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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. Good, hope they walk into a Ukrainian barrage
  2. The children at play again they do love their colour coding. Well at least the top politicians will be able to get their crayons and colouring books out again
  3. The guy in the picture is definitely a criminal, shifty looking geezer
  4. Anyone with half a brain knows exactly what the original poster is looking for. But it must be great to be a know all ????
  5. Naked Brit, probably looked better than the old dogs I remember in there ????????????
  6. People always looking for the cheapest options, and they wonder why they're not welcome
  7. Way behind civilised countries as usual talking about 1st, 2nd and 3rd doses. Whilst the West are now at 6th dose. But of course western governments are prepared to pay for the vaccine, draw your own conclusions about the mob in charge
  8. He'll need a good supply of mouse traps to catch the fingers of Thai cashiers they just can't help themselves. Forget it every bar in Pattaya is for sale if you talk to the owner and are prepared to listen to their BS figures
  9. Live in Thailand, you're having a laugh
  10. Why pay for it if not ordered ?
  11. Thai bank account, Selling house in the U.K. another lamb to the slaughter. Forget it
  12. Who gives a toss, must admit the dipstick with the tattoos gave me a giggle though
  13. Safer forms of transport available, you're having a laugh this is no licence brain dead Thailand
  14. What's the rush ? spend some time in Laos nice place and much nicer people.
  15. Driving licence no problem
  16. Good idea but doesn't fit in with their racist policy. Let's gouge the aliens, on the curriculum in Thai schools ????????
  17. Here, Here, the horrible tin soldier government won't even look after there own people. What lovely shower they are.
  18. Well it's a substitute then. ????
  19. Airlines not interested in this Thai racist money grab. Let's say it as it is we all know where the money's going, and it ain't towards tourist destination upkeep. And medical insurance don't make me laugh, more chance of a tax rebate
  20. Thailand is washed up, but who really gives a toss. Been a tourist for over 20yrs but no more, much nicer places and people elsewhere
  21. Why bother we're not welcome in Thailand anyway
  22. The thickos out and about again, determined to destroy what little is left of tourism. Let them get on with it, far better places to spend my money
  23. As long as they keep it amongst themselves who gives a toss. She's obviously on the game.
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