalisation only, not health policy for all medical conditions.
  5. thai travelling to europe do need insurance when applying for visa. Always was, before covid. For the full stay abroad. For entering thailand you need only insurance for 30 days. From 650b. If you are planning to travel often, it would be cheaper to get a yearly one for 4200b. Allows unlimited entry. Covers covid hospitalisation for all stay in the country. In the present climate probably wise to have some basic health insurance, pandemic or endemic.
  6. it's not hotel who run tests and is responsible for quarantine, but hospital itslef. If you tell them, after testing positive, that you recently had covid, they would run another test to see, if indeed there are remains of the inactive virus. The best is to tell them before test and hand out medical certificate. When I went for a pcr and told them about my recent covid, they have replaced a white sticker on the vial with a red sticker. My sample went through a different procedure than all other vials.
  7. as you have already pass, you can't edit. so do re-apply with the UK as departing country. They won't check you in in the UK on the current pass
  8. yes, not to be taken on a whim. However, after sometimes with covid infection, there might be also bacterial co-infection. So having them might be handy, when not able to go to pharmacy later on. So when multiple tests are turning negative, but worsening of symptoms, there might be bacteria. With overwhelmed hospitals they might decline to do even the basic blood test to check for antibodies. Maybe just lung xray
  9. you can enter japan minimum 14 days after positive test so you can use recovery certificate on arrival. ask them tomorrow for, at least, medical certificate. if you try to enter on the first negative certificate, you risk having positive and get another 14 days quarantine in japan
  10. but police has already used those detectors just a few days into investigation, when it appeared that everybody was telling porkies
  11. this is, so far, the wettest year in thai history. why do expect drought?
  12. "the Krabi and Udon Thani airports will officially open in August, while Buri Ram Airport will make its official debut in September." I think something lost in translation. Those airports exist for many years, have flights to many parts of country
  13. but pre-entry test will be cancelled only from 1st April. All thai people entering legally to thailand still have to have negative pcr. Of course, with recovery certificate within 90 days, everybody can enter even with positive result (if airline will allow them to board). Unvaxed migrant workers might enter for 10 days quarantine. But everybody has to do 2 pcr. There is no way around it
  14. do you think that hospitals were buying forgeries from some khaosan rd scammer? I know for fact that hospitals won't play any games. That's criminal. Insurance companies will hang such doctors high, for 10 years. Hospital laboratory risks being closed down, with modern PCR equipment worth $millions to be confiscated. I have spoken to a friend who is a nurse in hospital to sound if a positive result is possible. She has spoken to her trusted doctor in laboratory. Can't be done.
  15. that research from over 2 years ago, from the very beginning of virus. Omicron have changed that incubation period to just 2-3 days. "they studied dozens of confirmed cases reported between Jan. 4 and Feb. 24, 2020"
  16. you are released home. no any quarantine. yes, you need pcr on arrival. send your recovery to hotel, show to health officials on landing, give to nurse doing your swab
  17. I got free - the first one 4.5h, the second one 2.5h. Saved myself 6k and 3h waiting
  18. medconsult clinic in thonglor does recovery certificates for 1900b. With antidated you can enter on 1st and be released home on 2nd. That, if somehow your airline or singa immigration doesn't hold of your positive results and start asking questions. Be firm
  19. that money means rather drugs and money laundering than just donations
  20. hospital will move you to their hospitel. For 10 days. Ask already now for medical certificate, an original of positive test. You can start already travel insurance claim for rebooking flight or even for hospitel stay (very few insurance will cover, but check). Not sure if asking for an additional pcr test will help. Depending on hospital policy, but not likely. You can travel only 15 days after the first positive. But if you are still positive after that time there might be no airline allowing you to board, even with recovery certificate. as to amoxicillin for covid - not needed with very mild symptoms as you have. Keep antibiotics at hand, if sudden worsening
  21. I was told by the kraal owner in kanchanaburi, just a few km from the mahidol university vetirinary campus in kanchanaburi sai yok, that they didn't have any equipment to examine her prime elephant worth some $30k which was dying from internal injuries inflicted by a raging bull during attempted mating. multiple blood and all other checks didn't detect any infection, even it was obvious she was not well, no appetite and lethargic. She died several months later and only necropsy revealed extend of damage, all tissues rotten. At the same kraal some elephant granny died at 72 from suspected single scorpion bite to her leg.
  22. she is not to be believed for many years. Since her positive opinion about fake detectors for bombs, drugs and everything else army and police wanted to find. She is very much part of the conservative establishment, nominated by army to senate, a stench royalist. She would not risk undermining her fragile position. She is doing whatever her particular and class interests are, she would not step over to find and defend medical tests. there suppose to the second autopsy from sirirach hospital. And the third autopsy from a group of doctors made from some 4 hospitals.
  23. positive travellers getting on the net fake negative certificates, as not to lose airfare costs on charter flights. They would be spreading virus at airports, air planes and to locals on arrival. They were desperate Russians running away from conscription before the war broke up. They were some 25% of international arrivals and as much as 18% were positive. For some positive test might mean cancellation of their visa, work permits if they exceed time frame. Still, better option for them 10 days in hospitel for $1000, than being shot at ukraine battlefields. The story might repeat itself with expected Indian travellers coming here on travel babble. Apparently easy in India to get such tests. The UK border control were detecting some 100 fake cases daily, mostly from india.
  24. you have over 12h from noon to midnight to socialise with fellow travellers and girls over an unlimited glasses, bottles and food plates. Just reset your internal clock to thailand, wake up early morning and have full day of activities or work. Why do you need all night to drink? I was passing through buakhao yesterday at noon, it's packed
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