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  1. If that's the case, then how was it on topic to accuse someone of plagiarism? You could have just addressed the issues raised or asked for evidence to support his claims.
  2. All you've done in various ways is to reiterate that because Neeranam is British he shouldn't be raising some points because somehow that meanshe bears some responsibility or has incurred some guilt for the present state of the Mideast. You've got nothing.
  3. And your point is ridiculous in that you are assigning Neeranam responsibility for events that happened long ago most likely before he was even born.
  4. The point is you are blaming him for the sorry history of the British Government. Has Neeranam ever been in a position to countermand British policy? There's a good reason why the mods frown on making someone's nationality, a thing they can't help, an issue. If you're an American and froma country which recently inflicted a major disaster on the Mideast, shouldn't that disqualify you from this discussion as well?
  5. Right. Neeranam should be ashamed of himself for his historically atrocious record of dividing up other people's land. He must be a centenarian, at least.
  6. If you understood how google works, why did you search using my text which was barely posted and in the kind of venue that makes it less likely to be indexed? Why didn't you use text from an indexed page?
  7. What we do know is that once vaccines were available, the death rate from covid that correlated positively by area with the percentage ofvoters who voted for Trump.
  8. One thing to note is that despite Americans' extreme dissatisfaction with the economy back when inflation was raging, they still performed far better than the polls predicted. And despite their assessment of the economy in 2023, in off year elections Democrats way overperformed in 2023. A lot of that came from opposition to the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision. I wonder how that's going to play in the next election when Democrats stress that Trump will appoint more right wing Supreme Court opponents who will lock in the Dobb's decision for possibly decades? Democrats are overperforming in 2023's special elections. Is it a clue for Biden vs. Trump? An analysis from FiveThirtyEight found that in 38 special elections held so far this year, Democrats have outperformed the partisan lean -- or the relative liberal or conservative history -- of the areas where the races were held by an average of 10%, both romping in parts of the country that typically support the party while cutting down on GOP margins in red cities and counties, too. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrats-overperforming-2023-special-elections-clue-biden-trump/story?id=101850305
  9. I can't say I've been enjoying the meltdown of Republican voters since the 2020 election. More like exasperation with their bizarre failure to face facts.
  10. Clearly, if a legal issue is still being adjudicated, than a court isn't going to potentially waste its time by allowing a dependent lawsuit to go ahead.
  11. Well, the Judge Mosely's decision was rendered on January 23, 2024.
  12. And as I pointed out, before there are consequences there has to be a final judicial decision.
  13. Making it personal is just your way of confessing that you've got nothing.
  14. First off, as the article notes a lower court upheld the government's action and this decision will be appealed. So, your hope for consequences depends not on this ruling but that of a higher court. By the way, even though the judge decided against the government there is this: "In a lengthy ruling published Tuesday, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley found that though the Freedom Convoy protests in early 2022 were causing harm to Canada’s economy, trade and commerce, they did not rise to the level of a threat to national security as defined by the law." https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/liberal-governments-invoking-of-emergencies-act-during-freedom-convoy-unreasonable-unjustified-ruling
  15. Right. Pretty much the entire scientific community has abandoned science and logic leaving only a few enlightened folks like yourself to support it.
  16. John Cadogan is the Australian car salesman who repeatedly predicted the demise of Tesla. Enough said. Get back to us with analyses offered by genuine experts.
  17. You sure about that? Massive expansion of renewable power opens door to achieving global tripling goal set at COP28 The world’s capacity to generate renewable electricity is expanding faster than at any time in the last three decades, giving it a real chance of achieving the goal of tripling global capacity by 2030 that governments set at the COP28 climate change conference last month, the IEA says in a new report. The amount of renewable energy capacity added to energy systems around the world grew by 50% in 2023, reaching almost 510 gigawatts (GW), with solar PV accounting for three-quarters of additions worldwide, according to Renewables 2023, the latest edition of the IEA’s annual market report on the sector. https://www.iea.org/news/massive-expansion-of-renewable-power-opens-door-to-achieving-global-tripling-goal-set-at-cop28
  18. I've seen many of your posts on Ukraine. You seem curiously indifferent to the murderous bombing attacks Russian has launched on purely civilian facilities. At least Israel has the excuse that Hamas uses civilian facilities as depots and stations for launching attacks.
  19. Well, whatever MbS's flaws may be, and they are legion and heinous, he has severely cracked down on Islamists in Saudi Arabia.
  20. Godwin's law: "Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies,[1] is an Internet adage asserting: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[2]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
  21. Did I get it wrong? Was he referring to WWI? Is BritmanToo even older than my revised estimate? I don't think I would be nearly so grateful to BritmanToo for whupping the Kaiser as I would be him doing in Hitler and company.
  22. Had I been referring to WWI I would have used "Huns" instead of "Jerries."
  23. While I've always thought of BritmanToo too as being an old duffer, I never suspected that he was that old. Thank you for holding back the Jerries, BritmanToo
  24. I cited the quote from Ozimoron: You responded to that quote with this: "I just posted a quote from 2019 proving that divide and conquer has always been Netanyahu's policy." You responded to that quote with this: Still wrong, my reference was to Hamas being much worse Previously you accused me of mindreading. Given that you didn't reference "Hamas being much worse" in your reply but rather "divide and conquer",, one would have to be a mind reader to know that your reply was about "Hamas being much worse" and not about "divide and conquer."
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