Don't suppose the numbers are down due to the fact they hate the sight of foreigners, and make it pretty obvious. People have slowly wised up to their false smiles. First step should be sort out the ridiculous evisa application then reopen their consulats.
Always puzzled me about this Aussie tough guy image. How come they've never had any decent boxers ? Could it be because they are all really a bunch of Nancy boys hahaha.
That's because Thais who ain't got a pot to p#ss in won't buy anything second hand. New cars with red plates parked alongside <deleted> hole houses you wouldn't keep pigs in.
Move, but before vacating nail a couple of fresh fish under the table they'll never find them and never be able to re let with that stench. ????????????
YouTube Robert Sultan applying for a Thailand Tourist E Visa After 2022. Brilliant video leads you through the application by the hand. American guy Brilliant video. Hope this helps it did for me. For the invitations to Thailand just upload your accommodation booking again no problem.
We have a worse situation in the UK House of Lords. Sign in collect their £350 daily allowance, clear off on the p*ss for the rest of the day or fall asleep on the benches missing the vote anyway