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Everything posted by internationalism

  1. recovery certificate is the best to send to hotel after getting booking. Ask them to forward to hospital. Those health officers at the airport suppose to put some notice on their system, as well as on the paper order, so you are not at mercy of some under qualified nurse doing her 24h shift, who barely speaks and reads english. Before my flight I did 2 pcr tests, just to be sure I am already negative. I have told them I have recovered recently and they put red sticker on my testing vials, instead of the regular white sticker. Probably it went through some additional checks. Still, on entry to thailand I have shown them my recovery certificate, to start my paper trail from them.
  2. thai hospitals apply rules they can bend to their benefit, just the juicy bit: "I was a bit wary about producing a positive PCR test to the airport staff (fear of getting thrown in to quarantine) but after being being told I wasn’t getting in without it, I showed them the positive one and they said ok, no problem, you can enter now . Test & Go day 1 was no problem, as they took note of my recovery certificate. Day 5 T & G was a different story, they were all for throwing me in to a private hospital, paying 150 k baht up front because I was still showing positive on the test. Had to call the ministry of health call centre, who then called to explain to the hotel and lab that done my test, they had no reason to keep me. I still got told to do 7 days isolation at home (live here) and had to do 3 ATK tests in that period. Absolute nonsense but I just got on with it."
  3. getting to europe is easy. Going back home might be complicated, if detected positive before departure from the UK or on arrival. One positive within you family might mean quarantine for the rest. Rules are liberalised almost every month, so worth to wait several more months, when risk would be minimal.
  4. there were contradicting statements from those on the boat, some people even changed their stories as investigation developed. admitting to swerving accidentally will let him off from the very beginning. but why he is saying it only well into investigation? why he changed his story? And if he caused an accident why he did not try to help his victim? Was he drunk or drugged making such accident and speeding away from the place? Why they called police long after an accident? Why initial sloppy police action, letting all from the boat to go home, instead of taking detailed testimony? That's why public is suspicious, with many details circulating in press and even more in social media. They won't settle easily for "accident" story. Also, when an investigation was already concluded several days ago, why waiting for public disclosure only on coming Friday? why not immediately to tell their findings?
  5. very poor journalism this publication is. Very difficult to read and to find info. This human rights organisation name and action in buried under repeated drivel of cops name, murder charges.
  6. because of media pressure police started an investigation and interrogated 60 people. Some journalists are doing their own investigative work. That's the good outcome for journalism and for reliable forensic research. They are closer to finding truth, as police are under media spotlight and public scrutiny. Police will have to think twice if they still insist on treating her death as an accident and not homicide. War is a different topic. Some people are completely not interested, as very remote to thailand.
  7. after testing positive. Many have to do it - hospital workers, kids from kindergartens to universities, workplace - from offices to factories. Even domestic air unvaccinated travellers. Also they might still do contact tracing, I am not sure about it. So family members, friends can be told to come to hospital
  8. as long as it's issued less than 72h before departure from singapore
  9. VN is not thai neighbour. They are equal in military ranking https://www.globalfirepower.com/countries-comparison-detail.php?country1=vietnam&country2=thailand
  10. if asymptomatic people don't I was testes positive at hotel, they immediately offered me another hotel (hospitel). When I told them some symptoms, I was send to hospital with 140k bill, which my insurance covered only 50k (medical help, no hospital room). here is a testimony of forum member, who was conned by hospital to be transferred from hospitel. very few tourists are renting villas. The great majority on Phuket are sandbox hotels, those are from 450b for a double room
  11. but the thai army is the most powerful in the region. All neighbours are impoverished and small countries (bar Malaysia), with poorly equipped and organised military.
  12. so investigation is finished and now the big boss will decide if that was accident or homicide. As there is only one investigation team they should themselves forward findings to coroner. If it was a simple accident this investigation would be small and fast. Concluded within a day or two. Because there are many inconsistencies, some 60 witnesses were interrogated. There was something fishy from the start and it were journalists who forced police to put more effort
  13. if that was homicide, as tangmo's mother insist, there not likely that Porntip would be helpful in this investigation. She would not risk her political career, because perpetrator might be above her in a feudal pecking order
  14. that's $20k, not 20k baht. yes, your pacific cross covers it. Just ask them for a covid cover letter. you had a chance to renew your PC in June, starting date in August
  15. since 15.2 symptoms for hospitalisation are 39.5C for minimum 24h before admission or breathing rate over 25 per minute. It's difficult to exaggerate those symptoms easily. Other symptoms are not important. You can say you had high fever before getting tested, but in the hospital they measure temperature minimum 3x per day and under supervision of nurse
  16. thai have free covid medical care, hospital, field hospital, hospitel. Free medication, food and basic medical care from health volunteers, if told to isolate at home. That's going on for 2 years. Foreigners are in a different situation and insurance doesn't cover hospitalisation in full. In the beginning of February my insurance covered medical care some 50k, but not hospital room charges, food, cleaning etc, which is 93k. That was just before new insurance rules were introduced on 15.02. My another covid insurer, which suppose to pay 200k lump sum I will have to take to office of insurance commission, as it's almost a month now since my claim. So now all hospitel stays are not covered by any insurance and incoming foreign travellers are placed in top end hospitels, with tens of thousands bills
  17. it's going on since 28.01 when the first time Thailand Passport website was hacked. Still, new breaches happen every few weeks with fresh warnings on the website popup window. Authorities never admitted to hack. Fist they blamed users for signing up on the fake websites related to thailand pass. Later they started to recognise, that scale is so large that it must be from their own website. But never admitted to it and never apologised. They haven't fix successfully,
  18. only emirates will take you positive. entry to thailand should not be a problem with recovery certificate. send it already to hotel, they suppose to pass to hospital.
  19. by may or june there might be no need for any test to the usa. On returning to thailand might be the same. Usually after 2 weeks negative. My atk was negative 3 weeks after detection. My 3 PCR's were negative around 4th week
  20. nothing. test and go, when coming back to thailand. Since november
  21. doubles from 6200b. use filter (right bottom). Price of PCR is over 2k
  22. no need for any tests to europe. no need for yellow book. Just an original vax certificate. Nobody want's to see an application, but QR code from vax certificate or from an application can be useful for T&G. That unless you lose you hard copy. Morphrom app often crashes, also you need net to get it.
  23. I would think that at some stage India will make it, even as a generic. Molnu is included in WHO list from 3.03 https://www.who.int/news/item/03-03-2022-molnupiravir That doesnt work for omicron, but does for the other. thailand has favipiravir, not molnuparivir. check on colchicine. in thai (and many other around the world) hospitals ivermectin is served
  24. There is a new covid only policy from FWD from 4200b per year, covering 700k (so just over $20k required now by Thailand Pass). https://partner.fwdgi.co.th/en/fwdgi/corona-virus-inbound-insurance recommended by Thailand Pass website https://tqm-app.com/static/thailandpass/index.html , but available only through TQM, poor reputation broker. Their direct competitor is Tune covid Light for 7.5k per year and covers $50k. Somebody commented that it entitles only 1 entry per year. That FWD is much cheaper. Unless there is a catch - for example can enter thailand only once, not multiple entry yearly (as in my case) or some other clauses. The TQM website doesn't have wording for this policy. When downloading policy there are only 2 pages of info graphics, no detail. The FWD doesn't list this policy on their website. For any covid policies need to write to them directly for details and quotation through form https://www.fwdgi.co.th/product_covid.php They have just replied to my question about multiple entry, but I am really not convinced. They deliberately might be misleading. "[email protected] Dear Customer Our insurance cover every period you stay in Thailand as the coverage benefit only cover the expense occur in Thailand. ... Once done payment, you will receive policy schedule, certificate and policy wording on your registered email.". They haven't send me policy wording, which I have asked. My insurer, mrprakan, wrote back to me: "But the plan from FWD sounds good as that is a good price. We unfortunately do not sell any plans from FWD".
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