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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. I once spoke to a very attractive young lady who had researched this at university, finding Scots men and American Red Indians rated numbers 1&2. On departing she asked my name, I replied Tonto McTavish
  2. I once spoke to a very attractive young lady who had researched this at university, finding Scots men and American Red Indians rated numbers 1&2. On departing she asked my name, I replied Tonto McTavish
  3. Come to the UK. We desperately need trained doctors. Mega money but terrible weather ????????????
  4. Get a METV. 60 days on entry + 30 days extension. Nice little trip to Saigon 60 days re entry. Simple job done
  5. Don't do it, will be the biggest mistake of your life, especially to live amongst the free loaders.
  6. I told that one legged beggar on beach road, to hop it. ????????????
  7. Certificate probably went to an address they hold for you in the UK. You didn't reply so they assume you've turned your toes up. Happened to a mate of mine caused him big problems basically they're on to you
  8. Mr. T uses any old friend or relative any Tom, Dick or Harry who happens to be going that way at the relevant time. Not taxis no insurance and usually old bangers. As for coming the other way forget it totally unreliable
  9. I've ordered my brown uniform and a few Mickey Mouse medles. Can someone update me of the share out date.
  10. The usual cowardly odds then, obviously in the Thais favour if not there would certainly have been no fight
  11. Just walked past, there's a queue 4 blocks long this morning ????????
  12. Corruption, corruption, corruption, everywhere you look. How people live there is beyond me.
  13. 500 baht fine probable outcome, well she is Thai after all
  14. Just rename the place Chialand and be done with it. Nobody gives a toss anyway
  15. 11 yrs old, OPEN THE WINDOWS ????????????????
  16. You'll be OK once we've scrounged enough vaccines from other countries because we are certainly not paying for them
  17. Crabs, easy to get rid of mix a solution of whisky & sand rub into affected areas. They will get p#ss#d and stone each other to death. Or dangle your testicle on a block of ice and when they come out to skate just walk away. Job done
  18. You might be, but I'm certainly not my total outlay to these scroungers is sweet F.A.
  19. Money is just a number, some people have bigger numbers than others. If the UK for instance owed the USA 1 trillion dollars someone just presses a computer button and transfers a NUMBER. simple job done
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