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Everything posted by Toby1947

  1. Typical Thai cowardly behaviour probably no licence or even a driving lesson. Send her back to the U.S. lock the cowardly old bag up throws away the keys. My recommendation 595yrs. to life with no possibility of parole
  2. Just glad I finally made up my mind to never visit the dog hole again. Just gets worse year on year so glad I never became a trapped property buying expat
  3. Looks like the horrible little cowards were at it again but the odds 3 on 2 weren't quite in their favour. Better off going home and beating up the wife again
  4. Truly worth a genuine and legal licence. By the way the first ever winner of Master Mind was a London Cabbie just thought I'd give you a little knowledge
  5. Simple solution ban the Chinese from every country on the planet, obviously except their own dog hole. Who needs them anyway
  6. Comparing morons to Thais is a definite insult to your average moron.
  7. You can't. Photos on phone, transfer to P.C. fill in application on P.C. You'll need a printer to print off your visa when it is dispatched to you in form of an PDF. And the best of luck ???? it's a nightmare.
  8. What a ridiculous statement, ever hear of the London black cab knowledge this takes years of studying to achieve a license. Something I doubt a cleaver Dick like you would be likely to achieve
  9. The halfwit government will be in real trouble, when this breed filters down into the Soi Dog population.
  10. Wow, how did you come to this conclusion nobody ever knew about this. LOL ????
  11. 27 would be about the limit of his pea sized brain counting ability
  12. How do I get in on this. All suggestions considered ????????????
  13. Why not get a multiple entry tourist visa in the U.S. 60 days + 30 days extension. Visit whatever country you desire then repeat. Not much happening in Vientiane everyone in bed by 10 pm.
  14. Just bung the cop job done, how do you think he keeps his Farrari on the road ????????
  15. As Johnny Cash would sing. The beer I had for breakfast wasn't bad, so I had one more for dessert ????
  16. That's never gonna happen. Too many high ranking IOs getting very rich from it and quite a few lower ones, along with of course the agents. And good luck to them the whole country is rotten with corruption
  17. <deleted> about face as usual, you start with 12 points deductions for offences. The more civilised countries you start with zero points then accumulate up to 12 then a ban kicks in. What a useless mob.
  18. 40,000 baht who you buying from Del Boy Trotter. I bought an Air Blade 10yrs ago for 12000 baht ex rental still flying oils and spark plug change every year and a couple of batteries.Those Honda engines go for ever with very cheap services. Shop around plenty about a lot cheaper
  19. Who gives a toss, a bunch of Lady Boys running around a field kicking a leather bag full of wind. 555
  20. It seems pigs do fly after all.
  21. Worst name I've ever heard is Ben Stinks. He couldn't wait to reach 21 then changed it to Bill Stinks.
  22. Because most of them sit around all day getting p*ss*d on cheap Thai whisky. Then beat the sh*t out of their wives. Good old boys
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