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  1. So, apparently, your interaction wasn't over. And "senile might be an insult"?
  2. An insult as a goodbye is just your way of waving a white flag. You've got nothing.
  3. You don't give a ....? Yet you bothered to come up with this? Clearly you do give one, and it's particularly foul smelling.
  4. I didn't reference Trump. The issue I addressed was whether or not the riot at the Capitol could be classified as in insurrection, Clearly, the intent of many there was to stop the transfer of power from one administration to the next, Attempting to stop the Constitutionally mandated transfer of power looks to me like an insurrection. And of course, as I noted before, there were also some truly bizarre beliefs behind it as well.
  5. The issue of insurrection goes to intent. It was clearly unrealistic but then there was a time when QAnon's pronouncement were widely believed on the right. And the Christian Dominionists are no better.
  6. It could be that he thought Trump was going to win so no need to reveal - if that's the right word for someone so obviously in the bag for the right - his own preferences. But now he's alarmed and decided to openly support Trump even if it means he loses his facade of being non-partisan.
  7. Well, in the deranged minds of many of the participants it was an insurrection. Remember QAnon? It was prophesied that the taking of the capitol would lead to Trump retaining the Presidency. And there were also the Christian Dominionists present, the one who carry the Gadsden flag and believe that the Democratic party is literally demonic,. They were there to purify the capitol of the Democrats' demonic infestation and clear the way for God's will to prevail.
  8. You mean this? Trump tax returns made public after lengthy legal battle The culmination of a three-year court fight comes just as Democrats' window of opportunity was set to close https://rollcall.com/2022/12/30/trump-tax-returns-made-public-after-lengthy-legal-battle/
  9. On Aug 9, 2024, Reuters published an extensive investigation of political violence in America since Biden's inauguration. Political violence in polarized U.S. at its worst since 1970s "Of the 14 fatal political attacks since the Capitol riot in which the perpetrator or suspect had a clear partisan leaning, 13 were right-wing assailants. One was on the left." https://archive.ph/QievU#selection-2609.147-2609.321 I note that evenkeel's post only expresses concern for Trump supporters even though it's clear that Democratic voters are more at risk.
  10. I noticed that but understood what he meant and let it go. I didn't need to go there. He clearly was ignoring the actual effects that restrictive abortion laws have not just on women's health but their very lives.
  11. We don't know what he will do. But we do know that in the past he broke his promise. So he has form.
  12. He tried to do it when he was President. And Medicare and Medicaid as well. Trump said he wouldn’t cut Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare. His 2020 budget cuts all 3. President Donald Trump’s 2020 budget breaks one of his biggest campaign promises to voters: that he would leave Medicaid, Social Security, and Medicare untouched. “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid,” Trump told the Daily Signal, a conservative publication affiliated with the Heritage Foundation, in 2015. Over the next 10 years, Trump’s 2020 budget proposal aims to spend $1.5 trillion less on Medicaid — instead allocating $1.2 trillion in a block-grant program to states — $25 billion less on Social Security, and $845 billion less on Medicare (some of that is reclassified to a different department). https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/3/12/18260271/trump-medicaid-social-security-medicare-budget-cuts
  13. Apparently, the sharp rise in the death rate of pregnant women in Texas after it enacted harsh abortions laws didn't tell you anything either.
  14. The 'killing" as you call it, can be allowed even in the third trimester if either the life or the health of the mother is in danger or the fetus isn't viable. At least in theory. But when you have states threatening doctors with fines and imprisonment if it disagrees with their judgement, claiming simply that they allow abortions is either a function of ones ignorance or dishonesty.

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