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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. Watch video on YouTube, Robert Sultan how to apply for a Thailand Tourist Visa After 2022. American guy leads you through the application process by the hand. Brilliant
  2. The very first Master Mind competition was won by a London cabbie. Not too bright aye ?
  3. If bullsh×t was music we're listening to the London Philharmonic. And the Rolex is a £10 snide.
  4. Depends how much booze I've had ????????????????
  5. Never has my gast been so flabbered ????????????
  6. And you consider drug addled youngsters a step forward. Gawd
  7. Just hope he won't be charging his silly London prices. And I can actually see my grub without having to look under a lettuce leaf. ????????????
  8. Whistling in wind, you hope ????????????. After all, This is Thailand ????????????
  9. Yet another scam to get extra backhander from you. It's just gets more ridiculous by the day. And this is a government controlled agency, what an absolute sh×t hole it has become no wonder they're struggling with visitors
  10. Glad I never took the silly plunge I considered years ago on my early visits to the Land of Scams. I'm happy to do 6 months about as a tourist, there's no better country on the planet than dear old Blighty especially during Spring and Summer. Thousands of so called expats there regret burning their bridges if the truth be known, and I'm not just talking about the cheap Charlie's
  11. Monthly money will need increasing from 2024 once they start taxing as income from abroad. Thieving b#st#rds at every trick in the book 20% would be my guess ????????????????
  12. Give Europeans, Yanks and Aussies and folk from developed countries sensible visa options and they will visit. Until then forget previous tourist numbers
  13. As Donald said it's Kung Flu, those horrible people at it again
  14. Who gives a toss, what's the rush, everyone needs to calm down. Thats the problem with the world today
  15. Civilised countries don't do it, very dangerous. But we are talking Thailand here so delete the word Civilised
  16. Oh no don't encourage the cheap Charlie freeloaders
  17. Watch brilliant YouTube video by Robert Sultan. How to apply for a Thailand Tourist Visa After 2022, leads you through the application process.
  18. You need to take steps, f*cking big un's in the opposite direction
  19. If you've got a decent social life, all you need is a studio with a pool to get your head down. Think you need to get out more
  20. It's rumoured China manufacture reasonably quality elastic bands. ????????????
  21. Fortunately I've suffered with this condition my entire life, even after my 8 inch reduction surgery in Bangkok ????????
  22. Their exports are falling because everything they make is absolute junk. Especially Submarines ????????????????
  23. Threat ???????????? these cowards couldn't threaten the Isle of Wight
  24. Watch YouTube video by Robert Sultan, How to apply for a Thailand Tourist Visa After July 2022. Absolutely brilliant American guy leads you through the process by the hand. Hope this helps
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