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  1. I've got some exciting news for you. The article I linked to is about B2U.
  2. It certainly says everything we need to know about your appetite for irrelevance. Not only is it a going concern, but it's not the only company doing this. Isn't there a company called Apple located in California? And I believe a locale called Silicon Valley is located somewhere within its borders.
  3. Actually, this was to be expected. Children were isolated during the pandemic so exposure to these viruses was delayed. The pathogens are just making up for lost time. so to speak.
  4. It has an impact on the medical system in general. But what's it got to do with Obamacare specifically?
  5. I don't know how long ago you used Obamacare, but the Biden administration greatly increased subsidies not just for lower income earners but middle-class people as well. It was entirely financed by raising taxes on wealthier Americans.
  6. It's a problem that's easily fixable. Especially, if, as the WSJ editorial claims, there is bipartisan support for legislative change. And given that it's a WSJ editorial, they simply don't address the question of whether total medical costs are higher or lower than they would have been were there no Obamacare. Also useful to point out is that Republicans have succeeded for years in not allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices. In the first 2 years of the Biden administration, legislation was passed that allowed for a limited scope for negotiation. But that hasn't taken effect yet.
  7. Time shifting is one of the keys to the solar power revolution. It allows renewable energy created during one part of the day to be stored in batteries for use during a different part of the day. Traditionally, those batteries have consisted of new battery cells — either NMC or LFP. But one company in California thinks used EV battery packs are a simpler and more cost effective way to store electricity for later use. https://cleantechnica.com/2023/11/26/ev-batteries-are-perfect-for-storing-solar-power/
  8. The same crazies who would believe that your statement actually constitutes some kind of supporting evidence.
  9. New Zealand's new government says it plans to scrap the nation's world-leading smoking ban to fund tax cuts. The legislation, introduced under the previous Jacinda Ardern-led government, would have banned cigarette sales next year to anyone born after 2008. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in New Zealand, and the policy had aimed to stop young generations from picking up the habit. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67540190
  10. But what was a secret is that it was claimed that this money was mostly passed on to charity. That turns out not to be true.
  11. The king is profiting from the deaths of thousands of people in the north-west of England whose assets are secretly being used to upgrade a commercial property empire managed by his hereditary estate, the Guardian can reveal. The Duchy of Lancaster, a controversial land and property estate that generates huge profits for King Charles III, has collected tens of millions of pounds in recent years under an antiquated system that dates back to feudal times. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens
  12. In fact, Israel employs administrative detention on a routine basis. And Palestinians who aren't being held under administrative detention are mostly tried by military courts which (surprise surprise) have a near perfect conviction record. Israelis on the West Bank are tried by civilian courts. Even before the war, over a thousand Palestinians were being held in administrative detention. Why Israel imprisons so many Palestinians The result is that today, thousands of Palestinians, including hundreds of children, are held in Israeli custody on murky legal grounds — a problem that’s only gotten worse in recent years. Some human rights organizations have called out Israel’s military-imposed legal system in the West Bank as evidence that Israel is committing the crime of persecution, intentionally depriving Palestinians of their fundamental rights because of their ethnic identity. That’s why, even well before this war, the release of these prisoners has been a key Palestinian demand in negotiations with Israel. https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/11/22/23972908/palestinian-prisoners-israel-administrative-detention
  13. More trolling nonsense from you. And as for Ron DeSantis' military experience, he served as a lawyer DeSantis’ Military Service as Navy Lawyer for SEAL Commander https://www.factcheck.org/2023/08/desantis-military-service-as-navy-lawyer-for-seal-commander/
  14. As for it raining "all the time in Ireland. What does that even mean? I hope you don't mean it literally. ,Anyway, the question is not whether or not Ireland has a rainy climate but how rainy. How often do the rains flood the fields to such an extent that they render the potato crop useless? Has the frequency of that occurrence increased? As for the definition of a flood zone, why do you persist in making things up when the internet provides a way to access accurate information? A flood zone is not where" floods happen every year". Do you think insurers would ever have insured homes in a flood zone if they were getting flooded every year? What Does Flood Zone Mean? A flood zone is a designated area that has a certain degree of risk for floods. These zones are often near sources of water, such as rivers, oceans, or lakes. https://www.insuranceopedia.com/definition/5400/flood-zone
  15. No. It's because climatologists aren't saying it's the end of the world. It's just going to be one that's going to put a lot more physical stress on humans and a wide variety of fauna and flora.
  16. The one big problem with those statistics is that most countries don't compute inflation the way the US does when it comes to housing costs. Measured the way that other nations do, and the US inflation is considerably below what most of the rest of the world including Europe is experiencing This is from the socialistic Wall Street Journal Measure It Differently, and Inflation Is Behind Us "U.S. core inflation—which excludes volatile food and energy—measured using the standard consumer-price index was 2.6 percentage points higher than the European-style inflation, known as the harmonized index of consumer prices... The main reason is that Europe’s measure, known as HICP, doesn’t include the imaginary cost of what a homeowner would pay to rent their house, which makes up about a third of the U.S. core CPI... Exclude something that no one actually pays, and the weight of which in the index is calculated from guesses by homeowners of the rental value of their house, and core inflation is looking basically fine, at just 2.3%. https://www.wsj.com/articles/measure-it-differently-and-inflation-is-behind-us-6a6a89c1 And since then inflation in the US has declined further.
  17. Maybe, just maybe, that's because the jurors in the case weren't chosen by voir dire but were rather elected representatives. As for the Democrats not finding their evidence to be honest or factual, what evidence exactly are you referring to? An impeachment committe should be informed after there is evidence as was the case with the Democrats. Invoking the possible of impeaching via a fishing expedition is nonsense.
  18. The thing is, other countries turned down making loans for that project in Sri Lanka and elsewhere because they knew the government was deeply corrupt and that the project made no economic sense. To China, that Sri Lanka project made a lot of sense since it got them a huge chunk of land for a base in Sri Lanka.
  19. The best thing you could do for the Palestinian cause is to remain silent. You just provide ammunition for those who equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.
  20. Thanks for completely avoiding the issue. Again. The information offered was a click away but you couldn't be bothered to go to the effort. Index finger paralysis much?
  21. Israel Knew All Along That Settlements, Home Demolitions Were Illegal New evidence shows government's adviser on international law said in 1968 that demolishing terror suspects' homes violates Geneva Convention. https://archive.ph/asJ54#selection-469.0-473.141 https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2015-05-19/ty-article/.premium/israel-knew-all-along-that-settlements-were-illegal/0000017f-e70e-d62c-a1ff-ff7f9ff80000
  22. Please. The effort of writing takes considerably longer than any effort to read unless the reader has a serious case of dyslexia. In any event, what does the validity of the information have to to with whether someone paraphrases it or not? Seems like an excuse to maintain willful ignorance.
  23. The latest polling I could find on UK public opinion. It's about 3 weeks old. Given the recent news, it's more likely there has been a shift towards the Palestinians. But that's just a surmise. https://archive.ph/hWIt7 https://www.ft.com/content/6bf4f6ed-b705-4e66-ac6f-59b5ef6c0c77
  24. At a Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) claimed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation put operatives into “ghost buses” to incite the Jan. 6 attack. Higgins was interrogating FBI Director Christopher Wray, who denied that FBI agents organized an operation to incite the riot and said he did not know what “ghost buses” were. The congressman said it was a “common” term for vehicles “used for secret purposes.” Although he was out of time for questioning, Higgins claimed that he had evidence showing that FBI informants dressed up as Donald Trump supporters and were the first to arrive at the Capitol. He later added, “Your day is coming, Mr. Wray,” before he was cut off. https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-rep-clay-higgins-insists-fbi-operatives-on-ghost-buses-incited-jan-6-riot
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